How to treat schizophrenia


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The problem of schizophrenia is the balance between the consciousness and subconsciousness.The balance is violated and consciousness take advantage over subconsciousness.And when the links which made us conscious are interrupted this lead us to schizophrenia.Our mind is build to seek to what we can not reach.This mean that big endeavours being conscious lead us to schizophrenia.
The problem of schizophrenia is the balance between the consciousness and subconsciousness.The balance is violated and consciousness take advantage over subconsciousness.And when the links which made us conscious are interrupted this lead us to schizophrenia.Our mind is build to seek to what we can not reach.This mean that big endeavours being conscious lead us to schizophrenia.

That's pure nonsense. And besides that, your imaginary description contains not a single bit of an approach to a 'treatment' as your title suggests.
When you start hearing voices or seeing things that don't exist, then you might have some insight to share.
What ever mental condition anyone has, you always have to keep it real(try). I am not talking about you in general, but when ever someone has something, they keep to remember themselves as much as they can, and that keeps them real, if you get me.

But real to others may not be what reality is. The problem is that sometimes someone may be more awake to reality than others, and people will label it all these names, as they do not understand.

The only way to make a perfect society to to make sure you destroy everyone.

I get what op means about subconscious. But not everyone is locked in the reality everyone else is. Thats how the world changes, while most are in there zone, others find things that are strange to others.

Its the outsiders whom change society, not the ones whom want to live as everyone else.
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One thing I understood when I use to drop LSD was that I learned how to bridge the connections between the conscious and sub conscious mind whenever I want to. This gives me an instant way to come up with ideas, not all good ones, but still ideas non the less. To be able to control this ability , in a sense, gives me the ability to also control what I want to try and have ideas about therefore allowing me to either proceed with the thought or not even bother with it at all. That helps in a way but sometimes it can be a burden when I do not want to think about ideas.

Knowing this I do not have any affects of schizophrenia but do find myself lacking the ability to have instant ides that come from nowhere for I must think about the ideas before I can have them.
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Every man consist of two personality.The first is logical and is consciousness.The second is subconsciousness and is illogical.Human behaviour consist of two.They consciousness and subconsciousness switch on depending on the situation without we be aware of that.Subconsciousness switchs on when consciousness is unable to solve a problem like strange thinking.When consciousness is blocked for some reason subconsciousness replace it without our understanding.Strange thinking leads to strange actions which is symptom for schizophrenia.
Every man consist of two personality.The first is logical and is consciousness.The second is subconsciousness and is illogical.Human behaviour consist of two.They consciousness and subconsciousness switch on depending on the situation without we be aware of that.Subconsciousness switchs on when consciousness is unable to solve a problem like strange thinking.When consciousness is blocked for some reason subconsciousness replace it without our understanding.Strange thinking leads to strange actions which is symptom for schizophrenia.

If I understand you are referring to self control and knowing in what stage you are ( consciousness or subconsciousness )