How was 2001 for you?


Registered Senior Member
Now that we're into 2K2, does anyone have anything they'd like to share with the rest of us about how 2K1 went for you in general? Was it a good year? a bad year? Indifferent? Did you fall in love? Did you get dumped? Did you find a really great job?

.... anyone? Anything at all?

Teri :)
It was a hellish year and I´m happy it´s over. But I´m thankful for all experiences, especially the few good ones. It was a year of great turbulence! ;)
Me too.

My life situations have been pretty yukky since mid 1999. I really hope things change soon. Same for you Bebelina, I hope this year brings only good things to your front door.

It seems to me that most people I speak to have had a bad year. I'd really love to hear from someone who has become ecstatically happy in the last year, that they have fallen madly in love and are going to live happily ever after. ....anyone?
It was one of the worst years I ever experienced.

The startup I had left my previous job for went belly up. Luckily I got my old job back.

I got divorced, a pleasant experience by itself.

Sept. 11...need anyone say more.

And to end the wonderful year, I got my layoff notice from my current job.

I thank God, or whatever being exists that determines our fates, that the year is over and I am praying that this one will be a much better year.
I'm going to agree with Tiassa on the last year, it contained some of the worst experiences I've had to endure, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. I look forward to the load of crap that I can see in the near future this new year has to offer me. But I know it'll be fun to get though.

There's a certain amount of happiness alotted in the world at any specific time, and thanks to me someone had a great year; So I'm kinda doing good.

I like challenges.
Was Tiassa here?

Pzzaboy, I didn't see anything written by Tiassa, did he post and then delete it? Apart from that, if you've been doing something nice for someone then I hope the universal karma rewards you in kind.

SeekerOfTruth, people always say "things can only get better" when you're down. If it's possible to blow fairy dust that signifies good universal karma, then I'm blowing your way. I've been there with a couple of the experiences you've had this year and I can sympathise. I really hope things improve.

Because I'm not religious, I can't say to you all "I'll pray for you", or "god bless you", so my only option is to think good things about you and hope that they magically get there. "Good universal karma" is the only way I can express it at the moment.

GUK to you all (I think I'll have to find another expression. GUK looks yukky)
Teri 2,

Thank you for your thoughts.

I am not religious either, but I am a firm believer in the power of the human mind, I tend to think that is why people who are prayed for do better in serious situations such as illness. So anything you offer is definitely a plus for me.

Thanks again for your thoughts and support.

And its GAK here :D That gooey yucky stuff that comes from Nickelodeon on TV and that my kids just love.:p
In the western world scope this year really, really sucked. I don't think anything could've gone worse:

-Republican president who didn't win the popular vote, and BARELY, if at all, won the electoral vote

-September 11th etc

-Economic Slowdown due to mentally challenged president and his Reaganite staff

I think that about covers all of the bases. For me the beginning of the year was boring and repetitive but High School has made me EXTREMELY happy. Just yesterday one of the hottest girls in school-also a year older than me-had a long, flirtatious conversation. I have more friends than I can count and I enjoy every class I have.
If 2001 was your Annus Horribilis, then my heart goes out to you. But aside from terrorism and war drums in India and Pakistan, I personally had a very pleasant year.

My wife and I spent more days than I can count at the lake last summer. Long lazy days of swimming, reading, and just looking up at the clouds. This is the sort of thing I do best; nothing.

Despite a record drought, our garden produced the best harvest ever. I can't remember seeing the pantry, freezer, and root cellar so full at this time of the year. For example, we normally have a marginal harvest of tomatoes before the frost, but this year we put away just under 50 quarts. When I return home after several days of severe winter weather on the mountain, I look forward to my wife giving me a kiss at the door, and then sitting down to a big bowl of soup from our garden and a loaf of her fresh baked bread. I don't think there could be anything finer.

And then there was the incredible Leonid meteor shower this Fall. I've never seen so many meteors in the span of two hours. The best part was that I was able to lie on my back at 4AM and watch them beside my brother Tom. Two years ago Tom was diagnosed with a rare and fatal disease called Pulmonary Hypertension. As it turns out he was mis-diagnosed, there's absolutely nothing wrong with him. :)

Lastly, I read an armload of wonderful books this past year; science, mathematics, and philosophy. The new ideas I picked up from these books are both beautiful and fascinating.

All things considered, I've had a fine year. I wish you all a happy and healthy 2002.

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2001 was terrible.

I have met some nice persons (one is a very good friend now - Rimke, ik ben heel blij met je vriendschap) and I joined SciForums ;). but apart from that there was 'not much fun' :( for me.
Thank you Orthogonal,

The year you described sounds like a dream. You have a wonderful way of expressing yourself.

From knowing that just one of us can be happy, means that there's hope for all of us.

I missed the Leonid shower this year - our media don't seem to make too much of such things, so I heard about it too late, oh well. Thanks to APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day) from NASA I still get to see images of wonderful things. It's one of the reasons I love this computer.

Good luck to you and your wife may 2K2 be even better!

For the rest of us, I guess if we look hard enough, we'll still find some gems amongst the rocks, even if it's the fact that you didn't fall ill this year.

Cheers to all
Orthogonal .... glad to hear you had a good year, sounds like bliss!

To the rest of Sciforums I would like to wish you all a happy new year... let's hope this one's a better one! ;)
Just a small question....why do some of you call me Babelina instead of Bebelina? Is it just a typo, a misreading of my name or just to annoy me?
And btw, is Tiassa male or female?
Hi Bebelina,

My intuition tells me that Pzzaboy just made a typo in this instance. But don't get disheartened, the other jerk has been deleted and we know it's you.

PS If I've accidently done it I assure you it was a typo.
Happy New Year to you.

Just another thing, I know what you mean about not knowing the gender of the people we're writing to, I wish they would put more in their profiles. I think it's great that were communicating with each other from all over the world and even just that small piece of information would make it a bit more personal.


:) :) :)