I am the Son of God.

skvvivvdlymnkw ksdffdslkggdsnsinndmd kwwldddiyssdn?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 3 33.3%

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GB-GIL Trans-global

Senator Evilcheese, D-Iraq
Registered Senior Member
I am the son of God, I do not lie.

If you have faith in what I say, you will be granted eternal life in heaven.

If you reject my preaching and believe in false gods such as Jesus Christ, you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire to spend eternity suffering.

I will not die for your sins, because I just plain don't feel like it. Too bad for you, you'd better burn a sacrificial sheep each time a loved one dies, or they're bound to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire!

I have chosen 10 prophets to write small tomes preaching my Word, they are divinely inspired and will post their tomes in this topic.

If you are one of these Prophets, you will know Me in your heart and feel as if you always have. (wink wink)

My first teaching is that Jack Chick is to be sentenced to eternal suffering for being such an ignorant ass by making those little Chick Tracts. ...on second thought, they were pretty entertaining, so I'll send him back to Earth for another life where he can produce more of those funny things, but this time preaching My word in an honest (not stupid) way.

Remember what I have said in this post.

There is evidence that I am indeed the Son of God: this is that I can make prophecies that are all true.

1. You are connected to the Internet the first time this page loads on your computer from a remote location.

2. If you can understand this text, you are a human being.

3. The perfect shape of your body. Notice that the penis is easily inserted into both the anus AND the vagina? Yep, I made that.

If you die and have rejected this, I will fart in your face and say "Depart from me, ye cursed."

Now I will say a short sentence in the UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE that everybody can understand but not speak:

skivvidallynnnyabbag ddeungwal ^gyoppin'djaggolpanncia asãoncianci piccrdrmmndinnnciíddihkddsbvvpa! Skwddyddyskasdd maskddyvwekdyydkdkdd mskdedddekdlykdlk dlkdadjkdkdjkfkdl; lkeqwer, #ghwerrrdwdlfgkdrdfkyrstpididtsdafas! sjdddsdrwenppqsdfs ghdskknsmdiskdsdfsd sdkfsdkfsswerw, sdjsdfs. :)
Ok then...

Hey GB-Gil-Trans-Whatever... if you are the son of God, I have a cross ready for you...

That shit about sins is not true, there is no such thing as a sin, do as you wish as long as it doesn't displease Me.


So therefore I will not die for anybody's sins.
Hark I shall write Mark Tracts in the asdfasf werwpreouisfasdf so that everybody will be able to get my word...! Bwahahaha.
Amazing thing is 75% of people picked yes even though they had no idea what the question was... strange isn't it?
Originally posted by Xelios
Amazing thing is 75% of people picked yes even though they had no idea what the question was... strange isn't it?

How could they not know what the question is? After all, I said it in the universal language which everybody can understand but not speak.

Harken to the words of GB-GIL, for they are truth. As it is written in the Book of Angels, so also is it written in the hearts of man. For the truth of His word is inside you. These things must thou take to yourself. That nothing you do save that which harms another is evil. And that nothing is sin. For sin is merely against His pleasure, and He might get a twisted pleasure over watching His children suffer, for what is He but the ultimate voyuer. But remember that evil is bad, and bad evil. And that in heaven the family, ancestors and descendents, of those you hurt in this life, will chase you with rocks and pointed sticks, as has been revealed unto me, this seventeenth day of the tenth month of the second year of the third millenia. As it is written, such it is Truth. The word of the Lord.

According to Angelus
a message to god:

ifudfjkandjsidfklwqpdoi" dkjjfku dlk fjkla[xcufidldifkdjkslajkfjdiuf8iwakl vkzlkxcm v:m.ZXLddfsijsklejkrjsail jauitrkirfmkujiaweuhewswhaiuls jjddfesfavcwag.

thanks in advance
your devotee yumyum
Originally posted by Angelus

Harken to the words of GB-GIL, for they are truth. As it is written in the Book of Angels, so also is it written in the hearts of man. For the truth of His word is inside you. These things must thou take to yourself. That nothing you do save that which harms another is evil. And that nothing is sin. For sin is merely against His pleasure, and He might get a twisted pleasure over watching His children suffer, for what is He but the ultimate voyuer. But remember that evil is bad, and bad evil. And that in heaven the family, ancestors and descendents, of those you hurt in this life, will chase you with rocks and pointed sticks, as has been revealed unto me, this seventeenth day of the tenth month of the second year of the third millenia. As it is written, such it is Truth. The word of the Lord.

According to Angelus

Hmm... almost "divinely inspired"... just needs a bit of editing. like:

Harken to the words of Mark, for they are truth. As it is written in the Book of Angels, so also is it written in the hearts of homo sapiens. For the truth of His word is inside thee. These things must thou takest to thineself. That nothing thou dost save that which harms another isn't too good at all. And that nothing is sin. For sin is merely against His pleasure, and He might getteth a twisted pleasure over watching His children get kinky, for what is He but the ultimate sex maniac. But remember that not good at all is not good at all, and bad is not good at all. And that in heaven the family, ancestors and descendents, of those you hurt in this life, will chase you with rocks and pointed sticks, as has been revealed unto me, this seventeenth day of the tenth month of the second year of the third millenium. As it is written, such it is Truth. The word of the Lord Mark, the Supreme Being.

OK that's good.

Now I will give my 5 commandments to you freaks.

1. Thou shalt worship me as the King of all Gods, or the only God, the Surpreme Being.

2. Evolution is true.

3. There is no such thing as sin.

4. Don't kill people.

5. Other than that, thou canst pretty much dost whatever thou wantest.