I belive in Aliens, I have seen UFOs, but I hate you all.

A Canadian

Why talk? When you can listen?
Registered Senior Member
The topic itself is enough to be said....

You all are a buncha fools....

I once said I would never post in this section of sciforums again..... but I needed to redefine myslef....

2/3 of what is posted in here is garbage... it sickens me... you people woudn't know an alein from the mole on your ass....

Considering the readers and posters in this section.... I would rather eat from a unmarked fastfood bag found in the dumpster than read this garbage. If you want real UFO disscusions, go to an UFO forum.... you cannot get any decent respone out of these "know-it-all punks" in these forums....

Free your mind, but keep it real!
A Canadian said:
The topic itself is enough to be said....

You all are a buncha fools....

I once said I would never post in this section of sciforums again..... but I needed to redefine myslef....

2/3 of what is posted in here is garbage... it sickens me... you people woudn't know an alein from the mole on your ass....

Considering the readers and posters in this section.... I would rather eat from a unmarked fastfood bag found in the dumpster than read this garbage. If you want real UFO disscusions, go to an UFO forum.... you cannot get any decent respone out of these "know-it-all punks" in these forums....

Free your mind, but keep it real!

Way to go, Canadian. You'll sure get a lot of people to switch to your viewpoint by telling them you hate them and calling them "know-it-all-punks." Yep, they'll be flocking to your side any minute now.

The thing is just about everyone has seen some kind of Unidentified Flying Object. Very few people disagree with that at all. The problem comes in when someone automatically thinks they are some kind of alien spacecraft.

You can be mad at the people who, unlike you, don't believe in alien visitors but that doesn't change the fact that you cannot offer even one milligram of proof to back your belief.
*Flocks to A Canadians side*


*Comes back to the rational peoples side after realising A Canadian smells from eating fast food out of dumpsters*

Also I'd just like to agree with the whole "UFOs aren't necessarily aliens" thing.
A Canadian said:
I once said I would never post in this section of sciforums again

But you just had to come back. What does that say?

That you are needy, and crave attention, which is why you tell your UFO stories.
A Canadian said:
The topic itself is enough to be said....

You all are a buncha fools....

I once said I would never post in this section of sciforums again..... but I needed to redefine myslef....
You redefine yourself by insulting people? I can see intelligent discussion coming from this thread...
A_Canadian, do you honestly think these are all humans you are posting with?
phlogistician said:
But you just had to come back. What does that say?

That you are needy, and crave attention, which is why you tell your UFO stories.

Na, I was just drunk... :)
Yep, mankind had craft that could fly like UFO's prior to the 1900's, uh huh, sure. :rolleyes:

Would love to see a pic of yah as a duck phlogger. :D

Then again we could possibly geneticaly alter yah to be like a duck,,, ROFLMFAO :m:
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phlogistician said:
I for one, am a Duck.
While the general tenor and properly researched nature of your posts would incline the casual reader to accept this statement at face value, I feel I must insist, out of scientific principle, that you offer some evidence for this.
I am sure it is is true that you walk like a duck. Doubtless you also quack like a duck. Conventional wisdom would then side with the notion that you are in fact a duck. But might conventional wisdom be flawed. What else might display the same ambulatory and auditory characteristics? I think the public has a right to know, and you have a duty to tell us.
Na, I was just drunk...

Ah, so gullibility, stupidity and an overall need for attention had nothing to do with it.