how would i draw the cell


Registered Member
if i have a cell with n=4 how would i draw the cell in metaphase and anaphase ? what if the cell was n=2 ? i do have a book that shows pictures of the different phases
The cell cycle has five phases: G1, S, G2, Mitosis/Meiosis and cytokinesis. Both mitosis and meiosis have four stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Meiosis undergoes two rounds of cell division so each of the separate four phases are labelled as Prophase I, Prophase II, Metaphase I, Metaphase II, etc., corresponding to the two cell divisions.

In Metaphase, the chromosomes can be drawn as X's or straight lines, as most easily pictured below, and the spindle fibers can be drawn as either reaching out but maybe not quite attached yet, or they can be drawn as being attached, or some attached and some not.


Late Anaphase II with early phase at the bottom pic:


In Anaphase I the sister chromatids could be drawn as diamond shaped, still touching each other. In late Anaphase the chromatids could be drawn as separated, being already pulled apart by the spindle microtubules, as in the above drawing.

For differences between Mitosis and Meiosis see:
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