I’ll Take “Things That Piss Me Off” For $1000, Alex


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
It is people like this motherfucker right here that makes me wish I could take out all my normally suppressed rage on him. I want to cut his throat, bleed him into a cup, and drink it as he watches me, so that it's the last thing he sees before death.
What a way to start my vacation.
I’ll see you guys again on the 14th.

It's probably my browser, but ....

I use a beta browser most of the time, and today is no exception.

But what really pissed me off was that FOX news site. Not the content, not the usual complaints about Murdoch News, but the fact of the menus from the side there: they open on contact with the mouse cursor, obscure the article, and await a definitive command to close the menu. That just seems bizarre.

As to the story itself: I once found a neighbor's cat, wounded and mauled with a knife. The cat was in bad shape. We found the neighbors and all rushed the cat off to the vet's together. The nearest vet was at a major-chain pet store, I don't remember which. But the store manager prevented the vet from doing anything before we produced two-hundred dollars up front. We actually had to scramble out to cash machines while this vet waited with a needle in his hand to do the only thing he could do.

And in Oregon, pets aren't property. You can't charge anyone with destroying them for anything more serious than a routine cruelty-to-animals charge that a guy I know got for shooting a cat's head off with a .22. At least it was quick that way.

My friends all know that my cat is a member of my family. I will kill and die for her if that's what it comes down to. (See? There is a line where I'll resort to violence.)

Tiassa :cool:
:confused: I'm sorry, I obviously am not an avid news watcher, and this is precisely why. I was blissfully unaware that this had even happened... :( I don't understand how people can do such things, short of being in some sort of altered mental state.
Ah Tiassa ...

"(See? There is a line where I'll resort to violence.)"

And soon there shall be another, then maybe yet another.

Welcome to the madness, gentle soul.

Take care :cool:
Is madness the standard or a deviation?

Welcome to the madness, gentle soul.
Indeed. I had started to conclude that madness was the standard. Sanity seems to be something along the lines of God--a nice idea, but nobody can really say what it equals.

Tiassa :cool:
Just read that article and I'm shocked.

I can't even think of anything to write. I love animals and this has hurt me, its cut really deep into me.

I want to put this guy on a barbecue and laugh at him, see how he likes it. I wouldn't even piss on him afterwards. I'd let him burn.
It's not fair, it really isn't. I'm an animal guy too, and this guy...what a motherfucker. He should be put to jail for life for that. Or killed. Or something. It just boggles my mind...how anyone, ANYONE...could do that.
5 years in jail... Kind of a contrast to a lifetime if you kill a human. A human who would be capable of doing exactly the same thing. :rolleyes:
That is the first news article that I have ever read that has made me cry. 9-11 didnt make me cry, but this, this makes me cry.:(
If I could get my hands on him/them, I'd be BBQing some live humans. That would be justice.
I dont think I could hurt another human.... but if they BBQ a kitten I could.

I went and hugged my cat after reading that, she was all like "What the hell are you doing!?"
I prefer animals to people. Ah, except for sex. Then I prefer people. Really. Honest.
Damn. I thought this was a beastiallity thread... just kidding!:D

Still this guy pisses me off big time. I hope he gets eaten alive by cats.
I went and hugged my cat after reading that, she was all like "What the hell are you doing!?"

I let mine glare at me without wondering what I'd done NOW.
I don't like cats (they're too damn indepentdent) but that was horrible. Though I can believe that guy was from Missouri. Missouri breeds a lot of morons.

P.S. Why was this newsworthy?
Thats a shame. how can people do something like that (i must confess to acts of animal cruelty myself but when i was younger. hope i can be forgiven)