Hubble/SOHO usage intentionally blocked by NASA/NSA/DoD


This is not a test, it's quite real, it's happening right now and I believe individuals such as yourselves can manage to circumvent the "status quo" of what's been going on for 13 years and counting. Of course, I could be entirely wrong, not necessarily about Venus but about individuals and their associations with NSA/DoD agendas.

Viewing Venus via SOHO and Hubble (GUTH Venus xenon/laser communications)

Because I'm not as smart as most of you wizards, this message is not going to be all that accurate, but at least true as based upon honest principals and for all the right reasons worthy of accomplishing good for humanity, unless you're NSA/DoD or their cloakster NASA, then it's entirely a waste of time and of no worth to humanity whatsoever.

Gazing upon Venus from Earth is a bit testy, only because it so darn close to the sun and also because of all our atmospheric pollution, but it can be seen by those using some degree of care and perhaps a filter or two and, better yet as CCD imaged, as computer enhancements can pull or contribute to a greater degree of contrast.

I'm not certain I can even guess at what Hubble can accomplish, however, I do believe Hubble offers a rather substantial degree of magnification, perhaps sufficient as to offer "full frame" or better upon Venus, as it's becoming so close though October/November (Venus being only 105 times the lunar distance from Earth and, that's even a much lessor ratio as from EL1).

We've long been informed by NASA, Earth illuminates upon the lunar surface by 16 times greater then the reverse. That's having to reflect off a <10% lunar reflective (asphalt like) average surface. So, as for our viewing the dark side of Venus, as receiving only it's illumination from Earth, upon those highly (75<85%) reflective Venus clouds, this should be more then sufficient as for Hubble to offer a great deal of contrast depth if not even some pastel color attributes. Venus will still be quite dark but, through PhotoShop enhancements plus whatever enlargements (10<20X) should offer some fairly good observations and, no stinking atmospherics as to interfere with that effort. Dark is a rather good thing, especially if we were looking for artificial illuminations, as the amount required of such xenon (CO2) arc illuminations could be relatively small against that otherwise nearly bitch black disk of Venus. Hubble's sensitive CCD and capable wide spectrum of detections makes for our best and lowest cost solution.

A secondary or alternate is using Earth's (EL1) SOHO, which looks mainly at the sun and can also view upon a rather considerable area that's sufficiently near to the sun (well within view of Venus passing by), thus as Venus passes nearby, SOHO can 24/7 image through a number of other spectrums as well as eliminating more of the solar effects, which Hubble is not as likely equipped to handle. If SOHO should be unable to view Venus, that's only because of NSA/DoD and/or NASA's crack teams of digital ruse masters having been eliminating it from those otherwise normal solar monitoring scans.

Sorry folks but, if either Hubble or SOHO are occupied or for some reason down for whatever other reasons, that's because we're being intentionally managed or moderated upon by those wishing to eliminate public awareness and subsequent interest in my discovery of potential life existing on Venus and, otherwise as to furthering our pathetic cold-war ruse (hidden agendas) until hell freezes over.

If you should need something further (perhaps a whole lot more then you need to know):

Any good or even alternate ideas and/or work-around's will be applied towards focusing my "Loose Cannon", as upon worthy targets and if need be, upon individuals closely involved with sustaining the grand ruse of the century as well as intent upon blocking anything "GUTH Venus" related.

You can also locate a tad bit more upon this subject:

Regards, Brad Guth / IEIS
So which government agencies and telescopes are looking at Uranus? :D

nearly bitch black disk

Your momma, ho. :p

Sorry folks but, if either Hubble or SOHO are occupied or for some reason down for whatever other reasons, that's because we're being intentionally managed or moderated upon by those wishing to eliminate public awareness and subsequent interest in my discovery of potential life existing on Venus and, otherwise as to furthering our pathetic cold-war ruse (hidden agendas) until hell freezes over.

I have no idea what you just said. Hubble and SOHO are "down?" And even if they are, they're down specifically because the International Scientific Community is trying to hide the evidence of life on Venus from the public?

Where do crackpots like you come from anyway? Stop watching late-nite Fox.

- Warren
Hi Brad

Welcome back. I think we've already covered this ground before. And besides, this is a science forum, not a crackpot forum. Please post your nonsense in Pseudoscience where it belongs.
So, where's Venus in the eyes of Hubble and SOHO ?

Venus is getting damn close, like 0.271AU come October 30, 2002.

Those dark clouds are somewhat illuminated by Earth and those CCD's as well as other sensors on Hubble and SOHO should be full of Venus by now. So, where's Hubble looking for ET these days, or don't you give a damn?

Looking back 20+ months and then looing into the future of NASA's official research/exploration upon Venus and, you'll find nothing whatsoever. How come?

Are you another NASA "spin" and "damage control" mole or of whatever else are you pretending to be?

Regards, Brad Guth / IEIS and

So, where's Hubble looking for ET these days, or don't you give a damn?

Frankly, Brad, I do give a damn. But you can have a look for yourself:

Looking back 20+ months and then looing into the future of NASA's official research/exploration upon Venus and, you'll find nothing whatsoever. How come?

Pioneer and Magellan have already mapped Venus. Vega conducted soil experiments. And with an atmosphere of sulfuric-acid, continuous global volcanism, and a surface temperature of 870 degrees F., why would anyone be any more interested in Venus ?

Other than yourself and your Venusian theory, of course.

Are you another NASA "spin" and "damage control" mole

Could be. :cool:

Never realised you where a Guardian Of Orthodoxy (GOO) as well. We must miss each other every day in the office.

Hi Brad. is just not the same without you.

We must miss each other every day in the office.

Well then, let's pop by the local and quaff a few pints of Guinness. I'll bring my darts.
Excellent idea (Q)

I'll bring my crib board and dominoes as well. Shall we say The Golden Bough or The Mole at Sherborne St. John. Better food at The Mole.
SETI on steroids or Prozac, otherwise GUTH Venus and Islamic lizard folk

With all the new evidence upon Venus, as to be reconsidering upon the positive energy considerations, including H2 buoyancy, CO2-->CO/O2 plus all that vertical CO2 wind power, why is SETI looking outside the box and, at targets that are hundreds to thousands of light years away.

Are you saying we've mastered light speed and then some or, do you simply have a pretty good "cash cow", sort of like our NSA/DoD printing away at just about any currency that gets their job done.

Regards, Brad Guth / IEIS ~ " GUTH Venus "
Aliens, Et, Venus, conspiracy...

Folks, this sounds like one for pseudoscience.
GUTH Venus is no story, it's real and it's right now

No lie folks, this is not a story, nothing as fictitious as those Apollo missions.

What's truly hot about Venus is, that we can easily place calls there, as it's well within our mutual local xenon/laser area code, at least October/November are pretty good for a few simplex efforts (God forbid, they might just answer back).

Just ask NASA/ESA this; where's Venus these days and, why aren't you guys looking at it, let alone communicating with whatever constructed all that nifty stuff that just sitting there in plain sight?

I for one would like to see some Islamic lizard smut, might even be a whole lot better then what's on TV.

Regards, Brad Guth / IEIS ~ "GUTH Venus"
They also refuse to train it on the moon, saying its too bright. Odd because when calibrating the telescope's filters they have it look at earth cloudcover. Clouds are brighter than the full moon much of the time from space.
Hubble offers too much magnification as far as Venus

I just ran off some preliminary numbers (as others opposing are obviously afraid of doing such) and, it's looking as though Hubble is becoming roughly 125 times further away from Venus then our moon, as being within such range for several days worth, perhaps even a couple of weeks, when our nifty Hubble can focus upon 512 km (more or less) worth of Venus, that's roughly 4.25% of it's diameter, lesser percentage yet if one included the greater diameter of the surrounding cloud base (which is exactly what we're needing to be looking at). Hubble at lesser magnification should not be at all difficult, if it were not for my opposition that's making a bigger fool of themselves by every day they elect to abstain from doing their jobs.

So, Hubble as well as whatever ISS and lord knows whatever other international (ESA) instruments can in fact be scanning upon Venus, sufficiently tight as to avoiding any significant solar impact. Too bad our NASA wizards have become so pathetically bound by those "nondisclosure" cops and, by their sworn to secrecy traditions of cloaking on behalf of NSA/DoD hidden agendas.

Please check out my:
and always update the index page:
My alternate URL:

Please indicate, on this map of Venus, where the Venusians live or where we should be training our sights:

NASA is really infiltrated full with Venusians.:rolleyes:

anyways I don't think it's real, but just in case we have to form an Anti-Venusian Alliance
Venusians are nifty and you can expect anything from them
I would have to say that if there really were intelligent beings on Venus, which there aren't, they would have no interest in Earth, because Earth would likely appear as poisonous to them as Venus is to us. But just in case I'll have my local hillbilly gang train their rifles in that general direction. If they lead the target they just might hit it....


Please indicate, on this map of Venus, where the Venusians live or where we should be training our sights:
Brilliant! :D :D
Well then, let's pop by the local and quaff a few pints of Guinness. I'll bring my darts.
If its draft can I come?
Location of "GUTH Venus"

Clearly my URL pages more then indicate the exact locations and, you can accomplish your own enlargements perhaps far better then anything I have to offer.

Your expertise and input is needed and, I'll certainly post links directly to whatever you have to share, even if it's entirely negative.

Regards, Brad Guth / IEIS "GUTH Venus"