How to deal with religious co-workers

How do you deal with someone preaching to you at work?

  • Ignore them: refuse to answer any questions

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Tell them you are not comfotable talking about religion at work

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Tell them your point of view but refuse to debate the matter

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • Argue your beliefs against theirs

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters


are you a robot?
Valued Senior Member
Hello all. Work sucks. Everyone knows that. You know what makes work REALLY suck? People that bring personal beliefs on religion and flaunt them in the workplace. It makes everyone uncomfortable.
I worked with 2 very religious christian-type folks on my last project and it led to some very heated debates at lunch and even at work. One of them was my boss which sucked hehe. I will say that they always instigated the debate and I always try to back out of it and change subjects. However, when someone asks me a direct question I am not gonna lie, I will tell them what I really think.
So, anyhow, vote for how you feel is the best way to handle someone that has an opposing belief than you and is pushing it on you at work.
I voted for #3, even though Im a big wussie and wouldnt say that to anybody. I just smile and nod and keep working, basically ignoring them but in a polite way. The last person I told I was an atheist looked at me like I was a serial killer. Hmph, some people!
*strgrl*, see my thread about discrimination against Atheists and follow some of the links.

I think I'll make a modified Chick tract telling the truth about Atheists.
Tell them to shove it where the sun dont shine. It goes against your human rights to have this crap thrown at you in a workplace.
Since its your boss, tell him/her that you'd rather get back to work early rather than discuss religion...that'll show your work ethic! (If you have one ;) )
I voted number three. I think that if people don't get a response they are more likely to give up.
I would prefer more options for the poll.

Religious nutter bothers you. You say "I urinated in your coffee pot every day last week."
For me, it depends on how they present themselves.

For example, I have a boss that is a total asshole, and a hardcore Mormon to boot. (Even has a second"live-in nanny")

He actually handed me the Book of Mormon on my first day with him as my boss, and said to me, "There are things in this book you need to learn if you expect to succeed in business"

Doesn't that sound a little freaky? I took it to mean that if I didn't read his little book I wouldn't ever get a promotion.

I handed it back and said, "Thanks, but I'm not interested" And funny...I've been in this department for 4 years now, and not gotten a single promotion! *shrug* Ah well, whatever. Kind of odd to note that in the previous 3 years with the company, I averaged about 1.5 promotions per year. Then I begin working for him and BAM - I'm stuck in one spot.

Another boss (yeah, I have like seven bosses), he's a Jew. Actually, he's a "Jew for Jesus" type, I don't know what to call him - is that still considered Jewish?

Anyway, he is totally unassuming with his religion even though it's really important to him. It just came up as an aside during some lunchtime conversation or another. And since then he and I have had a LOT of conversations about religion - he knows I'm a Pagan (I don't say "witch", don't want to freak him out unnecessarily), and he respects me because he knows I stick to what I believe in. And he's taught me a few things about his beliefs, and I respect him because he actually "walks the talk" with what he believes in too. We can come up with completely opposite points of view, and not be all upset or confrontational about it.

I have atheist coworkers, a smattering of various Christians, one very Catholic hispanic dude, and the aforementioned Mormon and Jew. All of us but the asshole Mormon get along just fine - there's a little bit of good-natured ribbing between most of us, but not in an offensive sort of way. The Catholic fellow is VERY serious about God and religion though, so we keep quiet when he's around out of respect. He never tucks bible passages into our cubicles or says anything rude to us, so we keep our God-jokes quiet in return. And we keep the cussing down, that upsets him, too. It's just a respect thing.
Originally posted by Cupric
For me, it depends on how they present themselves.

For example, I have a boss that is a total asshole, and a hardcore Mormon to boot. (Even has a second"live-in nanny")

He actually handed me the Book of Mormon on my first day with him as my boss, and said to me, "There are things in this book you need to learn if you expect to succeed in business"

Doesn't that sound a little freaky? I took it to mean that if I didn't read his little book I wouldn't ever get a promotion.

I handed it back and said, "Thanks, but I'm not interested" And funny...I've been in this department for 4 years now, and not gotten a single promotion! *shrug* Ah well, whatever. Kind of odd to note that in the previous 3 years with the company, I averaged about 1.5 promotions per year. Then I begin working for him and BAM - I'm stuck in one spot.
If this happened to you here, you'd go see your union (there's a union for everything here) and they'd sack your boss and you'd have that guy's job.
Fading Captain, I'm sorry to hear about your expereince, however bizarre it is clearly a case of mental abuse.
If that would happen to me, I would quietly take them aside and explain to them that I do not enjoy their behaviour and if it doesn't stop, I will take action and see to that it comes to an end.
Tell them that you can't talk about it in public because your dog told you not too.
Then as you're walking away, look over your shoulder and tell them that he tells you other things too.


Seriously, I'd just tell them that you're not interested in discussing it at work. And I'd probably find someone else to lunch with too.

Cupric, if you seriously think you're being denied promotion because of religion you do have legal recourse. Of course, proving it in court is another matter entirely. But if the company is mid - large size you should report it to your boss's boss or take it up with HR. It is quite likely that his behavior is against policy. I know it would not be tolerated where I work.
Do not commit to any belief and do not discuss the issue. Stay perfectly neutral, no matter how strong your views.

Religion can be very divisive and that can make for a very unpleasant place to work.

Like Raithere, my company has strict policies on any form of discrimination, and I am sure most reputable companies will be the same.
Because I am an Atheist, I have no morals.


;) :p :eek:
If you can use logic to give them a bitchslapping and stay good-natured and cordial they tend not to bring it up as much. Nice, simple operant conditioning.
Thanks for the replies all.

In retrospect, I probably should have stayed more neutral and not get worked up at all the talk on evolution and such. Oh well, you live and learn. I did find out that my (former)boss has been written up before for preaching at work. What a nutter.

Interesting to see a fairly diverse answer on the poll...