Human Genetic Engineering

Human Genetic Engineering (yes or no)

  • Absolutely not

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • Yes, only for medical purposes

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • Yes, no restrictions whatsoever

    Votes: 15 44.1%
  • Its evil

    Votes: 5 14.7%

  • Total voters


Registered Senior Member
I would like to know what you all think about it. Do you support it or are you against it. Please tell me why in either case.

For the ones who are against it:

What could be done to stop it and what would be the overall implications if it would be turned into reality.

For the ones of you who support it:
How could we solve some of the technical difficulties that are
being encountered in order to turn in into reality.

I would appreciate any feedback

Thank You


P.S. Please take part in the poll
I would like to see a “yes, with some restrictions”, it also depends on what kind of engineering: embryonic or adult? You see people get pretty uneasy about making designer babies but when it comes to people modifying them self’s as totally aware free thinking adults that can make there own life chooses: people don’t really seem to disturbed by that. Cybornetics, gene therapy and bioengineer implants are not nearly as shunned as neoeugenics.
Yes, no restrictions whatsoever

As in the future I would like to study Genetic Engineering I dont like some restrictions slowing down science.

It may be the fastest way to find cure for deceases. Its kinda hard to "find" something, if you cant actually experiment.
<b> Yes, only for medical purposes</b>

People/ Researchers should be made accountable for any defective humans produced.
If a human is produced via experimental cloning research the researcher should be responsible and cover all medical bills of the new human for the rest of its life.
This new human should also have the right to sue the experimenter and institutions, for any suffering caused by the cloning experiment.
Nether should the experimenter/institutions have the right to insure them selves against such actions.
Ultimately, deliberate production (via unproven methods or ineptitude) of a defective human should end up in a long term imprisonment for all involved.

Before a scientist can play god with human souls, they should know that stuffing it up will create as much hardship for them as it will for the poor soul produced with some horrible genetic defect.
I think we definitely need restrictions on genetic engineering, but it'll probably get out of hand before we can slap laws on it. It would get rid of every inheiritable disease, and any inconvenient thing that is caused by genetics. This includes male pattern baldness, for the fortunate future generations. But where does it end? Once we have designer babies, the world will become even more like a factory line. If you have genius, gorgeous, strong, fit, uber-immune kids, all you have to do is feed them data from the curriculum and send them off to work. And it'll make the last generation obsolete. :eek:

That is way I advocate adult engineering over embryonic: people can make the choose (well they will need the cash as well) a embryo can’t. Like always I recommend watching the movie “Ghost in the Shell” I think it’s the best prediction of the future I have ever seen (just the rough concepts not the naked invisible cyborg thing) the comic (manga) is many times more detailed though.


Having your brain ripped out for a full systems check… fun!
Yes, no restrictions whatsoever

speciation made easy :D
(although a species of "elvis" is scary :eek: )

it would also somewhat restrict the spread of diseases such as AIDS.
no restrictions whatsoever

I belief that there shouldn't be any restrictions whatsoever. I want to know how deep the rabbit hole goes. I hope if i go into that field that ican be successfgul with the help of my mentors, colleagues , friends and the global community. On the other hand i also think that the scientist should be responsible for what they do.
I would be quite happy to donate my life to a well thought out Genetic experiment that could benifit mankind on a higher level than commercialism. And there will be a risk. And it will be passed on to any children I have. At least we will progress.

Children will be at the mercy of where and when and who they are born to. Born in certain places you'll probably die of aids by the time of twelve if not of something else, somewhere else you'll be a millionaire before your birth. My point in an around about way is I think it is ethical to fuck around with living things if they don't know about it, including babies.

I support controlled experimental genetic engineering.
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
Does it really matter if we support it or not?

Depends what do you mean by "we". If this "we" is sciforums, then it´s just someones opinion. If "we" is mankind, then it matters... little. Some underground scientist will still try to mess around with genetics.

The consept is similar to cannabis. In some countries, its legal, and you can buy it from legal mediator. So you can be sure its not some crap. But in most of countries, cannabis is illegal, so people buy it from random dealer, who may sell you whatever he wants.
If genetic engineering is legal, then qualified scientist can work with it and study, but if its illegal, then some messed up fool scientist will research on his own, and makes who knows what.
or the scientist will go to a country in which it is legal, as is now the case with some stem cell researchers...or at least that is what they are threatening to do...
I'm for a medical purpose (pre and post-birth) because as I am short-sighted, I would agree if my children could have perfect eyes.
About total freedom with this powerful toy ? One word : Gattaca.
but then again, you must all consider, this is not just something we want to explore in for the heck of it. doing this research and stepping into this new level of science is one major ste. But the Main Question We Must Ask Ourselves Is: What do we get?...What is the Purpose? Why? we just want to find out for the heck of it? Think of the Matrix. They created that new robot race with the AI, but it ended up controlling the people. They soon gained more knowledge and soon took over the humans who created them. they outsmarted their owner. the creator becomes enslaved. What will happen to the current race of people if these new super people enter this world? will we become the slaves?
for research only,the human race does not need anyone screwing with thier gene pool let people do that with thier genitals.besides,what if someone creates an immortal human. what then? can we really allow such a thing? such a person would hve enormous power over the rest of us and wouldn't share it. some would say what about all the medical benifits. i say what about it? the last thing this planet needs is for the human race to increase an individuals lifespan. genetic reserch for industrial and agricultural purposes only!
Gene Therapy ... In future we will have gene therapy pills that will target one and only the simptom we have - no side effects at all. It'll declime drasticly or diminish surgeries. Surgeries will look like butcherous way of curing in the past. Diseases like AIDS will look insignificant like a flu - thanks to gene therapy. Thinking of Gene Therapy as a evil sin science that will come back to us for opening the pandora box - With every new technology there allways been and will be people to insert fear of that future thinking is sinfull (look at the Terminator and the Matrix movie as an example), and allways after a decade it becomes everyday live.
About having law and right and wrong - Yes there SHOULD be drawn a fine line what's right and what wrong to be done, but it'll take time and feedback.
As of me I think that Gene Therapy will help and probably had helped SAVE not only mankind, but all living species - by inroducing a way to save dying planets.
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When you look at the human race, you should be able to see that we are feeble, crippled organisms that have been living purely off our brains and wits since we were the close kin of baboons. Much of the species is blind without glasses and are living off of a constant stream of antibiotics, pepto bismol, pain relievers, antihistamines, and vitamins. All but the best of us are the living dead now so a healthy dose of genetic engineering can only be an improvement.