Human nature


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In the book of Genesis, God creates humans and calls his creation "very good."

God saw all that he had made, <b>and it was very good.</b>

<i>Genesis 1:31, NIV</i>

Yet, Peter's description of false prophets, Peter remarks that human nature is sinful.

For they <i>[the false prophets]</i> mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of <b>sinful human nature</b>, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error.

<i>2 Peter 2:18, NIV</i>

What does God mean when he describes humans as "very good", if they are essentially sinful as 2 Peter 2:18 says?
So he likes us as ignorant animals, without thought or conscience? Beasts, no different from a wolf or a cow.

Not a god I want to know.
Does anyone else think this sentence is ridiculous?

'God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.' -Genesis 1:31 NIV

I read this, then the rest of this page in the bible, and couldn't help laughing at it. Anyway, most of the bible doesn't make sense to me, how can you consider any of the stories in it seriously? If it takes belief in the bible to be Christian, I will never be Christian.


if God really does mean that human nature is good when he describes his creation as good, how could someone that has an essentially good nature give in to simple temptation?
God stated that it was "good" before it had a chance to prove Him wrong. There is little disagreement in any theology with the concept that in this instance, God erred.

staples disconnected said:
If it takes belief in the bible to be Christian, I will never be Christian.
My principle argument with Fundamentalists and Bible-literalists here is that it totally goes against rationality to believe every word of the Bible (it is contrary to scientific evidence, and is self-contradictory and internally inconsistent). I do not see that Christian (or Jewish) faith should rest upon the infallibility of the Bible at all.

It makes sense to respond with the statement "the bible is fallible." I presumed / suspect that there was / is some fundamentalist justification for the passages and answer to my question, which is what I want to hear.
staples disconnected said:
Does anyone else think this sentence is ridiculous?

'God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.' -Genesis 1:31 NIV


yeah.,its one of those things that i cant really place why it is funny.i think its because its something a man who wears tweed would say once he finished a balsa wood glider.