How to recall a dream?


smoking revolver
Valued Senior Member
Hi everyone.
I recently saw a dream- was walking through a park and one after another two wery beautiful women passed from each side. Strange- one was quite young but had gray hair at the lower part of the head.Anyways I remember that each of them told a poem. I remember that they were very beautiful- true masterpieces.
Is there a way I can recall those poems.
I know that dreams are deeply stored and seldom forgotten. I have seen dreams which I had thought I had no memory of.
So maybe those poems are still there in my head.

or maybe it was just the feeling that those poems were real?:(
any methods/suggestions anyone?
Your brain probably was reciting a poem you had heard before but you have forgotten (you never actually forget things, you sort of lose them in your brain). That is probably the reason why you can't remember it.
When I lay my head on my pillow I always remember my dreams form the night before.
it's doubtful that you'll remember anything but the memory of a poem, did it make you feel happy though?
happy - no. amazed - yes.
I just remember myself being fascinated of the two most beautiful poems I've ever heard.
some questions

how are the aftereffects?
is it very addictive?
do you like it?
any bad experiences with it?
anything I shuld know
All of the experiences I have had with SD were very dramatic. The only thing I can compare with it's effects are lucid dreaming. It warps your sense of reality and time. I recommend reading through the link I provided for more in-depth information.
sounds and reads to be cool
perfect for a meditation loving loner like me
although I haven't ever used drugs I could atleast try
the minimum dose of course
now to get it smwhere...

checked the online shops.
only dried leaves and extracts.
where in the heck can I find fresh branches for growing:confused:
think of smth
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Is there a way I can recall those poems.

In my opinion, not a chance. There's a good chance that those poems weren't actual word being read to you in the first place, but an impression of a poem.

Even if you were able to "recall" the poems, how would you know that they were the actual poems that were in the dream and not something your mind just now made up?
You could try cue dependent recall - if you see something that you associate with the dream (either something acually in the dream that you see in RL, or something that will make you think of something in the dream) then you might suddenly remember something, or some part. Though I suppose you can't anticipate that, or even trigger it.