Hypocracy in viewing polygamy in the western world


Registered Senior Member
I don't advocate polygamy at all, but I feel like if one person wishes to marry two wifes and all three consenting adults agree, then governments should not stand in the way.

Where's the hypocracy? Well, the western world have no laws prohibiting out of marriage sexual relationships....So a married man can enjoy sexual relationship with as many women as he wishes, perhaps impregnates them all, give them STD's, spent on them out of his biological kid's college fund ect...with no ties whatsoever and without the government intervention. This behavior is A okay with the westerners, yet when the man decide to marry the OTHER lady to legitimize her and her off spring, everyone goes up in arms protesting that he is being barbaric and demonizing women....What's up with the double standards? Can someone please enlighten me on this issue?
I don't think everyone opposes polygamy, certainly not some Mormons. Note that even if you are not married, parents are still financially responsible for their children. What is up with the double standard in the Middle east where husbands can have more than one wife, but wives cannot have more than one husband? It's all about maintaining male lines of descent in a male dominated culture.
Also, the behavior you described is not considered O.K. in western culture. The government can make you pay child support for all your biological children.

I think another major problem with polygamy is that it acknowledges the marriage is for only practical purposes, not love. I do not think it is possible to love more than one person at a time (not that,you know what I mean!). That is why it seems to devalue women.
spidergoat said:
I don't think everyone opposes polygamy, certainly not some Mormons.

Mormons are not legally married by the government. The US doesn't recognize the marriage.

Note that even if you are not married, parents are still financially responsible for their children.

You are talking about going to court.....Wow, let me tell you, the American court system is so screwed up that the only winners out of any situation are the lawyers...

What is up with the double standard in the Middle east where husbands can have more than one wife, but wives cannot have more than one husband? It's all about maintaining male lines of descent in a male dominated culture.

Perhaps this is true, but the question here is not in regards to the correctness of the practice...It's a question of governments impeding free consenting adults from leading their life as they see fit. for example. If I was married to you and we loved each other so much, yet I was sterile or paralized due to freak accident, thus I couldn't give you any children or sex, and we both agreed that you should get remarried to get a child and satisfy your sexual desires. We also agreed that since we both love each other, we should stay together, because I need you....Why would the government interferes with our personal choice and say no, you can't get married and call you barbaric for making this decision.
spidergoat said:
Also, the behavior you described is not considered O.K. in western culture. The government can make you pay child support for all your biological children..

Oh yes it is. Do we have a sex police that makes sure that out of marriage sex is banned? Do we have any laws concerning out of marriage sex? Not one single law, or enforcement, thus the practice of sharing intimacy out of wedlock is A okay in the western cultures.

As far as the government making you pay child support, you are dreaming. The US court system is the biggest joke. If you haven't figured out that the only winner out of law suits are lawyers, then life haven't taught you a thing. It is not a sign of civility to do the wrong thing and then go the court system to get your rights. Civility is to have a system that is complete and practicale and made to address everyone's needs, thus reducing the need for court interventions.

spidergoat said:
I think another major problem with polygamy is that it acknowledges the marriage is for only practical purposes, not love. .

I think this is bull shit. Love is a personal token and governments are not in the business of acknowledging love, only legalizing practices.

spidergoat said:
I do not think it is possible to love more than one person at a time (not that,you know what I mean!). That is why it seems to devalue women.

Why not, you love your parents, your children, your pets, ect....you can love more than one person....very easily. You can also fall out of love with people that don't recopricate you even if they were married to you very easily. Love is a two way network of roads...It's not a one way alley.
Oh yes it is. Do we have a sex police that makes sure that out of marriage sex is banned? Do we have any laws concerning out of marriage sex? Not one single law, or enforcement, thus the practice of sharing intimacy out of wedlock is A okay in the western cultures.
Cheating on your spouse is legal grounds for divorce. There are many instances of things that are culturally frowned upon, but not actually illegal (cheating at cards, for example).

As far as child support goes, there might well be flaws in our (U.S.) judicial system, but child support laws are enforced quite often, and you can represent yourself instead of hiring a lawyer. Yes, it would be better if people did the right thing more often, there is much room for improvement in this sense, but it has to come from within, not be imposed by external rules.

I think this is bull shit. Love is a personal token and governments are not in the business of acknowledging love, only legalizing practices.
I agree, my argument is not based on legalisms, but my view of human psychology. I think there is a difference between romantic love and platonic love.
You can also fall out of love with people that don't recopricate you even if they were married to you very easily.
That is precisely why people should never get married!

Why would the government interferes with our personal choice and say no, you can't get married and call you barbaric for making this decision.
All the relationships you described are perfectly legal. Marriage is a legalism, a farce, an illusion, exists only on paper, why ask the government's permission for something they have no business in? I actually agree with you, government should not interfere with people's personal lives - unless children are involved, and then it's only concern should be the childs welfare, do they eat enough, go to school, not get abused, etc...
It's a question of governments impeding free consenting adults from leading their life as they see fit.
How is not being able to get married impeding anyone's life in any way? Just go to your church, or living room and say "I'm married!" , it amounts to essentially the same damn thing. Yes, there are some legal structures you might miss, but who cares?
The law is set up to handle divorces and marriages in particular ways as regards property and children. It is set up on the assumption that you can only be married to one person at a time, and would have to be altered if polygamy became legal.

Laws against polygamy exist to support other laws. There is no hypocrisy there - only consistency. Having a sexual relationship with another person does not give you rights to their property or children. Marrying them does. Hence, laws against polygamy.