How to become Lucid

The Metatron

Registered Senior Member
This subject might have been disscussed here before, but has anyone here Lucid Dreamt before if so how did you learn to achieve this feat?
I haven't done it in awhile, in fact I've only done it a few times, but trust me the whole thing is definitely a lotta fun. I have some websites bookmarked-try here, and here.

I believe the bottom lines to getting one is writing your dreams down in a journal and waking up early in the morning to remember them. I did none of these things-I think I just got lucky. May the force be with you on your quest!
Dream Recall is naturally very important when trying to get lucid so keeping dream diary will help a LOT. When you awake stay in bed for couple minutes and try to remember your dreams and after that write your dreams up as well as you can. B-Vitamins increase dream recall and plant called Calea Zacatechichi which is legal and makes you have extraordinary vivid dreams.

One way to have Lucid Dreams is reality checks. Good ones are using light switches often as they usually don't work in dreams. Also reading something many times as text often changes in dream when you read it again. Clock times will also change. One that I use is watching my hand and counting my fingers and trying to stick my finger through my palm. Usually just seeing your hand in dream is enough at least for me it has always been strange enough to trigger lucidity (lizard hand or too short fingers or transparent or blurred etc.).

MILD, Sleep 6 hours, stay awake for 30mins-1hour even better if you think about lucid dreams that time. Back to bed. Repeat phrases like. "I want lucid dream, im going to be aware that I am dreaming, Im going to watch my hand when I dream. etc." visualize being lucid at the same time and repeat it until you fall asleep.

Taking a nap is effective method as you will go to REM phase almost instantly when you fall asleep

Chakra meditation is also great way to try to have lucid dream as it will make your dreams lot more vivid and it makes you often dreamy as you relax so you can try to go straight into lucid dream without falling asleep. Chakra Meditation method by Robert Bruce
Have helped me lot when trying to get lucid.

And when you get lucid try to be calm and check your hand and ask for more clarity. Then just fly away and go meet dolphins or whatever you want to do. :)

Dream on. :p
from your local drug dealer on street;):D

I have always thought tht lucid dreaming is just like playing with your brain. is tht true?
I've done the lucid dreaming thing now and then. I've never tried to do it, sometimse it just happens.
Happened to me last night. Very odd dream.

I think I read too much Lovecraft....:cool:

I don't have to try, some nights I find myself guiding my dreams.
Its happened to me also but its happened more as a reflex response whenever danger is sensed. Like in my dream im about to get shot and for that instant ill tell my self im dreaming and wake up, but I have never experianced the long lingering dream lucidity that some say can be achieved.
Metatron, it might be hard to stay lucid after realising you are dreaming in the middle of nightmare as you are still scared and not relaxed at all. Staying calm is usually necessary if you want to stay lucid. So when you realise you are having nightmare just calm down and take it easy and then go ask why the f*ck they where shooting at you. ;)

Avatar, only if your local dealer has good variety at products that (s)he is selling. :) Otherwise I suggest ordering it from web, as it is legal.

And if you want to check out calea:
Erowid info on calea
places to buy some:
Archaic Herbs
I feel confident in saying that the pseudoscience and parapsychology rooms are the worst possible place to ask advice on being "lucid".
I had a lucid dream once, in the middle of a dream I realized it was all a dream. It was awesome, anything I willed happened - including flying, which I actualy have only dreamnt about in that one dream. Then I proceded to fufill certain other fantasies..........

I really would like to do it everynight, but its difficult, you never question a dream usualy, no matter how weird it gets.
Northwind thank you for apreciating our output.

And go ahead and ask a question about lucid dreams, id love to be your door mat which will say welcome at the door of lucidity, ill answer if i can with my limited knowledge if you got something on your mind. Or if it's the other way around it would be nice if you would share your wisdom on this subject.

Anyways besides all this meaningless rambling i would really like to guide you to this wonderful site which reveals the core essence of lucidity and the secrets of the universe, just step through the mirror.
Almost all of my dreams are at least partially lucid. My dreams are always fuzzy so it's easy for me to recognize when I'm dreaming. However, lucidity becomes very boring for me. It's the same quality as day-dreaming or fantasizing in real life. So often I choose not to take control. It's more fun to see what my subconscious will conjure up. I bet if I could somehow make my dreams more vivid and lifelike, lucid dreaming would be the kicks!
Oh, here's a funny lucid dreaming instance I had...

I had just started taking a psychology dreamworks class and had to keep a dream dictionary. It's usually hard for me to remember dreams, so I was a little worried that I'd never be able to collect anything.

I went to bed and started dreaming. In the middle of the dream I recognized that I was dreaming and thought to myself, "I should wake up and write this down." So I willed myself to wake up and began to write down the dream in the morning sun. Then much later I woke up for real. I had dreamt the whole writing down process. I played a trick on myself. I was pissed because I couldn't remember the original dream that I was trying to record. Then I thought to myself, maybe I was just dreaming that I couldn't remember a dream, when really that dream never existed. Whoa, friggin' deep.
I once had a dream which was like a normal school day, but everyone acted so differently but not differently. Kinda an invasion of the body snatchers thing, they weren't extremely different but I could tell that these weren't my friends. For some reason I got really scared but I knew it was a dream and literally forced my eyes open before they could hurt me. It was really odd, like a major shock to the system forcing your eyelids open from a dream. Don't reccomend it.