Humans At Their Finest


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
FORT WORTH, Texas — A nurse's aide hit a homeless man with her car, drove home with him stuck headfirst in her broken windshield and ignored his cries for help as he bled to death in her garage over the next two or three days, police say. (full text here)
Oh, yes. Proud to be human. :(

That is some seriously nasty stuff. People confuse me more and more every day.
I'd like to think that there was *some* mental defect involved in this... just the practicality of it. Regardless of the fact that he was in need of help, I wouldn't want to leave a body sticking headfirst into my windshield and hood... I'm starting to think that there's a lot of seriously touched people down in Texas.
* "Heartless? Inhumane? Maybe we've just redefined inhumanity here." *

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
I heard she had been under the influence of drugs and alcohol. What about that mother who drowned her five kids, than all of a sudden she's crazy. I'm sure the nurse will also say she was a victim of the hannibal lechter disease and couldn't stop herself. The voices...the voices...the voices in my head!!!!!!
Originally posted by ICARRYALOTOFBULLETS
I heard she had been under the influence of drugs and alcohol. What about that mother who drowned her five kids, than all of a sudden she's crazy. I'm sure the nurse will also say she was a victim of the hannibal lechter disease and couldn't stop herself. The voices...the voices...the voices in my head!!!!!!

The woman who drowned her kids has been found guilty and culpable.

Also on the point of drunk and drugs, that's some binge to last three days! Admittedly, alcohol and certain halucinotropic drugs can cloud judgement severly for a short period of time, though I find it hard to believe that this could be the case over such a prolonged period.

"Take all your overgrown infants away, and build them a home.
A little place of their own.
The Fletcher memorial home for incurable wasters of life and limb.

Is everyone in?"
Bad thing of alcohol

This remind me of a fable...

Short background: In Islam, alcohol, sex (unless with his wife), and killing are sin.

The story (simplified):
There a well known man in society, who threatened by a woman; If he don't choose one of her options, she'll spread bad news in town about him. She also bring a young boy with her. Her option are:
- Kill the boy she brought.
- Do sex with her.
- Drink alcohol.
The man thought that drink alcohol will be a 'smallest sin' for him, and he pick this option.
But then after he get drunk, and loose his control, he also do sex with the woman, and kill the boy...
*shrugs* OMG ... just when you think you have heard it all some human will do something to prove you wrong