Hydrogen from Water


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Few people know it, and many have suppressed it: But water can and should be split for hydrogen and oxygen at an "over unity" rate. The key is that one finds the resonant frequency of the water and sends voltages through it on a cathode and anode. The result is this http://youtube.com/watch?v=nOGAkRkCWfA

It's time for the Oil Control Freaks to let go of things. It is sad that this has to be posted in the Pseudoscience forums.

According to Alex Jones: They may (may not!) try a holocaust to stop any such revolution, but that doesn't mean they have to succeed!

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diode-man...we all knew this for decades of years...what is new here?

I thought you would at least mention the x-rays being used in salt-water for fuel generation...but you didnt even mention that...
They said the fire got up to 1500 degrees centigrade from salt water! Wow... here in Utah, we got lots and LOTS of Salt Water in the middle of the desert! :D

Few people know it, and many have suppressed it: But water can and should be split for hydrogen and oxygen at an "over unity" rate. The key is that one finds the resonant frequency of the water and sends voltages through it on a cathode and anode. The result is this http://youtube.com/watch?v=nOGAkRkCWfA

It's time for the Oil Control Freaks to let go of things. It is sad that this has to be posted in the Pseudoscience forums.

According to Alex Jones: They may (may not!) try a holocaust to stop any such revolution, but that doesn't mean they have to succeed!


There's absolutely NOTHING that can achieve over-unity. What you've linked to is nothing but a fraud - lies.

Over the decades, there are been numerous idiots that have wasted most of their lives trying to beat over-unity. No one has ever done it - because it can't be done.

Better for you to spend just a little time learning about the laws of thermodynamics than wasting it on garbage like this. Ugh!
Truthfully, I've only heard theories and seen film clips of such supposed devices, and never anything with my own eyes....

Now I feel really duped out... I guess I was really motivated to want such things to be real, it would be nice to just fill a car up with water LOL

"If it sounds too good to be true, it is" :D
Truthfully, I've only heard theories and seen film clips of such supposed devices, and never anything with my own eyes....

Now I feel really duped out... I guess I was really motivated to want such things to be real, it would be nice to just fill a car up with water LOL

"If it sounds too good to be true, it is" :D

Yep, that old saying is very, very correct.

Not only have you not seen it with your own eyes, you never will, either. ;)

You might not have know about it but this is a true story - perhaps someone here can provide a link to it:

About a year ago (maybe more by now), an Irish company made a BIG deal about an upcoming demonstration of their over-unity device they claimed to have invented. They made press releases all over the world, boasted about their par business reputation as a real provider of something-or-other. I've forgotten now what that business was but that part of their story WAS true.

So either they hired some wacko or one of the current heads of the business had a screw come loose in his head - anyway, they actually believed they had invented something and poured TONS of money into it and the publicity for it.

It was being set up in downtown London, England where not only the public could view it live but they also established a number of webcam links so that people around the world could watch the demonstration on their computers. TV camera crews and news reporters were also present.

OK... comes the day of the device's big debut. They start the wheel spinning - and it promptly stops!!! :D They blamed it on a bearing failure due to the intensity of all the floodlights used to light up the scene. They said that no replacement bearing was on hand and that they would have to go back to the shop and make one - and be back later.

And guess what? As I said, that was over a year ago and no one - absolutely NO ONE - has ever heard from that company again!!!!!! HAR-HAR-HAR!! Another batch of free-energy nuts bites the dust - BIG time!!
TANSTAAFL: There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. It takes more energy to separate hydrogen from the oxygen in water than you obtain when you burn it, so it accomplishes nothing. Electrolysis has been well known for decades or longer. Now a solar powered electrolysis unit still would separate the hydrogen at a net energy loss, but sunshine is (at least for now) free.