Humans Have Differences?


The question for all of you is this, exactly how can humans have so many genetic differences? If we all come from the same gene pool wouldn't our recessive genes be clearly effecting our health, how is this possible?
If we hadn't have differences we would be the same.

And one environmental change would make us extinct. And our recessive genes would perfectly overlap and express themselves. Not good.

Besides, the gene pool isn't a single human genome, it is the collection of all of the genomes within the breeding population.
There are plenty of mutations that can occure in reproduction, although most are neutral. There is also the fact that we get genes from each parent, and this allows for a great deal of re-shuffling of our genes, such that there is a huge variety.
humans are so different from each other because of the evolution.. we assume that humans originated from africa. with migrations they spread all over the world. how come we all don't look like africans? because with migration and moving to another location we had to adjust. ones who didn't adjust they died. how does "adjusting" happen? with changing of our DNA.. Our DNA mutates whole our lifes, and that is why the evolution happens. The ones that had "bad" DNA mutation die, and the ones that had a "good" mutation only get stronger.. Now you could ask, well how come we don't look just the same as our parents? Because we get DNA from both of them, so we have a mixature of their DNA plus the mutation that occured in the mothers cell that was fertiled before fertilation.. So it's all because of the mutations. An why do mutations happen? Because our DNA is being copied our whole life by RNA and when RNA finishes it's "job" DNA doesn't always go back to how it was before RNA interfered, and a mutation occurs.
The question for all of you is this, exactly how can humans have so many genetic differences? If we all come from the same gene pool wouldn't our recessive genes be clearly effecting our health, how is this possible?

Well, first off, "recessive" genes aren't bad genes. So your second sentance doesn't really make sense.

Second, as has already been pointed out, "coming from the same gene pool" does not mean that we all have the same genes (unless you are anti-evolution, in which case you would argue incorrectly that differences within a population are due to genetic drift only). We are different because we have evolved in different environments around the world, which lead to different advantages physical features.