How Unlike Religion Is Politics?

Revelation In Space

Registered Senior Member
I have found that there are only 2 types of atheists. The militant and the non-militant. The majority, by far, are the non-militant. It's about bread and butter people, don't deceive yourself. The American Dream doesn't, even prior to the Inside Job, concern itself on any real marginal level, regarding the existence or non-existence of what we will call, out of pure ignorance, and a greatly established finer educational institutional bullshit circus devoted to the knowledge of anything other that the fucking bread and butter. You can call it what you want. You can be the quasi intellectual idiot, and get all worked up about it but hey. Ain't nobody going to quiz you on the latent propaganda. It's all about who or what or - you know - what it is we must, at this stage of what we would be almost vacuously absent in remiss to every spark of our being being speculative and new and a remarkably fascinating multi-dimensional series of universes if it were not for, not at this point religion, because we wised up to that, but rather. Science.

I'm from the future and science is dead. Had you been an eighth as clever as you 'thought' you were you wouldn't be.

God, is like this: A man stumbles through the open plain, starving, cold and afraid. Green grass for as far as the eye can see and as darkness creeps under the ever watchful eye of the desperate hero in our story has no recourse but to accept the gathering of the predator. Stumbling upon the dried excrement of a bovine variety he lifts it, and eats the crawling things beneath. He lights it for warmth and protection and he proclaims it his god.

Two thousand or so years later the atheist, who hasn't a clue, determines that his god doesn't exist. A pile of shit on the open plains. What arrogance, and blind to the landscape historical. What myopic vision.

If you can't accept that God is a turd you can't accept that Eric Clapton or Frodo, or Jesus, or Moses, or Jehovah or Satan are gods as well.

That's sort of funny, 'cause y'all imaged something wrong.
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That's sort of funny, 'cause y'all imaged something wrong.

Sadly, this is (most likely) true. Anything i could add would only be a guess. Why? Because i am human. A human who is hard to label…’cause i just don’t know.

No, what i am going to do is take the high road, put my hands up and say “I Don’t Know”.
Politics gets to use relative morality, whereas religion tried to level the playing field with one set of rules for all. In religion, lying is called lying and is not considered acceptable. It is all about good data to the best of one's knowledge. But in politics lying is called spin, so misinformation and cheating becomes more part of the way.

Business has truth in advertising laws; to the best of their ability to know the truth, but politics can lie all its wants and is not be accountable. Truth in advertising, although mediated through politics, has more in common with religious ideals than political ideals. If business could use 100% political ideals, they could lie about their products and lie about competitor products and people, and there would be nothing anyone could do. They can give it a fancy word. There is a resistance in politics about religion, since this could make it harder for con artists to rise to power, since truth would not favor their scams.

Separation of church and state was useful because it helped to maintain the two bookends of truth and illusion, rather than allow the truth to be diluted with political illusion and illusion to be diluted with semblance of truth. Neither is useful because it creates more confusion that if both extremes are allowed to exist side by side. The spiritual huckster or the huckster who acts spiritually, could do a lot of damage by appearing moderate to untrained eye.

What would happen if political candidates had to be accountable for lies with fines and jail, like in business? They would have third parties lie for them. Say they were also accountable with fines and jail. It would change the type of people who could run, with con artists paralyzed. In religion, say you could lie and con the flock, with no accountability, like in politics. You would get hucksters who manipulate the poor and helpless with lies.