Hymns at school


"Pfft, Rebel scum!"
Valued Senior Member
Right, in the UK, children are forced to sing along with Hymns during assemblies. I never used to sing along as I've never been religious. I always used to get into trouble for not singing. I didn't know why then, I just did. Someone I knew was a J.Witness and they aren't allowed to sing hymns. He was made to stand up and was told off in the middle of assembly. He was crying his eyes out. (We were ten).

What I'm saying is should teachers be allowed to break a simple human right which in this country is illegal?

I always stook up for myself. I refused to take part in the easter/Xmas shows as I didn't believe in the stupid stories.

Another thing, was anyone else here told off by a teacher for telling your class mates that Santa doesn't exsist. I did.
Each week one from our class holds a short discussion on any theme he wants. As I had practised in sciforums before, I analysed different contradiction in the bible and made christianity look illogical and stupid.

Because my analysis was quite deep, noone even got close to disproving me. Made some people look stupid and angry.

off topic-> Also one girl who though that she had been studying vedas and Hinduism. With the facts that she told she was taught I concluded that it was some sect, because it held such ideas that have never been met in hinduism nor vedas. It was quite scary- that girl. She told that I could say whatever I want, but she KNEW she was studying the true and genuine hinduism. How those sectants hold peoples minds:eek: :bugeye:
At my first primary school, all students assembled and sang the national anthem twice each week.
We said our Pledge of Alliegence every day.

I've nothing against the Pledge, 'tho I got in trouble for not reciting the "under God" part. :p
Originally posted by Xev
We said our Pledge of Alliegence every day.

I've nothing against the Pledge, 'tho I got in trouble for not reciting the "under God" part. :p

Did you know that the "under god" part wasn't originally in the pledge. it was added in the twentith century. I wish it would be taken back out. It's really unamerican.
In no other country in the world, even the oh-so-evil Iraq and Cuba, do children pledge alliegence to their national flag. They are definitely NOT forced to do so, as is done in some US states (ie California)

In many countries, people are much more patriotic than are Americans
Firefly's right, pretty much all of it is what I am thinking. I have friends all across the country and they all had to sing to hymns. Roughly three assemblies a week with singing at the beginning.

Don't know about the national anthems though. I'm not a big fan of the queen. Totally blacked out the jubilee. Hid in a box for two weeks (with my PC though). I might start a thread about that and why we shouldn't have a monarchy. Thoughts please.