How to make my tail wag


Registered Senior Member
The following is an excerpt from another MB I frequent. Traditional Christians may find this of value. Atheists won't at all.

Traditional Christian: "All the things I'm going to tell John [about what the Bible says] I've already told him a zillion times and it goes in one ear and out the other, if it even goes in one ear"

John’s (GJ's) response: Have you ever tried to make a dog wag his tail? You could hand a dog $1 billion dollars in cash and his tail won't budge. You could bring him a ton of gold and it would not hold his interest. So it is with the things you offer me. You have found the man-made pages of the Bible to be of invaluable spiritual guidance to you above all else. I am like the dog who is unimpressed with the things you find precious. But if you speak of the things I do value (love, encouragement, patience, forgiveness, etc.), it's difficult to stop my tail from wagging.

I don't know if you got the message above. I even made sure to word it so I was the dog so as not to distract you thinking it was some kind of insult. I mean this in all sincerity, assuming your goal is to reach others who don't already agree with you. Find the points of agreement where you both value the same things and work from there to build a mutual understanding. That method stands a much better chance of both parties coming to value the same things as they share a vocabulary and perspective on the world around them. How does that apply to this MB and all of us? Keep reading...

If I don't accept that the Bible is the infallible word of God, becoming frustrated with me for not seeing it as you do borders on the definition of insanity. I have this discussion often with folks who have all their beliefs backed by Bible verses that are indexed and categorized. I often hear them say they've shown me up using the crushing grip of the Lord's word. Perhaps in their mind that's true, but I assure you..."my tail doesn't wag" when all you've got are Bible verses without loving and logical answers to the conflicts I raise about them. In my mind I can't believe you have such trust in the Bible's ugly consequences that threaten all for non-compliance. To me it's so clear that God is Love. To speak of our loving Father who has no downside doesn't make your tail wag, but I always make the attempt to speak to you in your own language of Bible verses.

I ask "infallible Bible believers" all the time to discuss topics with me using love and logic alone as the uneducated Jewish slaves would have done before the time of Moses (without a Bible). None ever takes me up on that pointing out that the Bible is here and God intends for us to use it. My objection is that our unchanging Father would not offer a greater advantage toward salvation to any of His children over another, let alone just because of when and/or where they were born on the earth. And so I feel I have them in the crushing grip of reason, though my loving approach lacks the threats of the horrible consequences for not agreeing with me. (smiles)

So I have given you the secret for how to reach me and so many other obstinate fools like myself. (smiles) Will you model insanity and try to get a different result by continuing to cite the same verses that have yet to convince me/others? Will you ignore the objections that stop the sale and keep pushing the features you like best about your beliefs? (salespeople love that kind of talk) Will you shake your head at the rest of us morons not understanding why our tails don't wag in synch with yours?

And will you reciprocate? I offer a much more loving way to understand God and interpret the Bible, often using Bible verses to validate them. It seems even when I'm quoting “the infallible word of God” your tail doesn't wag unless you get it a certain way. I just figured it out! Traditional Christians are like finicky cats and Universalists are more like lovable dogs. (just kidding) But I really would like to know if there is any way to lovingly and logically communicate with you that strays away from your existing mind set regarding Bible interpretation.
The following is an excerpt from another MB I frequent. Traditional Christians may find this of value. Atheists won't at all.

Traditional Christian: "All the things I'm going to tell John [about what the Bible says] I've already told him a zillion times and it goes in one ear and out the other, if it even goes in one ear"

John’s (GJ's) response: Have you ever tried to make a dog wag his tail? You could hand a dog $1 billion dollars in cash and his tail won't budge. You could bring him a ton of gold and it would not hold his interest. So it is with the things you offer me. You have found the man-made pages of the Bible to be of invaluable spiritual guidance to you above all else. I am like the dog who is unimpressed with the things you find precious. But if you speak of the things I do value (love, encouragement, patience, forgiveness, etc.), it's difficult to stop my tail from wagging.

I don't know if you got the message above. I even made sure to word it so I was the dog so as not to distract you thinking it was some kind of insult. I mean this in all sincerity, assuming your goal is to reach others who don't already agree with you. Find the points of agreement where you both value the same things and work from there to build a mutual understanding. That method stands a much better chance of both parties coming to value the same things as they share a vocabulary and perspective on the world around them. How does that apply to this MB and all of us? Keep reading...

If I don't accept that the Bible is the infallible word of God, becoming frustrated with me for not seeing it as you do borders on the definition of insanity. I have this discussion often with folks who have all their beliefs backed by Bible verses that are indexed and categorized. I often hear them say they've shown me up using the crushing grip of the Lord's word. Perhaps in their mind that's true, but I assure you..."my tail doesn't wag" when all you've got are Bible verses without loving and logical answers to the conflicts I raise about them. In my mind I can't believe you have such trust in the Bible's ugly consequences that threaten all for non-compliance. To me it's so clear that God is Love. To speak of our loving Father who has no downside doesn't make your tail wag, but I always make the attempt to speak to you in your own language of Bible verses.

I ask "infallible Bible believers" all the time to discuss topics with me using love and logic alone as the uneducated Jewish slaves would have done before the time of Moses (without a Bible). None ever takes me up on that pointing out that the Bible is here and God intends for us to use it. My objection is that our unchanging Father would not offer a greater advantage toward salvation to any of His children over another, let alone just because of when and/or where they were born on the earth. And so I feel I have them in the crushing grip of reason, though my loving approach lacks the threats of the horrible consequences for not agreeing with me. (smiles)

So I have given you the secret for how to reach me and so many other obstinate fools like myself. (smiles) Will you model insanity and try to get a different result by continuing to cite the same verses that have yet to convince me/others? Will you ignore the objections that stop the sale and keep pushing the features you like best about your beliefs? (salespeople love that kind of talk) Will you shake your head at the rest of us morons not understanding why our tails don't wag in synch with yours?

And will you reciprocate? I offer a much more loving way to understand God and interpret the Bible, often using Bible verses to validate them. It seems even when I'm quoting “the infallible word of God” your tail doesn't wag unless you get it a certain way. I just figured it out! Traditional Christians are like finicky cats and Universalists are more like lovable dogs. (just kidding) But I really would like to know if there is any way to lovingly and logically communicate with you that strays away from your existing mind set regarding Bible interpretation.

what is the mbi? what is the mb? is this directed at preachers? i mean, my goal is to love, encourage, be patient, and forgiving every day to everybody. and yeah i'm witnessing. but the way you put it here makes it sound like a job or strategy.
Literalists and fundamentals do not have the brain power to discuss issues without thumping away and throwing what they think their God says at you. If you ask for clarification, they will get other thumps to cloud things even mote. You may as well try talking to a book and if you press them in the least or indicate that they need to use common language for a proper answer, you will get a turn or burn and read the bible more.

Sheeple are not here to discuss but to thump and bleat and run and hide behind their WORD of God.

The following is an excerpt from another MB I frequent. Traditional Christians may find this of value. Atheists won't at all.

Traditional Christian: "All the things I'm going to tell John [about what the Bible says] I've already told him a zillion times and it goes in one ear and out the other, if it even goes in one ear"

John’s (GJ's) response: Have you ever tried to make a dog wag his tail? You could hand a dog $1 billion dollars in cash and his tail won't budge. You could bring him a ton of gold and it would not hold his interest. So it is with the things you offer me. You have found the man-made pages of the Bible to be of invaluable spiritual guidance to you above all else. I am like the dog who is unimpressed with the things you find precious. But if you speak of the things I do value (love, encouragement, patience, forgiveness, etc.), it's difficult to stop my tail from wagging.

I don't know if you got the message above. I even made sure to word it so I was the dog so as not to distract you thinking it was some kind of insult. I mean this in all sincerity, assuming your goal is to reach others who don't already agree with you. Find the points of agreement where you both value the same things and work from there to build a mutual understanding. That method stands a much better chance of both parties coming to value the same things as they share a vocabulary and perspective on the world around them. How does that apply to this MB and all of us? Keep reading...

If I don't accept that the Bible is the infallible word of God, becoming frustrated with me for not seeing it as you do borders on the definition of insanity. I have this discussion often with folks who have all their beliefs backed by Bible verses that are indexed and categorized. I often hear them say they've shown me up using the crushing grip of the Lord's word. Perhaps in their mind that's true, but I assure you..."my tail doesn't wag" when all you've got are Bible verses without loving and logical answers to the conflicts I raise about them. In my mind I can't believe you have such trust in the Bible's ugly consequences that threaten all for non-compliance. To me it's so clear that God is Love. To speak of our loving Father who has no downside doesn't make your tail wag, but I always make the attempt to speak to you in your own language of Bible verses.

I ask "infallible Bible believers" all the time to discuss topics with me using love and logic alone as the uneducated Jewish slaves would have done before the time of Moses (without a Bible). None ever takes me up on that pointing out that the Bible is here and God intends for us to use it. My objection is that our unchanging Father would not offer a greater advantage toward salvation to any of His children over another, let alone just because of when and/or where they were born on the earth. And so I feel I have them in the crushing grip of reason, though my loving approach lacks the threats of the horrible consequences for not agreeing with me. (smiles)

So I have given you the secret for how to reach me and so many other obstinate fools like myself. (smiles) Will you model insanity and try to get a different result by continuing to cite the same verses that have yet to convince me/others? Will you ignore the objections that stop the sale and keep pushing the features you like best about your beliefs? (salespeople love that kind of talk) Will you shake your head at the rest of us morons not understanding why our tails don't wag in synch with yours?

And will you reciprocate? I offer a much more loving way to understand God and interpret the Bible, often using Bible verses to validate them. It seems even when I'm quoting “the infallible word of God” your tail doesn't wag unless you get it a certain way. I just figured it out! Traditional Christians are like finicky cats and Universalists are more like lovable dogs. (just kidding) But I really would like to know if there is any way to lovingly and logically communicate with you that strays away from your existing mind set regarding Bible interpretation.

Whats the point in making your tail wag? You already believe in the tail wagging knowledge. How can we reach you if you only wag your tail at information you like? Reaching people means them accepting things they have not yet accepted.

Why waste time preaching to the converted?

The message of your post is no one can reach you. Untill you have reached yourself. And if you already believe something then no one can reach you with that knowledge.

So the message is no one can reach you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Going to church makes you as much of a Christian as standing in a garage makes you a car.
One would start with natural stances that all dogs would be compelled to wag at:

1) Life stems from nurturing, mothering, instinctual and sexual urges, compulsion, as all successful life cultures have implemented.
2) Death is a part of life, so it is logical to assume that death too displays the same traits as in #1.
3) This has no direct bearing on life's intentions, contributions, unresearched functions, etc., ( ie, what Mother Nature's sprites are harvesting from baby smiles).
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