Human origins


Registered Member
Being a total 'plebe' in regard to this topic, yet intensely interested by it, I'm asking all you boarders what your take on it is. Do we have some awesome interstellar lineage or have we been adapted from primate DNA by aliens??

Fuels really good speculation doesn't it?

Maybe they're waiting for us to develop warp-drive and then they might contact us. ;)

Any Zephrame Cochranes out there? :)

I'm really interested in your views.

[This message has been edited by umm7of9 (edited August 02, 2000).]
I'm torn in two directions as to our civilization's origins. The common thread is a possible war that took place around this planet, based on texts such as the Mahabrata (sp?) and ancient Meso-American glyphs.

The first of my theories, and the least likely, is that we are descendants of marooned survivors of that war that may have been stuck here and mated with the locals (as hinted at in the Old Testament).

My other theory is more like the Cargo Cult, where we were witnesses to a war that happened to swing in our direction. We remember what we saw, such as feathered serpents (craft flying through the sky, spitting flames out the back and leaving a contrail), gods that spit lightinging (Ezekiel and what appears to be a blast from an energy weapon), and many artificially formed level patches of ground that are invariably associated with gods who came down from the sky and can still be used as runways today.

The latter is my favorite of the two, as it offers an explanation for the waves of ET craft sightings (shifting battle fronts) as well as a reason for why they don't simply land and say hi (or else zap us into oblivion). They have other things on their minds. It also offers a scant explanation for the abduction experience. They want to know if we're useful. It's possible that they either want to know if we can handle a war like they're fighting, or if we have the right genetic material for another project in which we will be little more than cattle, harvested for our DNA.

That's just my opinion.
Thx for replying Oxygen,

I certainly find it hard to believe that from relatively primitive and uncivilised to developing nuclear bombs and dabbling in quantum mechanics, Homo Sapiens have made this leap in just a million years compared with the billions of years of evolution which had previously produced little or no intelligence.

I recall reading in Erich von Daniken's "The Return of the Gods" (i think that the book),which link in with your comments Oxygen, that stories in the Book of Enoch correspond closely with some modern accepted scientific phenomena. Such as white residue being left after the 'Gods' had taken Enoch to 'heaven' in their 'chariots'= combustion in an environment with high concentrations of limestone (yet again, I think... please verify or invalidate what I'm saying).

Any other thoughts? :)

[This message has been edited by umm7of9 (edited August 02, 2000).]
umm7of9, I assume you are a Star Trek: Voyager fan. Me too.

You asked if the visitors are waiting for us to develop some killer machine and then they might talk back? I think it's a good thing that they don't talk back, at least, not to the majority of us. Why? It keeps us curious and even ambitious about advancing our technologies to the point when we can travel space. If you have watched the episode about Voyager being pulled by the gravity of a newborn planet and their astonishing speed of evolution, your question has been answered.

By all means, be curious. Curiosity is what drives us to civilization.
The ancient Hindu texts like the Mahabharata desribe battles between flying craft called "vimanas" which have been interpreted as being "flying saucer-like." Whether the authors of these texts were actually recording something visually witnessed or something envisioned has been disputed for some time. The flight characteristics of the "vimanas" are similar to the attributes ascribed to the modern-day "UFO," however the weaponry associated with the "vimanas" (weaponry reminiscent of atomic and/or laser-like, which would have done Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon proud)fortunately hasn't been associated with the modern-day "UFO's." The "vimanas" aren't just in the Mahabharata, but also make their appearance in the Ramayana, the Rg Veda, and the Puranas. If one wishes to assume that this planet was or is being visited by more than one species of "alien," could not some type of conflict have arisen between these potential rivals? Human development at the time when Vedic authors were recording these events was such that humans would have been nothing more than spectators at the showdown, which (to borrow another foreign phrase) would truly have been the "mother of all wars." As for "human origins," I always liked Arthur C. Clarke's version with the monkeys coming up on that archaeological anomalous obelisk, and then bashing each other over the head with bones.
One of the strongest arguments for my "Cargo Cult" theory has to do with primitive man's interpretation of things around him. A totemic spirit is nearly always depicted as a human body with the head of whatever animal is the totem. Other than that, animals are depicted in natural surrounds. Birds are in the sky, fish are in the water, bison are on the plains. Snakes, however, seem to be depicted in several cultures are being in the sky. It may have been vonDaaniken who first pointed out the similarities between a jet and it's contrails and the glyphs of flying serpents.

An old Mayan legend tells about a bright bird that lands and two beings emerge from it's beak. They approach the people and try to talk, but nobody can understand their words. The bird stayed on the ground for a few days (researchers figure it was about 3 or 4). The people brought the beings "offerings" of food which at first were untouched, then accepted by the beings. Also accepted were offerings of precious metals. Eventually, the beings went back into the bird's beak and flew off in a thundercloud.

Every now and then, later texts mention similar "bright birds", but none that actually land. I really wish I could read the texts myself. There must be so much that hasn't been published.

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited August 02, 2000).]
I find that very interesting. I would like to assure you that a lot of information and reports have not been published or looked at why? because it doesn't make sense conventionally and fit into our perfect picture of what we would like to believe. What if we found out for a fact that Adam and Eve were grays with big black eyes? I don't have to tell you what would happen.
For some reason, maybe because I haven't had any coffee yet, I was just now reminded of a cartoon I saw in a magazine. The caption read "Origin of the Species?" and it depicted a perverted, zoophilic little grey alien holding down a monkey and screwing it while his horrified buddy (apparently having just discovered the scene) gasps out "You're sick, dude! Sick, sick, sick!"

I apologize if the imagery offends anyone, but I thought it was funny.
lol, lmao, thats hella funny, what mag did u see it in???

and for the orgins, i pretty much have had the same theories as oxygen, and i tried to post it, but my comp froze up on me again. but i never thought bout the war idea, were they were looking at us to see if we might be useful, i really liek that idea. but i am human, so anything with war, is more interesting.

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages. i may be young, but i can see a hell of a lot more than you ever did.

-dexter (yahoo sn: rancid242)

Good job the other little guy didn't join in! Now that would be a threesome! :) For genetic diversity's sake of course!
We as a human race, are consistantly torn between what we would all like to become, or aspire to, and the deeper layers of that primal animal that keeps reminding us of who we are. Although many of us have evolved to a level that permits the ability to achieve balance, and have self restraint of the beast within, I really think that there will be some more sudden changes within our evolutionary scale, as indicative of our archeological past, one that will happen so rapidly, that many of us will be taken by suprise when this sudden change within us occurs. Only then during this sudden change of events as they begin to surface, be it within our genetic pattern of awakening, or sudden earth changes, or perhaps a more complex combination of extremities, it is only during this time, when we will all realize our true identity, and our origins will become clear, as our final destiny begins to unfold.

(This is all speculatory, and although it reflects my personal opinion, be that as it may, I must add that I am not alone in my convictions, as they uphold a shared opinion of many others among us.)

I bid you well.
Try to picture a non-human species categorizing the human animal:

As a species, I bet we would be classified as "dangerous animals", much as we classify pit bulls. We have uneven temperaments, unpredictable natures, can be domesticated with a bit of work, but there's always that chance that we'll turn. We take to training fairly well, but our savage instincts are always lurking just below the surface. We don't do well in captivity, so we need plenty of room to run. We are crafty and creative, so some kind of restraint is needed. We are nervous although not always high-strung. If I was a non-human adminstrator for some kind of Animal Control department, I would definitely require a permit to own a human, and most certainly would not allow them within city limits.

No matter what sort of dwellings we live in or what patterns our lives have taken, no matter that we have 9-5 jobs and live within the confines of so-called "civilization", the fact remains that we are still wild animals. No other species has domesticated us. We are feral humans, or if you prefer, free-range.

When we finally become a true star-faring race, we will need to take that animal along with us. It's kept us alive for a long, long time, and I see no indication that we won't be needing it out there.
Wow, it's interesting reading all these ideas, I used to believe the exact same things. I took Erik Von Daniken's books very seriously, gained a lot of Bible knowledge following these ideas.... but now I'm a Christian and love it, there's so much more to think about, this is where the train of thought lead to. It's good to see people asking the big questions. :)