How to determine who owns the land?


Valued Senior Member
In the modern era, we have a lot of disputes over who owns what land. What is a good moral and agreed upon means of determining who owns what land?

Something most people would agree to.

For example:
Suppose YOU discovered a new Island. No one lived on this island. Can we agree that the island is yours? What about an underwater chunch of land. Suppose you go out to the middle of the Pacific and build massive platforms, making an artificial island - is this yours? Is the land under it - your land?
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Land belongs to whomever can conquer and defend it. It is yours until you lose it.

God did not create the Earth with the intention of having the United Nations distribute its bounty. Even in our modern era of fixed borders and international diplomacy, we see populations return to natural inclinations and reject political solutions when disputes over land ownership threatens survival.
Land belongs to whomever can conquer and defend it. It is yours until you lose it.

God did not create the Earth with the intention of having the United Nations distribute its bounty. Even in our modern era of fixed borders and international diplomacy, we see populations return to natural inclinations and reject political solutions when disputes over land ownership threatens survival.
Oh, really?
In the modern era, we have a lot of disputes over who owns what land. What is a good moral and agreed upon means of determining who owns what land? Something most people would agree to.

There is no known land on Earth that doesn't belong to one nation or another ....even if it's in dispute. Tibet, for example ...China says that Tibet belongs to China; Tibetans disagree. But for the most part, all maps that I've ever seen of the region, show Tibet as an area of land inside China's borders.

For example: Suppose YOU discovered a new Island. No one lived on this island. Can we agree that the island is yours?

I would guess not, but only because you're an individual. If you "discovered" it in the name of your nation, then ...perhaps it might then belong to your nation. But it's highly unlikely that you, personally, would be permitted to own that island.

What about an underwater chunch of land. Suppose you go out to the middle of the Pacific and build massive platforms, making an artificial island - is this yours? Is the land under it - your land?

Now this might be another story! I don't know the international law, but my best guess would be that if you built the damned thing, you'd probably own it. And, yes, if they agree that you own the island, then the land under it, including mineral rights, are yours. ...even if someone might protest.

Baron Max
In the modern era, we have a lot of disputes over who owns what land. What is a good moral and agreed upon means of determining who owns what land?
Something most people would agree to.
For example:
Suppose YOU discovered a new Island. No one lived on this island. Can we agree that the island is yours? What about an underwater chunch of land. Suppose you go out to the middle of the Pacific and build massive platforms, making an artificial island - is this yours? Is the land under it - your land?
Homestead principle
yeah, I was thinking oil platforms, are they considered a territory?

Japan is building up islands that would otherwise sink into the ocean to maintain their "land" and hence mineral, oil and fishing rights.

What about the moon? Do we own it? I mean, the USA was the first to go there. Can we claim it's ours? What about Mars?
* USA: Homestead Act (1862)
* Canada: Dominion Lands Act (1872)
* Australia: Crown Lands Acts (1861)

Is it surprising that these three nations have a "homestead" law? What happened to the people who were living on the land?
um oil rigs are just ships and are subject to the same laws as any other ship (much bigger than most i grant you)
Is it surprising that these three nations have a "homestead" law? What happened to the people who were living on the land?

I think most nations had such "laws" in the past, even if they weren't "laws" they were often well understood.

I mean, look at the Palestinians ....they've been living on land that has never been theirs, and many silly, foolish, ignorant people think that the Pals own land somewhere! Odd, huh?

Baron Max
In the modern era, we have a lot of disputes over who owns what land. What is a good moral and agreed upon means of determining who owns what land?

Something most people would agree to.

For example:
Suppose YOU discovered a new Island. No one lived on this island. Can we agree that the island is yours? What about an underwater chunch of land. Suppose you go out to the middle of the Pacific and build massive platforms, making an artificial island - is this yours? Is the land under it - your land?

God is the only person capale of deciding who owns any peice of land.
Joking. Land is owned by the people who buy it. No one but the government legally has any right to over step any boundaries with peices of land. This is what makes post modernism what it is?
Land, air, minerals, these are community resources. The more people that are born, the more they go up in value. How is it fair to the child yet unborn that all the land is now owned? It isn't, it's preposterous. You, already being born, have a very unfair advantage to invest in land and mineral commodities now, as the planet is less populated, do you not? And all things that are natural, and are not a product of human labor, or of human imagination or the human mind, are likewise community resources.

The wisdom of natural societies, and the wisdom of the ancients knew this. The fact that we try to divide up and boundary off land, sea and air space is the source of the majority of humankind's woes. Once we mature pass this as a species, we will be far better off. All common community resources need to be owned in common. Only those resources that are a product of a persons own resourcefulness should be allowed to be owned. Like I said; their labor, their thinking, imagination, and their capital savings. These are the only things that should be subject to private ownership laws.

I often find it ironic and sad, that a new born fawn, once born, has more freedom rights to lie down and sleep, and to eat, then does a new born baby. For the new born baby? It's very existence, once it leaves it's mothers womb, is criminal. What kind of world have we created? A very sick one I would say. There is no freedom unless you are paying money into one of the various world central banks that have lent out a loan to one of the various "national" governments that comprise the NWO. You can't simply "opt out" and live off the land, sleep and eat, and refuse to participate in the feudal sham. Slavery is your only option.
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Land, air, minerals, these are community resources. The more people that are born, the more they go up in value. How is it fair to the child yet unborn that all the land is now owned? It isn't, it's preposterous. You, already being born, have a very unfair advantage to invest in land and mineral commodities now, as the planet is less populated, do you not? And all things that are natural, and are not a product of human labor, or of human imagination or the human mind, are likewise community resources.

The wisdom of natural societies, and the wisdom of the ancients knew this. The fact that we try to divide up and boundary off land, sea and air space is the source of the majority of humankind's woes. Once we mature pass this as a species, we will be far better off. All common community resources need to be owned in common. Only those resources that are a product of a persons own resourcefulness should be allowed to be owned. Like I said; their labor, their thinking, imagination, and their capital savings. These are the only things that should be subject to private ownership laws.

I often find it ironic and sad, that a new born fawn, once born, has more freedom rights to lie down and sleep, and to eat, then does a new born baby. For the new born baby? It's very existence, once it leaves it's mothers womb, is criminal. What kind of world have we created? A very sick one I would say. There is no freedom unless you are paying money into one of the various world central banks that have lent out a loan to one of the various "national" governments that comprise the NWO. You can't simply "opt out" and live off the land, sleep and eat, and refuse to participate in the feudal sham. Slavery is your only option.

This is mostly all hosh wash.

Any land that anyone lives on, weather or not you think it is part of some community, even if it should be or is. Is not subject to any of that without given reason. There is absolutely no reason at all to subject someone to saying that they do not understnd the state especially if they do. It's foolish and ridiculious to punish someone for no reason whatsever. That is not a topic of who owns what land. Anyone is free to doa nyhing he wants to od ANY TIME and that is all there is to it.......... I wish there was more proper wordings to satisfy someone who had no idea what he is doing.
Also, saying that all the thinking and such is private property, is probably the worst thing youv'e ever said.