I Believe in God.


Valued Senior Member
What does that statement mean?

"I believe in God."

It is a simple straight forward statement,

But what does it really mean?
Wouldn't that be unique for each individual that states it? I believe, it would depend on how the speaking individual defines "God" and what that person feels the implications of the existence of said god has on their life.

Perhaps, you can clarify your question... such as "What does it mean to me?" or "What does that mean to you?"
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Wouldn't that be unique for each individual that states it? I believe, it would depend on how the speaking individual defines "God" and what that person feels the implications of the existence of said god has on their life.

Perhaps, you can clarify your question... such as "What does it mean to me?" or "What does that mean to you?"

what does it mean to you?

(i am trying to be vague, i don't want to suggest an answer)
To me, if one tells me, "I believe in God." it means, to me, that the person speaking to me believes in a god. It tells me little about the person other than that they believe in a god.
"God" with an uppercase "G" is the name of a persona, as opposed to lowercase "god" which simply refers to the concept of a deity. So when someone says "I believe in God" they're almost certainly referring to Yahweh of Jewish mythology. Sometimes, as is the case with certain individuals on this site, they believe "God" to simply mean a singular deity, but this is again juxtaposed with monotheism, which is where the concept of a single creator originated.
NMSquirrel, et al,


What does that statement mean?

"I believe in God."

It is a simple straight forward statement,

But what does it really mean?

It means that you have placed faith in the existence of an undefined Supreme Being, having unspecified properties and characteristics: a spiritual being beyond the understanding of humanity.

Most Respectfully,
what about associated beliefs?

when someone says "I believe in God"

what else do you think that they believe?
NMSquirrel, et al,

The belief in a "Supreme Being," without further declaration, doesn't stipulate anything more.

what about associated beliefs?

when someone says "I believe in God"

what else do you think that they believe?

Such a believe describes agnostics through most organized religions; the entire spectrum which envolved a Supreme Being. But it really doesn't goes any further.

It doesn't tell us the scope and nature of the Supreme Being or its relationship to the universe, to humanity, or the individual believer.

All it says is that their "is" (a belief in) a Supreme Being in the universe; nothing further is implied.

This is different from what might be inferred by others with a similar belief.

Most Respectfully,
what about associated beliefs?

when someone says "I believe in God"

what else do you think that they believe?

You are asking us to make assumptions based on a very vague revelation. With so little evidence one cannot come to any detailed conclusions. Are you under the assumption that others in general make assumptions based on little actual evidence? If this is your point, I agree that SOME people make unsubstantiated assumptions about people but I cannot with any confidence say that people in general do this. Scientists, and those that make and interpret laws, such as those overseeing criminal cases are expected to control themselves and keep their conclusions based on sound logic and solid evidence, verifiable evidence.
What does that statement mean?

"I believe in God."

It means whatever the person stating it wants it to mean to themselves because everyone can take it in different ways. Until more is said we really can't evaluate what was said fully.
What does that statement mean?

"I believe in God."

It is a simple straight forward statement,

But what does it really mean?

It means that, you, believe that God does exist, and further he is truly on our side, versus believing in the not.
"God" with an uppercase "G" is the name of a persona, as opposed to lowercase "god" which simply refers to the concept of a deity. So when someone says "I believe in God" they're almost certainly referring to Yahweh of Jewish mythology. Sometimes, as is the case with certain individuals on this site, they believe "God" to simply mean a singular deity, but this is again juxtaposed with monotheism, which is where the concept of a single creator originated.

Well, you can call God what ever you want to, but we pretty much have YHWH established, so lets go with that. Do we know how Jewish mythology originated? There is no reason to take any mythology seriously without a name and date, or if it presents deep insight. I believe in God, and Gods.
It means that, you, believe that God does exist, and further he is truly on our side, versus believing in the not.

Not necessarily. I was told by a Satanist, once, that he believed in God. However he felt that God was the bad guy and that Satan was truly on humanity's side.
Not necessarily. I was told by a Satanist, once, that he believed in God. However he felt that God was the bad guy and that Satan was truly on humanity's side.

Then one of two things, the satanist is either evil and wants evil, or God is named Satan. Wanna name him? I like YHWH all caps no vowels.
What does that statement mean?

"I believe in God."

It is a simple straight forward statement,

But what does it really mean?

If one hears a person state "I believe in God" or oneself is that person, then one of the following is the case:

1. The person is talking to a fellow believer, so the two of them know what they mean by "I believe in God."

2. The person is not talking to a fellow believer, but tries to make a point to the other person, such as
indirectly expressing the expectation of preferential treatment ("I believe in God, so beware if you ever cross me, God will avenge me");
or indirectly expressing supremacy ("I believe in God, so I am better than you");
or indirectly summoning the other person to also believe in God ("I believe in God, and you should too");
or is simply a poor communicator and doesn't really care or know what they say to whom or when.

Because when you think about it - in what situation does it really make sense to state "I believe in God" ?
Then one of two things, the satanist is either evil and wants evil, or God is named Satan. Wanna name him? I like YHWH all caps no vowels.

I've heard of similar- the Reverse God Theory.

Basically, "Satan" was trying to fight for the greater good against the mean, wrathful, dictator that God was- who demanded to be pandered to and praised- regardless of whether he earned it by ordering death, mayhem, killing babies and the like.

Sadly, God had better P.R. writers than Lucifer did.
I believe in the Illuminati..
Prove it.
I've heard of similar- the Reverse God Theory.

Basically, "Satan" was trying to fight for the greater good against the mean, wrathful, dictator that God was- who demanded to be pandered to and praised- regardless of whether he earned it by ordering death, mayhem, killing babies and the like.

Sadly, God had better P.R. writers than Lucifer did.

Prove it.

If God was evil I killed him, and I am your faithful overlord, until Jesus returns. Also, I think Satan, and Lucifer are different people. Satan has seven heads if im mistaken. Anyways, I would think If Jesus is the angel of Pacifism a virtue, or emotion, or feeling, or maybe an idea of YHWH then Satan was created all the same. Temptation is defiantly in existence, he must be a Satan head. What was the point of creating temptation?
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