How to make your own religion: Master Chef Episode II


The Ethereal Paradigm
Registered Senior Member
The ever-effective placebo known as religion has been saving the minds and bodies of the disillusioned man from the beginning of time. But in what manner does it do this, and on what grounds can religion be easily rejected(by the acute and strong minded) as the false, propagandistic, deluding doctrine of dogma it is?

Religion serves the following purposes:

----To answer the questions men, even the simplest, have pondered before they close their eyes at night:
1. What happens when we die? I miss my family that has died, will I ever see them again?
2.How was the universe created?
3.Do I have any real significance in existence? Does my existence serve any purpose whatsoever?
4.When someone far more powerful than I acts injustly, and I cannot do anything to serve justice, how will I get some compensation?

Religion answers these questions because the truths that should follow them are too painful for the weak-minded man to accept. These truths include(in order of questions asked):

1.No one knows, but you probably just cease to exist, your molecules disperse back into the universe, in a now randomized "order", and what you may want to call "lifeforce" or "consciousness" "or "soul" never really existed outside of the ordered arrangement of molecules that once was your body.

2. No one knows for sure, but to assume it had to be created is a fallacy of causality, which in itself, has an inherent inconsistency; namely if every cause was once an effect then how is anything happening?

3. No you really don't need to have any significance, your assumption that you do is merely to help maintain your survival. Such is instinctual, however has little merit outside of keeping the food chain in balance.(Even though it has clearly reached a state of instability)

4. There is nothing you can do, whoever has the most power always wins, invariably. We are not created equal, and there are people who can do more things than others. Everyone cannot be a doctor, everyone cannot be a star athlete, everyone cannot be a leader, etc etc. So, in short, just because you think you deserve justice doesn't mean you should and can get it. The world is not a fair place, so do not employ the use of some mystic demi-god to do the dirty work for you while you're an interminable state egoistical penury.

----To gain power, and to arrange men in sheep herds. To become a shepherd of the blind, to lead them to the path of expedience. If you can give a perhaps arbitrarily selected group of people one common goal(to serve god), you can control them, you can manipulate them indefinitely, as long as their fervor perserveres the hardships that may come along the way.

*Code of Ethics: Ten commandments, Code of Hammarabi, etc
*Grand Promises that appeal only to the disingenuously selfless: 15 wives, roads paved with gold, eternal happiness, etc.
*Pain and anguish to those who oppose the common goal:Hell, wrath, eternal suffering, and other such inanities.


If one can combine these ingredients effectively and disseminate them across an impressionable audience he can concoct an entire doctrine of mendacity. One that will survive epoch upon epoch.

Ah yes, and be sure to mention you were inspired by God, as long as you say that, no one can say you're wrong...