Human Existance... A Big fat lie?


Registered Senior Member
I was wonderin on ya'll opinions.... as we grow up... do our usual things etc, work play or whatever, we learn about things. I was curious on the subject on our existance itself. Does it really matter on what we do here on earth or is this some sort of bigger matter waiting for us?

Of course it matters! Some people will say it matters becuase of thier religus beliefs, but I believe it matters becuase the time we spend alive is relitivly short. Should you take the high paying job that you know you will hate and stay with it untill you retire, or should you find something you love and be the best at it? Even if it means I will not be paid a large sum I will only stay with a job I can't stand for as long as it takes to find one I love. Some focus upon money, after all it makes the world go round, but if you don't enjoy your life there is nothing to justify living for. Work is a large part of our lives which is the only reason why I use to ilistrait my point. After all we spend 8 or more hours a day there. Shouldn't we enjoy the work we do?

My life could have been black and white, but I had to color it.

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited December 15, 1999).]
Well I could see in the religious beliefs but what happens when we find out that when we die, we just float out into non existance like it really didn't matter? What then?
Once I asked a six year old boy if he knew the meaning of life. I had to supress a smile as I could see that he was concentrating really hard as he delved to find the answer. Eventually he turned round to me and in all earnestness he said, "I don't know, nobody's told me yet!"
What a great answer, I thought, I especially liked the 'yet' part.

As far as I know, at some point in the beginning (before the big bang) all there was, was a sigle gas, hydrogen I think.
Over time, this gas evolved, self heated and exploded into all the complex elements we now call the universe.

If therefore we are a culmination of this evolution, it means that at least a small part of us has been around for ever and it also means that a small part of us can never really die, we just keep evolving.
The interesting thing with us(which sets us apart from other lifeforms or groups of molecules),is that humans are intelligent and can have profound awareness of themselves and everything in the universe. What this may actually mean in reality, is that humans (through their spirits) may have the capacity to choose their next incarnation instead of leaving it up to random nature.
So if that is the case and if what we want is to be born again (literally) as humans then obviously it matters very much what we do here.The first step is to wake up to your own spirit, which will lead to your destiny.
How to do it? follow your heart and light your way with love.

Oh, and just to clarify what you said about the gas and the Big Bang... Unfortunately, scientists know *nothing* about anything prior to the Big Bang, or even *during* the Big Bang. (I'm assuming it happened since that's the modern theory today.) Our knowledge of the universe begins fractions of a second *after* the Big Bang. (And hydrogen was *not* around from the beginning--it was just formed very soon after.)

On a sidenote: though it would be nice to look back in time prior to the Big Bang, it would not be worthwhile in terms of learning more about our universe, in that any events prior to the Big Bang do not affect our current state whatsoever.

As for the meaning of life... I don't have any answers.
Yes, what we do with our lives really matters. Right relationships through love of our fellow man is very important.

Jesus Christ taught us this.

There is a God of the living and we can share eternity with God if we accept Jesus Christ as our savior. If you are looking for answers on how to live this life, I would suggest that you begin reading about the life of Jesus Christ in the New Testament of the Bible. He shows us the way!

Peace be with you!
Ok, can anyone give me just the facts and not religious stuff? I mean I need some sorts of facts to prove this? I mean I'm an athiest seeing since I have no relations with anyone whatsoever. Just the facts! hehe

Boy I wish the hell I knew.

You're going to get tons of Religious, Science, and Philosophical views claiming that this is truth and/or the way. In fact I see you have got at least one already and may have more by the time I copy this over.

I have been looking for some meaning to this mess since the mid 1970's, and there is nothing new posted in this forum that wasn't being said in the 70's. The "end of times" crap was being pushed then, as it was in the 50's, 60,s and for many years before, and the exact things and quotes from the Bible are being repeated today. The fact is nobody knows.

We may well be in the end times, but it's more likely that we will destroy ourselves than it will be that God is pissed off and will destroy us. We have crazy's all over the place now and it is pretty spooky.

There have been some advances in science that explain the creation of the Universe in a more meaningful way, but there will always be things that science cannot explain or address.

Also the Philosophical will try and explain our existence with logic, words, and ideas. If there really is a 'God', and reason for living, and I believe there is, I believe they are beyond words and/or logic.

The people in this forum appear to be very talented and intelligent, and it's to bad they don't look for ways to unite instead of blasting the hell of each other and trying to push their unwanted beliefs into the other guys face. This not only goes for the Bible thumpers but also for the science groupies who think science is the last word, or the philosophical who believe you can describe life's meaning with logic. Sorry but I think not.

Sorry to be so bitchy, especially around the holidays, but after years of hearing, and seeing this kind of people bashing and bitching at each other, I've grown a little weary of the whole thing.

Normally I won't even respond to most of these arguments because I've grown tired of people arguing about something that they nor
anyone else can prove, not to mention the ones who want to kill or go to war over this stupid shit.

Hope you find something meaningful for yourself. If it's new, please post, I'd be interested.


[This message has been edited by Zapper (edited December 30, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Zapper (edited December 30, 1999).]
Well I'm glad to hear it. I definately will post something that seems unusual.
Originally posted by Zapper:
The people in this forum appear to be very talented and intelligent, and it's too bad they don't look for ways to unite instead of blasting the hell of each other and trying to push their unwanted beliefs into the other guys face.

I couldn't agree with you more on this one.
Some of the writers appear to be constantly on the defensive, while others tend to nitpick on certain details or question things which ought to be pretty obvious. This meandering quite often takes us right away from the subject and into bitching territory.
What I see from this, is that even within a varied group of thinkers and intellectuals such as we are, there is still an apparent aggression and need for one-up-manship inherent in probably around 40% of the contributors.It's probably just a reflection of society but I would have expected a little more rationale on a board such as this.
Nevertheless, even after saying all that I'd like to add that the occassional bitch can have its place when it's apt, adding spice to an otherwise bland soup of opinions.


[This message has been edited by tablariddim (edited December 31, 1999).]

I'm glad it's not just me nitpicking and bitching myself. I often wonder if it is just me doing the bitching and I was pissed at myself for posting this negative reply, even if I do really believe it.

"'Nevertheless, even after saying all that I'd like to add that the occassional bitch can have its place when it's apt, adding spice to an otherwise bland soup of opinions".

I couldn't agree with you more. I've got
really pissed and bitched a jhell of a lot myself when I've come across something I felt was unfare to a 'group' or person. I hate seeing the underdog being beat to death by people who haven't walked in that groups/persons shoes. It's just too dam easy to not know the score.

Anyway thanks for the support. I was worndering if it was just me and I was over reacting (as I often do).

Happy New Year to all, even the ones I may have offended and pissed off. I didn't mean to piss anyone off, I just wanted to make a point.
Hello All!!!


And... The irony continues...




Some find it, share it and are laughed at...

Some find it, disagree with it and deny it...

Most end up saying it can never be found, but yet, they still look for it...



The problem is, your truth, when viewed from a different perspective, doesn't look much like truth at all. If someone else has an experience very similar to the ones you've had, but their "spirits" tell them a different "truth", do you not react to their "revelations" in the manner you just described in your last post (i.e., laughing at it or denying it)? Yet you expect those same people to react differently to your version of the "truth". In fact, if their version of the truth doesn't match your version of the truth, you are quite fond of making disparaging remarks about them playing or dancing to Satan's tune.

Has it occured to you that perhaps "the truth" is multifaceted, much like a precious gemstone? And that maybe it's just not possible to see all facets of it in a single lifetime? And, just maybe, part of our "mission" here on earth is to learn to love and accept one another in spite of our different viewpoints? None of us is very good at doing that, TS!! Not you, not me, not anyone I still see on this board! (Lady O' the Green seemed to have a gentle and loving spirit, but she seems to have moved on to greener pastures - not that I can blame her!)

And that's my two cents worth...

The meaning of life, the question of the questions. To try to answer the question you have to ask yourself who you are, just a specie of many or a special being with a particular purpose. If we have a purpose, you have to look deep inside of you to find it. If the humain being is special must be because of his faculties to think and reason.

If he reasons then there has to be a most powerful force that makes it possible.

So the human being reasons about is being, and is where abouts. Who made me so special than? Who am I? I think than I am, I live than I am. I beleive in life its self than I am, but are we sure that this is reality, maybe its just a long dream. Because if this is life, what is there after life.

Is this what was ment to be for us, this hard working, painful life, if we were made in the image of God, aren't we suppose to feel like God. Maybe thats the hole purpose of our being, to try to realize who we realy are.

And if we finaly find ourselfs, wont we find our spirit. The spirit doesn't die, only our body. So shouldn't we try to better our spirit to be more God like, maybe we wouldn't have to reincarnate in this way.

And would not have to ask ourself these kind of questions.

I am love and happiness.
I wouldn't say that our life (existence) is a dream but it is an illussion.

Nobody can share the same reality 100% because it is subjective, therefore each one of us can only discern and perceive the reality of life in our own individual way.
In a way our lives are like dreams, but for other people.
Do you realise how fortunate we are to be living in the first world, with our abundant food, good health, central heating, air conditioning, electronics, luxury goods etc, all those comforting things (generally and relatively speaking)that make life bearable enough for us that we can take them for granted?
This type of life is at this very minute the dream of billions of people. People whose daily reality would be our worst nightmare!

To dream is to stand outside the grim gates of reality.