humaitarian views

What do you believe humanity is at its core?

  • Greedy, slothful, and warlike

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Sharing, responsible, and peaceful

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters
Wow that's a pretty vast range of choices to pic from. I'll be here all night trying to figure out which one of these very spacific categories fits me best.
I rather like humanity. The humans have achieved some quite remarkable and special things in art, poetry, mathematics and philosophy. There are also individual achievements in extending compassion and love and support to other people. Most people will help a child in need. People are fundamentally good.
Originally posted by ele
The humans have achieved some quite remarkable and special things in art, poetry, mathematics and philosophy.
But you have to ask yourself, does anything else give a fuck? No, humans are making lives better for themselves, what an achievement:rolleyes:
Would I be considered a great man if I figured out a way to funnel all the money of the world into my living room?
Well that would be a pretty impressive feat, but I'm still a lousy crook taking food out of starving peoples mouths.
If that would make me a lousy man, humanity is a lousy species.
Dr. Lou:
There are those who would consider such a man lousy. Humans are so strange - alternate between Wagner and killing each other over idiotic religious dogmas.
If you find anything worthy in yourself, you've found something in your species that is worthy. The converse is true.
Bloody odd critters. Nuke 'em off the face of the planet - happy august sixth!
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
No, humans are making lives better for themselves, what an achievement:rolleyes:

Haha, well would you rather humanity works on making life worse for itself? You must have voted Bush.
They could have made life better for themselves without making it worse for everything else but they opted for the easy route. If thats not selfish what the hell is? There's nothing noble or great about humans, they're just talented. Cold, ruthless, cowardly, arrogant and talented.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
They could have made life better for themselves without making it worse for everything else but they opted for the easy route.

Oh boo hoo. Cry me a river. Yet somehow you don't blame yourself for these perceived injustices against no named second party? Hypocrite.

I say go us, we're the very best that the sentient community has to offer.
According to who? oh a human, big surprise :rolleyes:
The day a panda says "you know what, you guys are so cool, it doesn't really matter that you've taken my bamboo because obviously you are more important, keep it up" I'll agree.

We can all just say "yes humans are objectively the best" and believe that to be the case.
But its akin to me and some guys getting in a room, discussing the pros and cons of feeding starving children in africa. From where WE are sitting there are no pro's, if we don't feed them we have more money for ourselves. So no more feeding starving children, all opposed? .... its settled, it turns out that in actual fact feeding starving children is a bad idea. Glad thats over, Chinese anyone? yeah?

Would an objective third party viewing humans be impressed? Is anything but humans impressed? No. So we aren't great, we're screwing the system and having a good time but big fucking deal. You can't just decide you are great, it needs to be agreed upon by outside parties, if it isn't its just jacking off in front of a mirror.
Humanitarianism is a mixed bag. On the one hand, it recognizes the potential for mankind, like all of its' "goodness" and talents. On the other hand, it presupposes that humans are the most important lifeforms on the planet. . . I have trouble swallowing this aspect of it. Just because we control the planet doesn't make us the most important species on it.
i'd like to think it's not too far in either direction. perhaps all of the above is in us, some with more of one than the other. you'll need to add a third choice to the poll.
Originally posted by Dearprudence
If the planet were to be nuked into kingdom come, and America were to be preserved in some sort of magic dome produced later on after star wars or whatever the fuck they're calling it now, then, and only then, will America begin to explore humanitarianism. But how retro...

Ummm what planet are you living on? Really look at the facts before you open your mouth with your nonsensical rantings. I know it's fashionable to hate America and Americans, but this is just idiocy.
humanitarian views
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one must first be rid of biggotry
one must secondly act in a way that helps another living thing
be that the earth or another form of life

this action is only defined by the knolledge of making a difference for an equal value to all through the acton to help one or a group
rather than by an action of selfishness by materialistic representation

and thirdly must be in a manner that does not dissadvantage another life form through relatively known terms of power or control over others


that is my humble view :)

groove on :)