I bought the famous poster.....

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
...although I am a skeptic (albeit with an open mind) I've purchased the famous "I want to believe" poster. Yay!

In addition to this I'll be going to the dentist's in about an hour and will have four, count em, four teeth removed. I just cannot wait.
You are aware, of course, that while your teeth are being removed, the
data-collecting/micro-transmitting/mind-control implant will be put in place.

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I bought that poster a few years ago, gave it to my sister the X Files fan.
'They' will never stop hunting me, implanting me, stealing my sister away from me. 'They' are dangerous, and seek to corrupt men's souls! 'They' must be stopped!
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it must be a duck...:D :D
Well it wasnt that bad, but I looked like a retard for an hour or two afterwards because my mouth was sagging and I was drooling. I had only two teeth removed and I took them home with me:D

I'm going to go make a necklace out of them, please excuse me...
Originally posted by Pollux V
...because my mouth was sagging and I was drooling.
...um, I'm looking at your pic in the Pictures Thread,
and I'm not seeing where that would be unusual! :eek: :D

Oooooooh, aren't we the unprovoked insulter?

Unless it was a joke. My face doesn't sag that much:D