

From the view of the wave function, planet earth, containing its 6 billion-odd conscious observers must make the planet more real than any other unhabited planet, since the wave function is constantly being collapsed - the wave function still exists in all of space and time, but its value is vanishingly small. You can imagine our entire planet being projected via the wave function throughout all of space and time, right past Pluto, to the very boundary or surface of the expanding universe - though this wave function is highly unlikely. It is the most likely result of the wave function that makes our planet what it is, including everything in it. The quantum wave function governs absolutely any result possibility; and that must also mean the universe as a whole, not just planets.

Stephen Hawkings is the founder of a new scientific principle called, 'Quantum Cosmology.' Now... before you point out it is a contradiction, because 'quantum' refers to the world of protino's and neutralino's, and 'cosmology' refers to the large universe of planets and infinite space, it was meant to conflict; Stephen Hawkings say's that we should view the universe as an atom.

In the very beginning, just before Big Bang, the wave function governed how our universe would start up. According to theory, our universe had an infinite amount of setup conditions it could have chose from, and the wave function governed which one was most likely to occur. However, because no one was there to observe the early universe, each possibility had to arise side-by-side.

Our universe, according to Stephen Hawkings, is the way it is because of a high probability factor. There will be other universes that have a wave function that surround our own, but there values will be vanishingly small. These universes will have remained superimposed on our own universe ever since big bang.

This brings the uniqueness back into a universe that is one of an infinite amount of universes. If there exists an infinite amount of universes, we could imagine an infinite number of parallel universes with similar life as this one, and that takes away the importance of 'us'. Yet, the analogy of imagining the universe as an atom has brought the importance back to our universe, because our universe is, according to Hawkings, the 'correct one', with a high probability factor.

There is no current method for us traveling to these other universes - our technology is simply, far too inadequate; we don't even know how to prove their existences for that matter. Hawkings believes that there might be a baby twin universe, curled up into the 6th dimension of spacetime - if this is true, as is predicted by 'hyperspace theory', we may be able to probe it someday.

What is hyperspace theory? Before the Big Bang, it states that our universe had ten dimensions, just like superstring theory predicts. Then, very suddenly, the universe 'cracked', and our universe was born. This cataclysmic event allowed our 4-dimensional space to expand, whilst our twin 6-dimensional universe contracted in a volatile manor, and shrank to infinitesimal size. In fact, we find that the Ekpyrotic Theory evidently goes hand-in-hand with this hypothesis.

If hyperspace theory is correct, then it can explain that the current observable rapid expansion of the universe was a result of the cataclysm - thus, the death of our universe, which will most possibly be caused by rapid expansion causing the 'Big Chill', may in fact be caused by the cracking of multi-dimensional spacetime. It could also explain the Big Bang itself.

In some of these dimensions, dark matter could be lurking. Even information might move through these dimensions, acting analogous to substace tunnelling.
Stephen Hawkings is the founder of a new scientific principle called, 'Quantum Cosmology.'
'Hawking'. And can you demonstrate he's the founder?
Stephen Hawkings say's that we should view the universe as an atom.
Does he? Where does it say that?
Hawkings believes that there might be a baby twin universe, curled up into the 6th dimension of spacetime - if this is true, as is predicted by 'hyperspace theory', we may be able to probe it someday.'
Who called it 'hyperspace theory'?
What is hyperspace theory? Before the Big Bang, it states that our universe had ten dimensions, just like superstring theory predicts.
You don't seem to understand what the 6 dimensions imply. It's not that 'the 6th dimension' is curled up but that dimensions 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are curled up.
hen, very suddenly, the universe 'cracked', and our universe was born. This cataclysmic event allowed our 4-dimensional space to expand, whilst our twin 6-dimensional universe contracted in a volatile manor, and shrank to infinitesimal size.
It's not 'infintesimal', it's just small. And the 'universe' of the very small isn't seperate from ours, strings can move through all of them.
In some of these dimensions, dark matter could be lurking.
No, dark matter is entirely different. Dark matter is just a form of matter which doesn't interact with light. This isn't some kind of magical form of matter, it's just electromagnetically neutral.

Your entire post smacks of "I've no idea about string theory or Hawking's work but I'll post a monologue anyway". Why do you bother? Do you like being corrected all the time?
Hawking is the founder. He does say we need to view the universe as an atom -- Dr Kaku mentions this in, ''Hyperspace.'' He says the sixth is curled up. Infinitesimal just means small, and is a word used by physicists. Dark matter has been proposed to maybe exist in other dimensions... and since an entire universe can exist in the 6th dimension, why not?

My post was fine. If you don't like my work, then can i suggest you just not answer. You cannot be contructive with criticism, and you are normally out to proove you are some kind of God.

And eh... Ben... Why is this here? Or do you have some kind of automatic signature to just send any post i do into psuedoscience? In fact, don't even bother answering that.
Hawking is the founder.
He says the sixth is curled up.
You mean 'that six are curled up', not the sixth. What's the 5th, if there's a 6th? String theory talks about 6 which are curled up, 6 on top of the 4 we see at large. You mentioned string theory and then ignored what it actually says. And you claimed to grasp string theory. :rolleyes:
Infinitesimal just means small, and is a word used by physicists
No, 'infinitesimal' doesn't mean 'just small', it has a precise meaning. And physicists don't use it when referring to compact dimensions. I know, I'm one of those physicists! You know that!
Dark matter has been proposed to maybe exist in other dimensions... and since an entire universe can exist in the 6th dimension, why not?
No, when you see things like the PBS documentary on string theory talking about other universes seperate from our own on other 'branes', it's not that they are in the 6th dimension, it means they are in a 4 dimensional universe which is seperate from ours in the other 6 dimensions (not the 6th, the other 6).

It's like stacking sheets of paper. Each universe is the same number of dimensions (ie each sheet of paper is 2 dimensional) but they are located in different points along another dimension's direction.

For instance if a universe is 4 dimensions, ie has coordinate (t,x,y,z), then if you have another dimension then you can have multiple 'universes' by introducing the extra coordinate and so having coordinate (t,x,y,z,A). Each value of A gives you a different universe with 4 dimensions.
My post was fine. If you don't like my work, then can i suggest you just not answer.
If I see errors in your work, I will point them out. That's how science works, that's the point of peer review.
ou are normally out to proove you are some kind of God.
No, I'm out to show those people unfamiliar with physics that the crap you try and peddle is just that, crap.
And eh... Ben... Why is this here? Or do you have some kind of automatic signature to just send any post i do into psuedoscience?
Because every time you try to talk about physics you talk pseudoscience. You seem to be unable and/or unwilling to discuss actual physics, you seem obsessed with posting BS.
If i see what>???? You haven't even pasted your PhD...

Goi back to what you where best at... and leave those with imagination alone....
If i see what>???? You haven't even pasted your PhD...
No, I'm in my 2nd year. In 3 weeks I'm giving a talk at a string conference. Have you done that? I have a degree and masters from Cambridge in pure and applied mathematics, including courses lectured by students/collegues of Hawking, Michael Green and the Fields Medalist Tim Gowers.

You know that, yet you always go down the road of "What physics do you actually know then?!", as if you know a lot. You claim to have gone to college to do physics but you haven't or if you have you didn't learn anything.

So basically you shoot yourself in the foot in that regard.
Goi back to what you where best at... and leave those with imagination alone....
You cannot even express yourself coherently. And this thread was sparked by you trying to parrot someone else's work which you read but obviously failed to understand.

And every time you try to show us your 'imagination', you make claims like 0=1. Wow, that's a good imagination. :rolleyes:
No, I'm in my 2nd year. In 3 weeks I'm giving a talk at a string conference. Have you done that? I have a degree and masters from Cambridge in pure and applied mathematics, including courses lectured by students/collegues of Hawking, Michael Green and the Fields Medalist Tim Gowers.

You know that, yet you always go down the road of "What physics do you actually know then?!", as if you know a lot. You claim to have gone to college to do physics but you haven't or if you have you didn't learn anything.

So basically you shoot yourself in the foot in that regard. --- By AN

WOW....!!!! Let me wank myself off and spunk all over the plase... your doing what, and when... dead fantazie!!! Only, you claim such fantastic things oblivious to the works of my own area...

We had a name for people like you/// SHOW-OFF'S ----- (Basically people who cannot help themselves admitting some conligaration in their lives)
WOW....!!!! Let me wank myself off and spunk all over the plase... your doing what, and when... dead fantazie!!! Only, you claim such fantastic things oblivious to the works of my own area...

Your area of work is sodomy. And lying.