I've never seen you move a finger to stop that, James.
We are all equally sexually harrassed and equally not sexually harassed.
Though some of us are more equal than others.
Varda said:
I don't even care, the internet is a very sexist place.
I just play along with everyone.
It just annoyed me that I can be warned for sexual harassment, while everyone does it all the time to everyone else.
You shouldn't enforce rules on just a couple of people. Enforce them to everyone, or to nobody.
Vagine - Check
Breasts - Check
No penis - Check
Ok, that just about covers it.
Kidding. Go get 'em, sister.
Why is it a whiny girl attitude? Aren't you supposed to be morally sound? Surely you don't agree that anyone should be harassed. Oh, and be te double you, harassment doesn't involve "sexual forcings", just plain ol' words will do the trick nicely.