"Hunting for Bambi"

Christian Sodomy

Registered Senior Member
(July 10) -- It's a new form of adult entertainment, and men are paying thousands of dollars to shoot naked women with paint ball guns. They're coming to Las Vegas to do it.

Hunting for Bambi is the brain child of Michael Burdick. Men pay anywhere from $5000 to $10,000 for the chance to come to the middle of the desert to shoot what they call "Bambi's" with a paint ball gun.

Burdick says hunters are told not shoot the women above the chest, but admits not all hunters follow the rules. "The main goal is to be true as true to nature as possible. I don't go deer hunting and see a deer with a football helmet on so I don't want to see one on my girl either," said Burdick.

The paint balls that come out of the guns travel at about 200 miles per hour. Getting hit with one stings even with clothes on, and when they hit bare flesh, they are powerful enough to draw blood.

[ I'm no moralist, but I think everyone involved needs to experience the Zyklon-B for being destructive of all of the finer things in life. ]
That's funny, I read Fark's link to it earlier on today.

If it's real, Zyklon-B is much too humane.Throwing everyone involved into the crematoriums alive is more appropriate.
I'm not taking a stance on the morality involved. In my eyes, the idea of hunting down and killing another human is rather entertaining. However, "hunting" a defenseless human in order to validate one's low feeling of masculinity is weak.
Whitetail are more difficult to track.

Burdick says the majority of the men who pay the $5000 to $10,000 to play the game are the submissive, quite type: "For the individual who's used to saying I can't go out with the boys tonight ...my wife doesn't want me to, and yes dear, no dear, the wimp of America, it's a chance for him to come out and vent his aggression and really take charge and have some fun."

I find this extremely amusing.
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The guy's name is really Burdick, e.g. Burr-dick?

I'd feel pathetic going on one of those hunts. "Wow, I really am a fucking loser - time to get into Heroin!"
I think the women who do it are more pathetic than the men who shoot them. If the women would not be there, neither would the men.


But funny, none-the-less.
Why do you say that? This is a philosophy forum, therefore some more questions:
Would the men do it, if there were no WOMEN (but men or spider monkeys or lizards) to shoot? (you answered that in part so it seems)
Would the women do it, if it would not be MEN (but others, such as spider monkeys ;) ) shooting at them?
I'll answer the last question for you (yes, they would do anything as long as they get paid big money for it) and it is clear to me that those women are money-crazy people, but what are the men?
the ad for it is pretty disgusting. the cost of playing includes airfare and something they referred to as rape in an alert email i got (didn't quite understand that part). apparently you hunt them then you're allowed to rape them or something.

"I think the women who do it are more pathetic than the men who shoot them. "

all the women who participate are poor and do it because they need the money. it's either this or prostitiution, don't know which is worse. so basically they're not only taking advantage of women, they're taking advantage of the poor.
Opportunism vs. Greed?

Well, maybe the direction this thread is taking could be the reason it was placed under ‘philosophy’. So be it:

Is opportunism worse than greed? Vice versa?
IF all of those women are really poor (what I doubt, but it depends on definition), would you tend to see them more favourable than in case they are just plainly greedy?
Most eerie: the designers of this scheme must have known two things beforehand - yes, there are sufficient guys around that are sick and rich enough to participate; yes, there are sufficient women around that are greedy and indifferent enough to participate.
Who is morally worse off: the inventors or the players?

What would those poor women do if nobody came up with new ideas for such ways of “income generation” (apart from prostitution)?
What do elder women do that are equally poor?
The women are doing it for the money. I saw this on CNN when they had a report of it. (Naturally the Bambi being filmed was censored)

The report mentioned that if Bambi got away without being shot she collected $2000 for the run. If she got hit then she collected only $1000.

There was no mention of any "rape" involved. The owner of the "business" was quoted on film as saying it was, "good clean fun".

I must say this is not my idea of sport...
It's a hoax, but if it weren't I don't see much difference between this and prostitution or stripping -- where women are paid a lot of money to do something that they might otherwise find disgusting (at least disgusting doing it with the men who are paying them).
Re: Opportunism vs. Greed?

Originally posted by sparkle

What would those poor women do if nobody came up with new ideas for such ways of “income generation” (apart from prostitution)?

they'd do what poor men do
Wow! You mean they would actually WORK?

Well, wait a moment. They would work until they'd get rich. And then what would they do? Go out shooting what? Mickey? :eek: