I beated Jesus up

It's called flame-baiting, but in this context I think the term fundie-baiting is more appropriate. Either way he'll get a mixture of hate-filled posts (IE moronman) and hurt "I feel so sorry for you, that Satan has filled your heart with so much rage. I'll pray for your salvation." posts.
I feel so sorry for you, that cuthulan (ah whats that little squids name again) has filled your heart with so much rage. I'll pray for your salvation:p
See? SEE??? Already they're lining up to pray for his wayward spirit. YKJ should be charging admission.

P.S. It's Cthulhu, I think... I'm rusty on my Lovecraft.
I'm not sure he's in the habit of actually EATING people so much as just causing them to either worship him with blood sacrifices or go insane and kill each other.

Either way it's a bad/totally cool scene, depending on how you view total chaos and bloody mayhem.

If Xev were to 'feed' you to him, then does that mean she has the power to awaken him from his slumber? If so then I sure as hell know which side I'm on when the shit flies! :D
Um, you do know what board this is right? This is phylosophy. Ok? Than again, I guess I'm no better for reading it. Anyone wanna critisise me?
you guys got problems, you all need some psychiatric help. Its not God's fault if yur short and ugly or your mom and dad left you in a trash can (if any of these happened), if the world treated you harsh, why blaim God? Why dont you carry your cross and handle it like the man Himself Jesus, and at the end you will be rewarded and will share ressurection with him, instead of whining and complaining and get nothing out of it.
Originally posted by muscleman
you guys got problems, you all need some psychiatric help. Its not God's fault if yur short and ugly or your mom and dad left you in a trash can (if any of these happened), if the world treated you harsh, why blaim God? Why dont you carry your cross and handle it like the man Himself Jesus, and at the end you will be rewarded and will share ressurection with him, instead of whining and complaining and get nothing out of it.

Wow, what a shortsighted statement. I can't speak for others, but you have completely misread my post. I do not need psychiatric help. Do you want me to apologize for not believing in your god? I'm happy with my life and myself. I'm not whining, I'm not complaining, and I am getting something out of it.

Rewarded and will share resurrection with him, huh? Am I supposed to accept this on blind faith? Will this make me feel better about myself? I fail to see how the advantages to "having faith" overcome the disadvantages.

But please enlighten me, oh awesome judicator of mental health.
Hey what is this!?

I borrowed five bucks from him...now I'll never find him again. And if I don't pay him back soon I'll get biblical punishments most likely...

*runs wildly into the street crying jesus' name*