How unique was Jesus?


Registered Senior Member
Haru “Horus” is symbolic of the Rising Son. Jesus is also symbolic of the rising son. Jesus was the son (sun) who died (set) on the cross by crucifixion and he will resurrect (rise) according to the Christians. When the son came down and apparently sets or dies into the darkness and he raises or resurrects back to life. It is the story of the Christian’s God Jesus.

What religious fanatics don’t realize is that if the sun shuts down that would be the end of life as you know it. This is what Egipt teaches about the sun: If I say I worship the sun, people say oh that’s sun worship. I know that. The reason why I say worship the sun, s-u-n and laugh at you who worship the son, s-o-n is because my sun is an obvious provider. If my sun doesn’t come up in the morning, we can chalk it. Jesus (the son) went to sleep 2,000 years ago, has not gotten up yet, and you all are still doing fine. Yet you are still waiting for your son to rise. If my sun doesn’t rise each day, it’s over for Jesus and you. Now with this reasoning, I can live without your son. Can you live without your son? Can you live without my sun? The answer is simply NO.

If you look throughout Egyptian history, you see that many of the characteristics of Horus existed long before 2,000 years ago, and parallels that of Jesus of 2,000 years ago. For instance it is said:

Jesus performed the miracle of turning five loaves of bread in one case and seven in another to feed the many multitudes of people.
This ties in with Horus who makes seven loaves of bread for Osiris to live by.

Yashua is in the desert and being tempted by the Devil, who said to him, “If he was the son of God, turn a stone into bread.”
The stone of the desert is symbolic of Set.

As the child Horus comes to the Earth, then enters matter or becomes flesh. He is born as the word of his father who becomes Seb, who consort is Nu whose other name is Meri.
Which is the same as Jesus coming down to Earth as the word of God in the flesh having and adopted father of Joseph (Seb) and Mary his mother.

Jesus said “I and the father are one. He that seeth me, seeth him that sent me.”
Horus is the father seen in the son.

Jesus claims to be the son in whom the father is revealed.
Horus was the light of the world. The light that is represented by the symbolic eye. The son of salvation.

Yashua is called the ‘Good Sheperd’ with the lamb or kid on his shoulder.
Horus was the good shepherd who carries the crook upon his shoulder.

Jesus is called the Lamb of God, the bread of life, the truth and the light.
Horus is called the Lamb of God, the bread of life, the truth and the light.

Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.
Horus is was baptized by Anupp the Baptizer.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the ‘House of Bread.’
Horus was born in Annu, the ‘Place of Bread.’

Jesus the Christ.
Horus the Krist.

The star in the east that indicated the birthplace of Jesus.
The star, as announcer of the child Horus.

The blind man given sight by Jesus.
The blind mummy made to see by Horus.

Jesus walking on water.
Horus walking on water.

THE LIST GOES ON AND ON. This is just to give you clear overstanding that the Jesus of your bible came from the Egyptian diety of Horus, and Christianity came from the various stories from Egypt. The story was just reiterated as most stories in your bible are. They are stories from old tablets such as the Enuma Elish, and the Giglamesh Epic. The names were just changed, in different cultures. In fact, the names of the bible aren’t even names, they are titles. For example the story of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar in the bible is just the story of ANU, Antum, and Iyd in the Enuma Elish. The story of Cain and Abel in the bible is just the story of Osiris and Set in the Egyptian records.

source: The Body Parts Of God
by Kayti - Sent Hotep known as Shandra Stubbs
student of Egipt
The name Horus is mentioned in the Bible. If you look in Matthew 4:3 where you find the statement “the Son [huios] of God [theos]” referring to Jesus, in the Greek language, you will see Huios Theos. It is not that it is not there. It is just for those who will take the time to research and find it because they want the facts. The Greek word Huios is from the Egyptian word Horus or Haru.

Source: Jesus Found In Egipt
Yes I know and I always wondered why nobody cares about the Ancient Mesopotamian Tablets. They are always overlooked but are some of the oldest peices of information around and are speculated to be the origins of all world religions.

A little history and a little brainpower to make the connection.
Great job LB!
God rules over his creation:
Psalm 121:6
the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.

Moses was an Egyptian, he knew the Egyptian gods and was the adopted son of the pharoah. Yet he gave that all up and sided with the oppressed Israelites. Joseph was in more than one sense a precursor to Jesus. He became ruler over his own people, when they wanted to kill him and he was sold to slavery in Egypt. His dream was:
Gen.37:9 Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. "Listen," he said, "I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me."

God does not approve of sun-worshipping:
Jeremiah 43
12 He will set fire to the temples of the gods of Egypt; he will burn their temples and take their gods captive. As a shepherd wraps his garment around him, so will he wrap Egypt around himself and depart from there unscathed. 13 There in the temple of the sun [ 43:13 Or [ in Heliopolis ] in Egypt he will demolish the sacred pillars and will burn down the temples of the gods of Egypt.' "

Deut. 4:19 And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars-all the heavenly array-do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the LORD your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven. 20 But as for you, the LORD took you and brought you out of the iron-smelting furnace, out of Egypt, to be the people of his inheritance, as you now are.

Those who live by the sun, die by the sun:
Jeremiah 8:2
They will be exposed to the sun and the moon and all the stars of the heavens, which they have loved and served and which they have followed and consulted and worshiped. They will not be gathered up or buried, but will be like refuse lying on the ground.

God also promises us:
Isaiah 60:20
Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end.

Amos 8:9
"In that day," declares the Sovereign LORD , "I will make the sun go down at noon and darken the earth in broad daylight.

Revelation 22:5
There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.

God might have been compared to the sun, but it is clear from the Bible that they are not the same thing.
Originally posted by Jenyar
God rules over his creation:
Psalm 121:6
the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.

interesting 'fact'
yet we all know that the sun can harm you...sunburn...skincancer...
I wonder if the rest of the bible is so accurate too...

maybe god should get his/her creation under control again...
That is a prophesy. And if I get skin-cancer or sunburn from staying in te sun for too long, I don't blame God.

As for the moon, not many people believe the moon can harm you anymore - but you only have to read Shakespeare to see that some people did. What God is removing here is fear, and what He is giving is hope. What He made was people with skins to protect them from the sun. But healthy skin returns to dust along with the rest of your body. After that... well, read the last quote again.
Kayti is saying that we physically need the Sun which can be proved by objective evidence. There is no evidence to support the claim that we need Jesus.

What of the similarities between Jesus and Horus?

Evil Poet,

That has nothing to do with the information I provided.
"The information you provided is listed on that site."


He hasn't been proven guilty yet and I think the LIGHTBEING point is that it isn't topical to the subject at hand. Dr. York, his character, and organizations can probably be a seperate topic in itself.
Evil Poet,

I could be wrong, but it seemed to me that you were trying to discredit the information I provided by listing those links.

Note that only the second post in this thread was written by Dr. Malachi Z. York(Jesus found in Egipt)

Where else can I get that information? Who
is Kayti and what (if any) affiliation does she
have with Dr. Malachi Z. York?
Just like we need the sun for our physical existence (which is why God created it), we need Jesus for our spiritual existence (which is why God sent him).

Jesus wasn't an anomaly. He belonged to an insignificant Jewish family in a small town of Nazareth, at a time when hardly any notice was paid to Jews. Jesus wasn't the great king the Jews were (are) expecting. His kingdom wasn't supposed to be earthly and exclusive, but heavenly and inclusive.

The Egyptians weren't Greek. They may well have believed that Horus was the son of God, and the Greek translation of those words would look exactly like the words in the Bible. The Egyptians were probably also aware of the Jewish beliefs, since they were traders and merchants and had a lot to do with many civilizations. Maybe some beliefs rubbed off either way.

God wants everybody to be saved. Jesus was sent to make it possible. All religions have some form of worship, but they weren't worshipping God. The were all searching. Jesus came to tell us who God really was, and who it was who should be worshipped. All other gods are empy creations that were thought out in the search for meaning. Jesus brought that meaning with him.

Worshipping the sun in any form is a logical religion, if you are under the impression that it is the sun that controls and gives life. The Romans had Zeus, the Egyptians had Horus. But none of them had any interest in the welfare of their subjects.
Evil Poet,

I'm not sure. The first time I heard of Kayti was at Do a search for his Book. I'm sure you'll find something. I believe Kayti is a member of the Holy Tabernacle Ministries. I don't really know the relation between the Dr. York and Kayti.
Just like we need the sun for our physical existence (which is why God created it), we need Jesus for our spiritual existence (which is why God sent him).

This is all assumption. However there is proof of the Sun and what it provides us.

God wants everybody to be saved. Jesus was sent to make it possible. All religions have some form of worship, but they weren't worshipping God. The were all searching. Jesus came to tell us who God really was, and who it was who should be worshipped. All other gods are empy creations that were thought out in the search for meaning. Jesus brought that meaning with him.

This again is an assumption. Do you see where I'm going with this? There is no objective proof of your claims. I'm not saying that I agree with worshipping the Sun but I appreciate it for what it clearly provides us.

IMO, the similarities between Horus and Jesus aren't just coincidence. The Bible took many stories from earlier civilizations, so is it that hard to fathom that Jesus came from an earlier civilization?

Thanks for the suggestion on the book search and
for answering my questions, much appreciated. :)
If you're interested in what the Bible took from other religions or cults you should read up on the Mithra cult. Much of the stuff performed during Christian mass seems to have been taken from Mithra.