I am quits with the catholic church


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member

I like our priest and think he is a great man

i don't blame the church for the pedifiles in it, its not there fault or responcablity to remove someone BEFORE they offend


I will NEVER surport them again

It is Aleged our last archbishop of Melborne, Gorge Pell, The man who took over from ach bishop Little (who confermed me in grade 6, Little confermed me not Pell), covered up sexual abuse

I thought all this was old cases and the church had turned itself around but this is MY generation or YOUNGER

although i still belive a lot that they preach i will NEVER go to church again

i am no longer a catholic

This is a link to channel 9 but i wouldn't trust 60 Minutes

This is from our newspaper the Herald sun

This is a total descrace
Pell is generally an arse-hole. This is the guy who, in his sermons or whatever those speeches are called, says homosexuals are unnatural and are going to hell.
I love being half jewish and half catholic, because then the two sides of me cancel each other out, leaving me with no religion but what I desire!

Good for you, Asguard. Time to convert to a buddhist maybe? Or are you officially accepted into Xev's little cult?
Im High Priest:p

But no

i still belive in much they tought me so i will not find another religion soon

i am officialy (for the moment) agnostic

but when i have time i want to STUDY other religions and if that leads me to another one good
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Well Asguard... according to the catholic church, you're either catholic, or you're not. You're either going to hell, or you're not.
Can't have it both ways baby... so make up your mind, or be damned. According to them.
Well, because an organisation says "it's my way or the highway" doesn't mean their way is actually the only way. Bugger what some silly old gits in Italy say about it. Make up your own set of beliefs.
actully i am now AGNOSTIC

So i can have it anyway I PLEASE

because its now MY religion, and ONLY mine

as to Xev's cult, ITS A JOKE

She is an athiast


one that i find VERY funny

but then i can laugh at myself
I really think that throughout the history of the church and Christianity, the catholics have given it a bad name with all the scandals and abuses of power that have been perpetrated by you guessed it, catholic priests.
Originally posted by Adam
Well, because an organisation says "it's my way or the highway" doesn't mean their way is actually the only way. Bugger what some silly old gits in Italy say about it. Make up your own set of beliefs.

Hence the "according to them" Adam.
I just saw the 60 mins interview with George Pell... what a complete tosser. he was denying everything of course... but his body language was fairly screaming guilt imo.

Can't blame you asguard...
its a reall pitty because the arch before him was such a caring man

all Pell cares about is POWER
Hi All

I saw the 60 minutes aired tonight too. Squid is completely right, the guy seemed to be ready for all the questions and had his answers ready. The catholic church is so judgmental on a number of issues yet they say that they are speaking the word of god and god is supposed to be all forgiving and all loving. What a crock of sh**.

I've been looking up the origins of the bible on the internet trying to find out who the hell actully wrote all that rubbish. Most of the links were advertisements to buy books. More money for religion. I look at the wealth of the vatican and wonder why there is hunger and poverty. Shouldn't the catholic church be feeding it's followers? Hypocritical bunch of liars.

I wish the bible bashers would just wake up!

Love Teri
Teri2 has brought up something I have long seen and thought of. If the Catholic Church is so into help your fellow man, religion, and how to live and treat with others then why is this a travesty? On one hand there is need to help the poor, (Will you make a donation brother?) On the other is this mass of wealth, accumulated through it history, to show the world that it is not an upstart (I guess). If they were into practicing what they preach, that wealth would long ago have been spent to help some needy soul. Yet the church is into amassing wealth, building large structures to worship in, and outfitting them as if it was a showpiece to be gawked and gandered at. How hypocritical. A religion, no less.

The church still has the medieval mindset. You do what we say, what we tell you, and you be grateful for it. If we tell you tomorrow, the sun rises in the west, believe. So what does that do to the credibility when one of their own is held up to discovery of child molestation and they whisk them away into obscurity, into the bowels of the of the church. As has been done during the more modern days. To save the priest, they alienate the very ones that they are dependent on for survival. Apparently, for them, all is well, if they are successful.

Birth control is another thing the church refuses to deal with. It was good enough in the old days so it should be good enough today. The idea being that the children will become the supporters of the church for future generations and so should not be interfered with. How two faced can you be? All in the name of religion.
i have to say that where i am VERY sick of the Arch bishops and the hiracy of the church i am NOT sick of the priests

Most of them are great men and very caring
i also have no problem with the belifs (i still belive most of them)

my proble lies with the politions RUNNING the church and yes thats all they are