I am technically transparent

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Registered Senior Member
this is secret

I've a very strong desire for knowledge and always ask why

However I seemed to have a status lower than both cranks and trolls
As I'm technically transparent and only very few does notice my existence and respond to my questions in my threads

This is an unexplained phenomenon and so far happens only in the internet medium

P.S. Below is my maths knowledge level for mods for future reference
Honestly, I don't know very much about higher maths.

a. Things such as complex numbers, singularities, number theory are only being read briefly from wikipedia (and I mean really briefly, almost as if I just only know the names and basic definitions)

b. Users from a forum with 4D (mathematical) space as the subject briefly introduced group theory, ordinals and cardinals, pseudovectors and cross product and matrix transformations

Here's what i know about vectors:
Vector addition: either parallelogram rule or triangle rule.
Vector addition (algebric): Let a = ni + mj + pk and b = qi + rj + sk. a+b = (n+q)i+(m+r)j+(p+s)k
Vector subtraction: Addition of negative of vectors
Magnitude of vector a= |a|
Null vector = 0 (Don't know how to put the arrow sign here)
Dot product: Let a and b be vectors. a . b = |a||b|cos(angle between a and b)
Unit vector: Vector of magnitude 1. Let a be a vector: a^= a/|a|
Vector components: i^, j^, k^ etc. corresponds to the x, y, z etc. axes
Equality of vectors: If a = ni + mj + pk ,b = qi + rj + sk and a = b, then n=q, m=r, p=s

Here's what I know about matrix:
matrix addition and subtraction: Let A = (a b c;d e f;g h i), B = (p q r;s t u;v w x) and C = (m n; h k) then A+B = (a+p b+q c+r;d+s e+t f+u; g+v h+w i+x), A-B = (a-p b-q c-r;d-s e-t f-u; g-v h-w i-x) and A+C is undefined. A+B = B+A
matrix multiplication: (Matrix of order mxn)(Matrix of order nxp) = (Matrix of order mxp)
Let A = (a b;c d), B = (e f g;h i j) and C= (x y;z w;v u) then AB = (ae+bh af+bi ag+bj;ce+dh cf+di cg+dj) and AC is undefined. AB =/= BA
Transpose: Let A = (a b c;d e f), B = (q w r;i s k) and c be a scalar, then
A^T =(a d;b e;c f)
(cA)^T= c(A^T).
(A^T)^T = A. A^T + B^T = (A+B)^T
Identity matrix(In): All entires on the diagonal from top left to bottom right are 1 and others are zero (Must be square matrix (nxn))
(don't know how to type matrixes here so stuff after ; means next row in the matrix)

Here's what I know about powers:
Basic logarithm rules
Basic exponential rules
Index laws

For calculus:
Basic differentiation (limits and continuality, first principles, basic d/dx forumlae, rates of change)
Basic integration (Indefinite and definite integrals, area and volume under curve)

Basic things about set (e.g. empty set, intersections and unions, subset and elements within a set)
Basic logic (and, or, not, if, iff, not (A and B) = not A or not B (forgot name of the rule)

I tried reading about rings(mathematics) in wikipedia but I fail to understand it

(Anything not listed may either mean I have not encountered it before, or that I've forgotten.)
(There's a possbility that even the stuff I listed will be forgotten and recalled at random)
You can introduce explanation using maths not on this list, and I'll try my best to understand and ask (usually via pm to avoid clutter up the threads) if I fail to understand/need clarification

Some brief info of my personality to help you get my thoughts and assist in clarifying/correcting them:
1. I tend to find similarities/difference between two raondom things (be it how it is written, properties etc.)
2. I tend to place similar things into groups (laymen sense)
3. I tend to look for a general formula for a group (laymen sense) of things
4. I tend to approach maths visually and by understanding the motives and origin of formulae, manipulating numbers within a formula and see how it evolve geometrically and algebrically. I don't mind looking at formal proofs, given if I can understand them
5. I tend to attempt in "laymenlize" advanced things and share them with my friends and teachers
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I've a very strong desire for knowledge and always ask why

However I seemed to have a status lower than both cranks and trolls As I'm technically transparent and only very few does notice my existence and respond to my questions

This is an unexplained phenomenon and so far happens only in the internet medium

I guess that few people answer your questions on the internet because that's not easy to respond to technical or scientific questions.
This has got nothing to do with posting comments below a music video in YouTube.

Anyway, I don't understand what you try to tell us about your maths knowledge list. (?)
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Judging from your comments
It seems my question generally were treated as something equilivant to what rule #17 said
sciforums said:
17. Financial, legal and medical advice is best provided by qualified professionals. We welcome discussion of financial, legal and health issues but we reserve the right to remove posts that may put readers at risk. Members should be aware that, in general, it is impossible to verify the qualifications of any member providing advice.

In my case, I'm trying to discuss some physics and maths issues in depth and find some members which according to their posts, seemed to suggest they are very likely to be physicists and mathematicians respectively. Thinking I've found a professional to discuss some of my questions with, I end up keep asking and waiting for their reply. It might be possible that they are not really professionals of the aspects. It seems once you get on the Internet, no matter how professional a comment sounds, does not imply they are actually professionals.

Therefore it seems professionals were not found in forums, but where else can we find them?

As for the second question, sciforums usually have a lot of cranks. Sometimes I'm aware I have some potential to exhibit crank behavior which I tend to avoid. however there might be times that I posted crank but did not aware of it. Thus the maths level posted here act as a reference and evidence in case mods or just ordinary members have found I have exhibit crank and will be used against me to convince me that i have post something that I assume to have knowledge on but actually not or avoiding questions (I.e. crank behavior)
Secret, one possibility is that whatever you are posting people are not finding interesting.
I find Sedret's posts interesting . . . but then again . . . . I am classified (by some) on Sciforum as a crank and troll . . . .
Well I do have some threads in the physics sub forum
They are not locked, banned or anything, just gone deserted despite there are still questions remain unanswered

@crunchy cat
That might be a possibility as few people tend to go into details of some concepts or problems
Not sure about the professionals though, as they are expected to have rich knowledge regarding their own subject and should be able to provide some rich insights.
However besides the issue stated in rule #17 (that there are no way to work out the qualifications of any contributing users), interest is something independent of the knowledge level.

It frustrating when you have a source to look for an answer, but the source cannot be reached for various reasons (e.g. It seems for people, their interests prevent me from getting an answer, despite they can answer the question)
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Well I do have some threads in the physics sub forum
They are not locked, banned or anything, just gone deserted despite there are still questions remain unanswered

@crunchy cat
That might be a possibility as few people tend to go into details of some concepts or problems

You could try to ask your questions in a more definitive manner?

And in a lot of instances, many may believe the question you seek has been answered, so they stop posting in it?

If you have some queries or want to know if you are doing anything wrong, to try to PM the moderators of Physics and Math and see what they have to say? It is also possible that your questions may have already been answered a while ago, so a search could help you to determine if that is the case.
I do wrote pms to the mods (who happened to be the professionals regarding my questions)

However 3-4 weeks waiting and still no reply despite they are almost always online.
Some explain the long term no reply as being their habit of seldom checking pms, business and adivce me that if I have general questions I should use threads to express them. I then followed his/her advice and posted the questions in the relevant threads. After yet another 2-4 weeks wait, there is still no answer and the thread were pushed back by new threads

I also tried bumping the threads ( trying to avoid double posts in the process) but to no avail

The 'evidence' that convinced me I'm most likely being ignored is their frequent online status and also reply to other threads during most of their online session. Thus it is illogical of how they failed to notice my threads, pms visitor messages etc. (given a good notification system of pms and new threads in sciforums)

If the underlying reason is what crunchy cat suggest, then there is really no way around it...

It is frustrating to not be able to get an answer especially the answer is just next to you but for some unknown reason also out of reach

As to address the "...definitive manner?" sometimes I make a post of clarification to clarify the details in a question. As I'm not other people, I cannot tell when they thought my question had been answered and I do notify them that the question is not finished yet (via bumps and visotr message or pm some of the users who seemed to be professionals regarding those question, however this leads to what I stated just above)

And some users do point out that I have some ambiguous conditions or assumptions. I then clarify the details. (e.g. In my t=s thread (bad title because I hit an error 500 at the time the thread was set up) I try to investigate the nature of the arrow of time using some hypothetical scenario (filming a ball rolling under some conditions and then compare it with the rewinded version). One user then point out that something can be clarified. I then posted a follow up to clarify all the conditions.) Sure there are posts by other members that follow , but (at least in that thread) none of them seemed to address the conditions in my clarified post

In most instance, these thread were then dead and no more new post appears
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Sometimes, there are alternate sources (e.g. Textbooks) that are accessible to be use to answer the question

But other times, there is only one source. When that is the case, then I have no idea what to do, hence the frustration

What will you do if you were me?
What would I do if I were you and I didn't get a response to my questions? :)

That's not simple to answer it.
One can not avoid to feel disappointed when one is willing to get a response and doesn't get it. I know it. I know it's frustrating if you write and there is no answer.
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Therefore it seems professionals were not found in forums, but where else can we find them?

That will depend on the topic of expertise.
Some professionals are to be found at universities, some in business corporations, some in hospitals, some in prisons, etc.

What is the topic on which one might likely find professionals at Sciforums?
Thanks for the suggestions
More specifically which of these source will I most like find some scientist to be discuss with?

Currently, most of my questions fall onto the physics and maths type, therefore I expect there are professionals regarding this category here in sciforums that can be discussed with.
I find Sedret's posts interesting . . . but then again . . . . I am classified (by some) on Sciforum as a crank and troll . . . .

Wlminex, because of your insistence on supporting every wild conjecture presented and your whinny vendetta against the moderators, I think the number of people who think you are a crank and a troll increases daily. That's just my opinion of course.
Origin: . . . opinions are like A--H---s . . . everyone has one! Thanks (NOT!) for the personal insult . . . review Sciforums Rules!!! We're getting OFF TOPIC now, re: the OP.
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Thanks for the suggestions
More specifically which of these source will I most like find some scientist to be discuss with?

Currently, most of my questions fall onto the physics and maths type, therefore I expect there are professionals regarding this category here in sciforums that can be discussed with.

Secret, if some of your questions are not answered here you might try asking them at another (physics) forum.
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