I am - Time


Registered Member

You are Emptiness, full with meaning.
You are meaning, full with emptiness.
You are the Crib and the Mother
Of Human Gods.

Time is indivisible into the future and the past. Any given second of the so-called ‘present’ is endlessly dividable into smaller and smaller intervals, turning everything into useless dust. Time is an ocean without boundaries or bottom; it is impossible to define a point of measurement in it. Common linear view of Time is merely a convention, but not the true Nature. Although it is true that “a large object is better seen from the distance”, Time is greater than any distances and smaller than anything accessible with vision. May be this is why it was easier for humanity to start believing in God of the visible sun or moon, than to admit that Time is the Highest Creator of the Universe. But the most powerful Gods and their kingdoms, all as one, are swept through by the Wind of Time and dwell at the disposal of His Majesty in His inexhaustible mercy.

* * * *
And I saw Him in the heavenly grotto
Everything is of one color and of one strength –
the floor and the walls, and His throne – the stone.
In the Gold of the Sun was His head and
It was looking with a lion’s face, and the golden tongues were flowing from it.
He was seated on the throne and illuminated everything with himself.
“God I Am,” – said the voice of the Great solidness.
* * * *

Time gives birth to an idea of image and, like Potter’s clay, fills that image with illusion of life and thus creates shape. In the created shape, Time, or His Breath, takes on volume, weight, etc. This fixed equivalent of time can be signified as speed.

Any potential idea not filled up by Time is not manifested in reality. It is emptiness.

* * * *
If you are God, where is Faith?
My Faith is in all your Gods
Before time ran out of them.
For everyone’s time will run out
And will return to me.
I am Time.
* * * *

It is not difficult to presuppose that any speed without the presence of shape ceases to exist as a definite equivalent and becomes the sand of Time, strewn into the sandbox of chaos. Precisely in speeds, or to be exact, in their various combinations that the cause of relativity or the main key of the created illusion can be found.
Reverent Sri Aru Bint said: “Anyone can think, attempt not to think”.
The founder of the integrated yoga, it seems, was serious in his attempts to overcome the currents of speeds in his consciousness, to overcome the fog of illusion. And - who knows? – may be he was able to separate this fog from the immutable truth. Rest and movement, hot and cold, big and small, as well as a multitude of other juxtapositions – all of these are shaped in our subjective bank of speeds or in the base of our perception of the world.

* * * *
Thus I am telling you to be:
Be in the black and be white,
Be in the dead and be alive.
* * * *

Illusion - the Jealous Hostess of relativity - will not be able to resist only one thing: the breath of the King. Illusion retreats before the speed of the pure Spirit. Will of Time is able to fulfill and transform the whole nation. One of the vivid examples of this is life and death of Jesus Christ. He pushed aside all of matter’s conventions and uncovered a new form of existence due to his Rise from the Dead. In other words, Jesus turned out to be that express train among the vehicles with various speeds through whose windows life and death look in a completely different way. Torah, Bible, Koran and Buddhist manuscripts, all talk at length about miraculous manifestations of the Spirit. “We create the Universe” – this concept is familiar to everyone. Specifically our pure thoughts are able to humanize a plant or an animal, that is to fill them with Time of Love and Kindness. Human genius animated sound, color – forms that appear to be dead. It created perfect and living creations of architecture, art and music. But nothing remains immobile – everything changes. Let’s suppose that Time will stop engendering thought and filling it with reality. What if God will shift from the stage of active creation into a stage of rest, that is, will depart from the life-giving breath ?…
In this case the Castle of the Illusionary Existence will begin to wind down irrevocably and melt away in front of the Universe’s eyes. Finally, it will be transformed into one Time-mass without a single living Soul and without any thoughts.
Certainly, breathless Time will not disappear anywhere, but will be transformed. It will remain sleeping Waters of the Great Flood, and people will have only one hope left – ‘undrownable’ Grandpa Noah and his spacious arc. Against the background of boundless and boring waters, Noah will certainly appear in Creator’s dreams and will remind Him of Worldly matters.
Let’s attempt to understand more thoroughly the main phenomenon of the human being – the principle of buoyancy and vitality. Sacred manuscripts and writings say that the Flood definitely happened, and more than once. However despite this human being did not cease to exist. He basically remained unaffected by the destructive force of chaos and remains unaffected by the streams of living illusion today. As opposed to other creatures and their latent manifestations, we, people, are able to think purposefully, i.e. penetratingly. Such activity reflects the prerogative of the Creator himself. The answer lies on the surface of the question. A human being is God’s seed, the seed of the Great Tree of Time. The first second of birth on Earth this seed starts to grow and expands towards all of the directions of blind matter. The seed is driven by the desire to multiply and extend the boundaries of its world – its “I”. Toward the end of the process of growth, an average of a seventy-year equivalent of time is accumulated inside of this I. This is hundreds of thousands of transformed ideas and images; essentially, it is dead cosmos, filled with its own life. This is why we do not get lost and do not turn blind from the information stream, from the downpour of external speeds. Images perceived by us are transformed into frozen clots of Time. They turn into fish swimming in the mental ocean of our limited Self.
We are eye in chaos, capable of seeing exactly as much as it was able to perceive or understand. Retina of the One Eye of Time consists of billions of sensory receptors – thinking people. Each one of us in her own way sees and reprocesses light-carrying information, in this way confirming the eternal truth: God, looking at the world through an accumulating eye of the whole of humanity sees – hence, creates – the Universe as One-in-All multitude of chaos. Recovery of sight of the humanity is the improvement of God’s own vision, and it can not come from outside. This insight will come from inside of a human being. This will happen due to the expansion of the spectrum of Vision to the level of absolute sphere, looking in all directions. An individual who sees spherically, a sun-individual, will have abilities very different from our peers.
From the point of view of Time, individual’s life is a second-long seed, grown until a seventy year old volume of the fruit. After death, that which is necessary to return to earth, goes to the Earth. The body, abandoned by time, becomes dust. But the fruit itself goes into the memory of the Universe. This is the subconscious of the next, approaching illusion of life. Receiving new Time volumes, God’s consciousness expands and adapts undeveloped wandering matter. God’s consciousness sees and creates further. Thanks to our lives thoughts unremittingly recreates nothing into meaning and emptiness into creating space.
It is precisely Time that is the beginning of beginnings, which gives birth to space for everything existing on Earth and in the Sky. This is the cradle of the Holy Trinity, Christians and all possible religions. It is precisely human being who is transformer and keeper of this cradle.

* * * *
Time came to Men,
But He was not known by Man, and Man was afraid.
And Time said to Man:
“Call my name and give yourself a name and create in the name you called”.
And then man called himself mortal
And was not afraid, for he started to create in the name
Of Immortality.
* * * *


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Once he saw Her.
She walked in front of God, cooling the blaze of time.
He saw how she found herself behind Man
and the last threads of his hope ripped.
He let go of the clay
and stopped the wheel.

* * * *

You are a Whirl. You are the guard of his law.
Lead to the Mystery!
You will remain like karma in your name.
You will remain like karma in the fate of the existing one,
as if you are on the shoulders of his life.
And you will stay like the right in the hands of one
for he is the right.

* * * *
I am the rainbow, full of colors, they are of everyone including myself.
