Humanity and Islam as I know it!


Registered Member
Hello everybody, All of us here who believe in the Singularity of our creator seem to missing the Key point here. We are always trying prove our own religion better than other religion which is I think totally irrelevant to the purpose of humanity and it's relation with the religion.

This is what I think ---

First of all, being a muslim I believe that all human beings and any other thing in the universe was created by one God. I think most of the religions in the world believe it too. Because it makes sense. The design of universe and life forms cannot be coincedence, there has to be a great designer and creator who did this on purpose. Because nothing happens without any purpose.

This is where most of us get confused and don't agree to each other. What was the purpose? Why did he create us and why we die? Do we really die or our spirit just leave our body at the time? Where does the spirit go when we die? Where does the spirit lives when we are alive anyways? Does our spirit go to heaven or hell according to our good deeds or bad deeds in this world?

These are some common questions every religion answers in their own way with some form of historical proof or writing that are believed to be sent to us from our creator through some of his chosen ones. This is where the religions becomes separated.

But the Key point is, we all were created by one God and the purpose of the religions is to love god as he loves us and love everything else he created for us. I said FOR US because in islam we believe we (human being) are the best creation of all creations and everything else was created only because we were created. Allah created beautiful nature and the amazing universe so that we admire his creations and appreciate it.

As far as I know Islam and Christianity both teaches that there is only one God. The differences are Christians believe that Jesus (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) is son of God and the Bible is their holy book. We Muslims dont agree that Jesus is God's son but he is one our prophets just like Adam, Moses,Abraham, Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon them). The Bible is our holy book too as we believe that Jesus was a messenger of God. But even if we believe Torah, Bible as our holy books, we don't act on those books because they were tempered and polluted by human beings. Now we believe Muhammad is the very last messenger of Allah to the whole humanity. We believe and act on Holy Quran as we believe it is the only Holy book from Allah that was sent to all the humanity through Muhammad which is in it's original form as it came from Allah. So we follow Muhammad and the Holy Quran. I think this is the main difference between the Christians and the Muslims. I do not know a lot about Christianity as I've always practised Islam so please excuse my ignorance if I unintensionally say something wrong about Christianity.

I consider myself as a very open minded muslim. I truly from my heart believe in Islam and I am very grateful and proud about my religion. Let me tell you what I've learnt from Islam from the day I was born till now.

1. The meaning of Islam is Peace, it is the religion that teaches it's followers how to live in peace within themselves and with the followers of other religions. Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessing of allah be upon him) clearly stated that, All Muslims must respect and honor other people from another religion equally, give them equal rights and let them practice their religion while we would do ours in peace.

2. Men and Women in Islam are considered EQUAL. Women in islam have all the rights such as right to vote, right to learn, right to divorce, right to inherit property just like men.

4. Muslims will always protect themselves and their beliefs from their enemies. We will fight only to protect ourselves or to protect our religion when any threat occurs. When you fight for the protection of Islam or to protect your motherland for it's freedom is called Jihaad. We are not allowed to kill any other human being out of our personal anger or any other personal gain. We are taught to beahve well with their hostages who surrender and free them.

5. The more you give, the more you gain in after life, even in this life. We give 2.5% of our income and property to poor every year. We Fast for 30 days from sunrise to sunset and thus try to realize the miseries and pain of the poor people who can't eat properly. We pray 5 times a day, thank and remember Allah whenever we get a chance for being there for me all the time. I may forget about him at times, but does he forget about me for a second? Would I be able breathe if he forgets about me for even a second?

6. Islam teaches you to love humanity and to love the universe and above all love Allah. That is the sole purpose of Islam. It shows you the greatest possible way to live happily and peacefully in this world and the life after.

We always seem to forget the purpose of religions. Every human being has the right to choose his/her own religion. But no matter what religion are we affiliated with we must not forget that we are the greatest creation of God so we should act like one by loving our creator and each other and by understaning the purpose of our existance.

Thank you.
With love
Tasik Hasan
Hello Tasik and welcome to sciforums, are you a quran only muslim or do you also consider hadith and sunnah as guidance?
orch_effect said:
Hello everybody, All of us here who believe in the Singularity of our creator seem to missing the Key point here. We are always trying prove our own religion better than other religion which is I think totally irrelevant to the purpose of humanity and it's relation with the religion.

This is what I think ---

First of all, being a muslim I believe that all human beings and any other thing in the universe was created by one God. I think most of the religions in the world believe it too. Because it makes sense. The design of universe and life forms cannot be coincedence, there has to be a great designer and creator who did this on purpose. Because nothing happens without any purpose.

This is where most of us get confused and don't agree to each other. What was the purpose? Why did he create us and why we die? Do we really die or our spirit just leave our body at the time? Where does the spirit go when we die? Where does the spirit lives when we are alive anyways? Does our spirit go to heaven or hell according to our good deeds or bad deeds in this world?

These are some common questions every religion answers in their own way with some form of historical proof or writing that are believed to be sent to us from our creator through some of his chosen ones. This is where the religions becomes separated.

But the Key point is, we all were created by one God and the purpose of the religions is to love god as he loves us and love everything else he created for us. I said FOR US because in islam we believe we (human being) are the best creation of all creations and everything else was created only because we were created. Allah created beautiful nature and the amazing universe so that we admire his creations and appreciate it.

As far as I know Islam and Christianity both teaches that there is only one God. The differences are Christians believe that Jesus (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) is son of God and the Bible is their holy book. We Muslims dont agree that Jesus is God's son but he is one our prophets just like Adam, Moses,Abraham, Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon them). The Bible is our holy book too as we believe that Jesus was a messenger of God. But even if we believe Torah, Bible as our holy books, we don't act on those books because they were tempered and polluted by human beings. Now we believe Muhammad is the very last messenger of Allah to the whole humanity. We believe and act on Holy Quran as we believe it is the only Holy book from Allah that was sent to all the humanity through Muhammad which is in it's original form as it came from Allah. So we follow Muhammad and the Holy Quran. I think this is the main difference between the Christians and the Muslims. I do not know a lot about Christianity as I've always practised Islam so please excuse my ignorance if I unintensionally say something wrong about Christianity.

I consider myself as a very open minded muslim. I truly from my heart believe in Islam and I am very grateful and proud about my religion. Let me tell you what I've learnt from Islam from the day I was born till now.

1. The meaning of Islam is Peace, it is the religion that teaches it's followers how to live in peace within themselves and with the followers of other religions. Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessing of allah be upon him) clearly stated that, All Muslims must respect and honor other people from another religion equally, give them equal rights and let them practice their religion while we would do ours in peace.

2. Men and Women in Islam are considered EQUAL. Women in islam have all the rights such as right to vote, right to learn, right to divorce, right to inherit property just like men.

4. Muslims will always protect themselves and their beliefs from their enemies. We will fight only to protect ourselves or to protect our religion when any threat occurs. When you fight for the protection of Islam or to protect your motherland for it's freedom is called Jihaad. We are not allowed to kill any other human being out of our personal anger or any other personal gain. We are taught to beahve well with their hostages who surrender and free them.

5. The more you give, the more you gain in after life, even in this life. We give 2.5% of our income and property to poor every year. We Fast for 30 days from sunrise to sunset and thus try to realize the miseries and pain of the poor people who can't eat properly. We pray 5 times a day, thank and remember Allah whenever we get a chance for being there for me all the time. I may forget about him at times, but does he forget about me for a second? Would I be able breathe if he forgets about me for even a second?

6. Islam teaches you to love humanity and to love the universe and above all love Allah. That is the sole purpose of Islam. It shows you the greatest possible way to live happily and peacefully in this world and the life after.

We always seem to forget the purpose of religions. Every human being has the right to choose his/her own religion. But no matter what religion are we affiliated with we must not forget that we are the greatest creation of God so we should act like one by loving our creator and each other and by understaning the purpose of our existance.

Thank you.
With love
Tasik Hasan

I am not a muslim, I come from a christian background, but I agree with much of what you say. The purpose of any religion is too seek and glorify God. I believe God has sent many prohpets into the world, at different times and to different nations. Some of these are the founders of the worlds major religions. I must repectfully disagree with you that Muhammad was the last prophet God will send. I believe Guru Nanak to be a prohpet of God and the Sikh religion to be a valid path, and I believe that God may send more prohpets still if he wills it. It is not for us to know the will of God.

I agree with you that human hands distort the teachings of many religions through time, but if you look back at the original teachings of the prophets you will find more common ground in the religions of the world than differences. The problem is that man has a tendency to only look for differences. Much of the bible was 'edited' by early church fathers around 200AD, and many books were removed. I do though firmly believe in the teachings of Jesus, which I think often differ from the teachings of the christian church. I also believe in the words sent down by God to the prophet Muhammad, and I find suprisingly little disagreement in the two teachings. Although I believe Jesus is a son of God (especially blessed and annointed by God), I do not believe him to be the only and exlusive son of God - We are all sons and daughters of God.

Aswell as Islam, Christanity and Judaism, Hiduism, Sikhism and some forms of Buddism also proclaim one God, Creator or first cause and I think this same concept exists in all these religions as well as notions of soul, spirit and afterlife. They all teach peace and love of humanity and God at their heart. I think a time must come soon when all God fearing peoples of earth must come together in love of the creator and his children, regardless of the path they choose to walk or the prophet they choose to call their own.

And this brings me to some questions I have on Islam. I ask these as a seeker after truth and intend no disrespect to the faith of Islam.

1. Many times in the Quran there is talk of believers and unbelievers, often disussing Jews and Christians. I find passages in the Quran which state that "some of the Jews and Christians are belivers but most are not". I am coming to the conclusion that the term believers appears to refer to those who whoship and respect God and his laws in any religion, and the term unbelievers is intended for people who do not believe in God or follw his laws at all (hypocrites in some religions). Many Muslims seem to take this to mean that an unbeliever is any non muslim. What is your view on this point?

2. The Quran many times states that the Torah and the Gospels were books sent down from God. Even though they have been tampered with to some extent, do you think it is right to discard these teachings completely. I cannot find a specfic part of the Quran that tells us to do this?

Many Thanks and peace be with you.
There are many religions that have no such concept as God. You believe it because it makes sense, and it makes sense to you because you grew up in the same culture that your religion created.

There is no universal purpose- deal with it. Also, you are entirely incorrect about Buddhism. There is no first cause or God in Buddhism, the universe is seen as cyclical and impersonal.

I'm tired of hearing how wonderful Islam is, while in reality many muslims are the most insular, sexist, prejudiced, and violent people in the world. Even your post is exclusionary, you only want peace and understanding among the people of the world that believe in The One God, everyone else can eat hellfire.

If you really want peace and unity, preach tolerance with EVERYONE. Especially with those who's views are completely different from your own.

Some friends say that whoever does not enter Islam, that is his choice and he should not be forced to become Muslim, quoting as evidence the verses in which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed, all of them together. So, will you (O Muhammad) then compel mankind, until they become believers”
[Yoonus 10:99]
“There is no compulsion in religion”
[al-Baqarah 2:256]
What is your opinion concerning that?.

Answer :

Praise be to Allaah.

The scholars explained that these two verses, and other similar verses, have to do with those from whom the jizyah may be taken, such as Jews, Christians and Magians (Zoroastrians). They are not to be forced, rather they are to be given the choice between becoming Muslim or paying the jizyah.

Other scholars said that this applied in the beginning, but was subsequently abrogated by Allaah’s command to fight and wage jihad. So whoever refuses to enter Islam should be fought when the Muslims are able to fight, until they either enter Islam or pay the jizyah if they are among the people who may pay jizyah. The kuffaar should be compelled to enter Islam if they are not people from whom the jizyah may be taken, because that will lead to their happiness and salvation in this world and in the Hereafter. Obliging a person to adhere to the truth in which is guidance and happiness is better for him than falsehood. Just as a person may be forced to do the duty that he owes to other people even if that is by means of imprisonment or beating, so forcing the kaafirs to believe in Allaah alone and enter into the religion of Islam is more important and more essential, because this will lead to their happiness in this world and in the Hereafter. This applies unless they are People of the Book, i.e., Jews and Christians, or Magians, because Islam says that these three groups may be given the choice: they may enter Islam or they may pay the jizyah and feel themselves subdued.

Some of the scholars are of the view that others may also be given the choice between Islam and jizyah, but the most correct view is that no others should be given this choice, rather these three groups are the only ones who may be given the choice, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) fought the kuffaar in the Arabian Peninsula and he only accepted their becoming Muslim. And Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“But if they repent [by rejecting Shirk (polytheism) and accept Islamic Monotheism] and perform As‑Salaah (Iqaamat-as-Salaah), and give Zakaah, then leave their way free. Verily, Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”

[al-Tawbah 9:5]

He did not say, “if they pay the jizyah”. The Jews, Christians and Magians are to be asked to enter Islam; if they refuse then they should be asked to pay the jizyah. If they refuse to pay the jizyah then the Muslims must fight them if they are able to do so. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allaah, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allaah and His Messenger (Muhammad), (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued”

[al-Tawbah 9:29]

And it was proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) accepted the jizyah from the Magians, but it was not proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) or his companions (may Allaah be pleased with them) accepted the jizyah from anyone except the three groups mentioned above.

The basic principle concerning that is the words of Allaah (interpretation of the meaning):

“And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism, i.e. worshipping others besides Allaah), and the religion (worship) will all be for Allaah Alone [in the whole of the world]”

[al-Anfaal 8:39]

“Then when the Sacred Months (the 1st, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islamic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikoon (see V.2:105) wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush. But if they repent [by rejecting Shirk (polytheism) and accept Islamic Monotheism] and perform As‑Salaah (Iqaamat-as-Salaah), and give Zakaah, then leave their way free. Verily, Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”

[al-Tawbah 9:5]

This verse is known as Ayat al-Sayf (the verse of the sword).

These and similar verses abrogate the verses which say that there is no compulsion to become Muslim.

And Allaah is the Source of strength.

Dear Tasik Hasan, before you try to convince us of the fact that Islam is a beautiful thing, you should be writing to the guys at, exposing them as the fascist, totalitarian pieces of shit that they are, and getting them to remove the demented venom they so proudly spew. Once you've achieved that, get back to us. Thank you so much.
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Hi Tasik Hasan, welcome to Sciforums.

I hoped you could take the time to answer a few questions of mine

orch_effect said:
As far as I know Islam and Christianity both teaches that there is only one God. The differences are Christians believe that Jesus (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) is son of God and the Bible is their holy book. We Muslims dont agree that Jesus is God's son but he is one our prophets just like Adam, Moses,Abraham, Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon them). The Bible is our holy book too as we believe that Jesus was a messenger of God. But even if we believe Torah, Bible as our holy books, we don't act on those books because they were tempered and polluted by human beings.
Fair enough

orch_effect said:
We believe and act on Holy Quran as we believe it is the only Holy book from Allah that was sent to all the humanity through Muhammad which is in it's original form as it came from Allah
I highlighted a few words that I thought significant.

Here are my questions for this thread:

1) In what year was the Qur’an written down?
2) By whom was the Qur’an written down?
3) If you own one, is your copy of the Arabic Qur’an EXACETLY the SAME as the very first Qur’an? That is to say there is ABSOLUTELY nothing that I could say is different about your modern Arabic copy of the Qur’an relative to the original Qur’an?
4) Where is the original Qur’an located at? Can I see it today?
5) Has the Qur’an ever undergone a process of canonization? That’s where, because of multiple and various copies, some people sit down and decide what stays in and what goes out?
6) Are ALL Arabic Qur’an today EXACTLY the same in EVERY DETAIL as the VERY FIRST QUR’AN?
7) Are ALL Arabic Qur'an today IDENTICLE in ALL details to one another?

orch_effect said:
I consider myself as a very open minded Muslim.
That’s great.

Would you agree that each individual person should make their own choice in how they want to believe? I mean it is their life, their afterlife, etcetera. So in effect should people be allowed to live as they would like to live so long as they are not directly harming another person?

Thanks in advance for taking you time to answer my questions.


PS: Anyone else who would like to take a stab at answering the above, please feel free to do so.
orch_effect said:
First of all, being a muslim I believe that all human beings and any other thing in the universe was created by one God.
you believe,
unfortunately believing=not knowing,
thats the main problem with religions they make up gods to explain the unknown

and who created God ?

...I know we are part of the universe,
which must have always existed for the simple reason that matter,energy cannot be destroyed nor created so it must have always existed in some form or shape..its eternal..

no gods needed.
Do we really die or our spirit just leave our body at the time? Where does the spirit go when we die? Where does the spirit lives when we are alive anyways? Does our spirit go to heaven or hell according to our good deeds or bad deeds in this world?
yeah 70 virgins seems real enticing,at first ,however have you ever considered what would eternity be like..doing the same thing over and over and over ......
(keep repeating this over and over for an hour or two and days and weeks and then think about would go on forever and never end..can you even imagine how boring would that get..
and what would be the point of such existence..:rolleyes:

also with all those souls ariving wouldnt this heaven get slightly overpopulated eventualy;)

this is how belief in souls originated
., we all were created by one God and the purpose of the religions is to love god as he loves us and love everything else he created for us.
so why is this God defined differently by every religion?
could be b/c they are all imaginary inventions of human mind?

me thinks you only love god b/c you fear His (imaginary) hell ;
1. The meaning of Islam is Peace, it is the religion that teaches it's followers how to live in peace within themselves and with the followers of other religions.
how do you feel about atheists...non believers,
how about gays,lesbians?
orch_effect said:
Hello everybody, All of us here who believe in the Singularity of our creator seem to missing the Key point here.

d))))))The concept of 'singularity' does away with the acceptance of diversity

We are always trying prove our own religion better than other religion which is I think totally irrelevant to the purpose of humanity and it's relation with the religion.

d)))yet you are doing it here

This is what I think ---

First of all, being a muslim I believe that all human beings and any other thing in the universe was created by one God. I think most of the religions in the world believe it too. Because it makes sense. The design of universe and life forms cannot be coincedence, there has to be a great designer and creator who did this on purpose. Because nothing happens without any purpose.

d)))what about spotaneity?
And why is it you need the concept of a 'designer'. This is the patriarchal idea of a 'craftsman' god who designs from an 'outside'. can you not entertain the idea of an innate intelligence of matter-energy. that matter-energy Is active intelligence in no need of some 'one-god' designing?

This is where most of us get confused and don't agree to each other. What was the purpose? Why did he create us and why we die? Do we really die or our spirit just leave our body at the time? Where does the spirit go when we die? Where does the spirit lives when we are alive anyways? Does our spirit go to heaven or hell according to our good deeds or bad deeds in this world?

d))))again i see you struggling to understand where 'you' come from, why you are here and where you are going. THIs is the mystery isn't it. really, hand on heart, NONE of us can be 100% sure. there is doubt right.....?
so, what IS spirit/consciousness, Is the 'purpose' this very dynamic movement we call life and death?

These are some common questions every religion answers in their own way with some form of historical proof or writing that are believed to be sent to us from our creator through some of his chosen ones. This is where the religions becomes separated.

d)))))EXACTLY. revealed religions they are called. all depending on A prophets experiences, NOT an inviduals spiritual experience. for revealed religions the individuals sense of wonder must CONFORM to the tenets of said religion, or else they will be in trouble

But the Key point is, we all were created by one God and the purpose of the religions is to love god as he loves us and love everything else he created for us. I said FOR US because in islam we believe we (human being) are the best creation of all creations and everything else was created only because we were created. Allah created beautiful nature and the amazing universe so that we admire his creations and appreciate it.

d))))And that concept is awful. it is not only human-centric, but Islamic-centric, but of course that idea is spread throughout Abrahamic religion.
Listen though, Nature is NOT just 'designed' for you, me, and all humans. We grow OUT of Nature, and the whole of Nature is a living dying regenerating organism that needs a sense of intelligence of inter-relationship. Why certain humans have made a mess of this relationship is precisely because of myths that claim we are superior over all Nature!

As far as I know Islam and Christianity both teaches that there is only one God. The differences are Christians believe that Jesus (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) is son of God and the Bible is their holy book. We Muslims dont agree that Jesus is God's son but he is one our prophets just like Adam, Moses,Abraham, Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon them). The Bible is our holy book too as we believe that Jesus was a messenger of God. But even if we believe Torah, Bible as our holy books, we don't act on those books because they were tempered and polluted by human beings. Now we believe Muhammad is the very last messenger of Allah to the whole humanity. We believe and act on Holy Quran as we believe it is the only Holy book from Allah that was sent to all the humanity through Muhammad which is in it's original form as it came from Allah. So we follow Muhammad and the Holy Quran. I think this is the main difference between the Christians and the Muslims. I do not know a lot about Christianity as I've always practised Islam so please excuse my ignorance if I unintensionally say something wrong about Christianity.

d))))))well, politely put. but you must admit that such differences of belief have caused untold bloodshed over the centruries and still ARE. so look AT those conflicing beliefs. it's THEY that are the problem

I consider myself as a very open minded muslim. I truly from my heart believe in Islam and I am very grateful and proud about my religion. Let me tell you what I've learnt from Islam from the day I was born till now.

1. The meaning of Islam is Peace, it is the religion that teaches it's followers how to live in peace within themselves and with the followers of other religions. Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessing of allah be upon him) clearly stated that, All Muslims must respect and honor other people from another religion equally, give them equal rights and let them practice their religion while we would do ours in peace.

d)))all very nice in text, but the ACTUALITY is something completely different

2. Men and Women in Islam are considered EQUAL. Women in islam have all the rights such as right to vote, right to learn, right to divorce, right to inherit property just like men.

d)))again nice to say, but from what i have seen, women have it very bad from these patriarchal beliefs that demonize women in their text.
(my limited-memory system wont allow me to answer any more.....i feel i have covered, the essentials though...)))))))))))))

4. Muslims will always protect themselves and their beliefs from their enemies. We will fight only to protect ourselves or to protect our religion when any threat occurs. When you fight for the protection of Islam or to protect your motherl
spidergoat said:
There are many religions that have no such concept as God. You believe it because it makes sense, and it makes sense to you because you grew up in the same culture that your religion created.

There is no universal purpose- deal with it. Also, you are entirely incorrect about Buddhism. There is no first cause or God in Buddhism, the universe is seen as cyclical and impersonal.

Not entirely incorrect about Buddhism, it is certainly an agnostic religion but not necessarilly atheist.

Mahayana buddhism would see creator / god as indefinable, and as such there is no point in attempting to define it. There is an opposition in Mahayana buddhism to pure materialism or humanism. Prayers are given to enlightened beings, who are seen to merge into the 'Continuous stream of life Consciousness' on acheiving buddhahood.

Certainly this is by no means a western concept of god, or a hindu concept of first cause, but neither is it atheism.
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The mahayana buddhist would conclude on subject of creator - if a creator created the universe, how was the creater created? a question which can be asked an infinite number of times. The conclusion then is if we are to say the creator has always been, we may as well say the universe has always been. We are not capable of defining or comprehending such things, so just accept that it is. This position neither denies nor accepts the concept of god or creator - it is neutral.

I hope I explain this correctly - If there are any mahayana buddhists out there who feel I do not explain correctly, I am happy to be corrected.
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