How to be an AFC, the secrets of the chump.


Weird, when I do give advice on how NOT to be attractive to women, no objections, no one gives a flying rats ass and no criticisms.

But when I DO give advice on HOW TO be attractive to women, criticisms!! Boasting!! If you don't reject this How to be an AFC Guide you are basically accepting what a Don Juan is.

I'm sharing the knowledge, simple as that.

I ask you to look at it intellectually, not emotionally, I am trying to make a point. Many here have lots of pride...I admit I do also...but let it go for once...
Last post concerning dating advice, sorry if I did post too much

Read this interesting thread:Over a year in a LTR then this happens, Help!

One year people, in a relationship.

How would you naturally react? You say you don't need the advice? Good, but you are one HELLA FUCKIN experienced MAN to state that, and that you are "naturally good" with women. That guy is 37, the woman 27.

Pride is a bad thing, get rid of it.

Chosen from DJ board:

Oh damn, if my gf did that, I would dump her in a spilt second.

Actually, this is how one of my gf's was, they are so conniving. She said (intentionally to get me jealous), "What should I do, should I "just chill" with this guy that asked me, just me and him?"

Me: What do you think? (testing her)
Her: Well, I don't really want to, but I'm asking you.
Me: It's not a date right?
Her: No, we are *just friends* :D (poor guy)
Me: That's good to hear, I see no harm in hanging out with your friend, have fun baby.
Me: (ending convo first) I gotta go sexy, have fun.
Her: Bye


Some women are deceitful and want so much damn attention, never over react. That girl, she was with me, and a guy asked her out on a real date.

Guy: Would you ever go on a date with me? (bold = sign of desperation)
Her: When a miracle happens...
Guy: Really?! (nice guys... :D) So I actually have a chance? What are my chances?
Her: 1 in a million...

He keeps bothering her until she blows him off. He still hits on her till this day.

And she told me the entire story to see if I over reacted or not, always keep your "nerve" - your cool.

Act like you don't care, that shows her you are a real man, not to get easily jealous and frustrated like a chump.

They do test you, not all are angels, those pesky "girlie magazines" - The "jealous test" media influences people greatly, accept that.

Look at that, "when miracles happen" Why can't some women just fuckin state to the guys they don't like directly to get lost --or-- "I'm not attracted to you!"

No, they barely EVER do that, they want attention, more guys to like them, lead the nice guys on to use jealousy bait for the men they want. They laugh at how foolish men are, I once heard a couple of 18 year olds say, "Oh just make him cry for you and I'm sure he's yours forever *giggle, giggle* guys these days"

This is why nice guys finish last, they are relationship material, but they fail in the attraction stage, the jerks excel for attraction but they fail in the relationship stage. A DJ or real man excels in both stages.

Btw, this is my last chance to save and show people, very very very few women are actually good hearted. Times have change and from my dating experience, it's really hard to find good LTR material in a girl, look at the increasing divorce rates...society is going down. well kinda :D

Most of all, like Xev said, don't ever lie to yourself, don't be in denial. If you did find a woman that is an angel, good for you, I have only found 1 out of 50 (estimation, in my entire life). Or maybe I just need to date older women when I grow up (30+ years) Slim chances indeed.
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you speak some truth!

but what is the next step???
cower in the corner?
sit back and root all the freaks for one night stands???
pretending its good sex.

if you have been in love and in essence made love
then mear sex as a one night stand kinda sucks badly bigtime.

and its just the way it is.
you can say what you want
but i would never argue such a thing.
cos most know it to be true but deny it with venom.


groove on all :)
It's horrible to accept that one of most important emotions in the human repetoire is built on the foundation of what is essentially a game.

Dating is a cruel malevolent beast.
You saying that your average Female holds the leash?

Attraction is the game, dating I guess you can say too, IMO

But when it gets serious, then a relationship grows, it no longer becomes a game. Love and sex both are not games. Attraction tips are successful for loving relationships and one night stands. Just don't associate all to demeaning one night stand, *just sex* mentalities.

That's plain wrong, most people look for love.

True, people like you for who are you, but if who you are is a real man, you will have lots of success.

It's what you know that makes who you are, ONLY if you apply what you know.
So we (males) just have to learn to play a better game?

Hmmmm hroom.

IMO this spits all over the eventual love.
Be genuine is what I say. I have no deisre to beat a system or obey any rules of attraction.
Major clarification

Originally posted by Sublime Trigger
So we (males) just have to learn to play a better game?

Hmmmm hroom.

IMO this spits all over the eventual love.
Be genuine is what I say. I have no deisre to beat a system or obey any rules of attraction.

Game as in, you gotta get better. you win and you lose. Don't associate it as in a video game of some sort. It's on a higher level. This is just MY perspective. Even with the tips you can think it's NOT a game. I perceive it to be a game because of how so many women play around, reading those fuckin stupid magazines to test me, is that not a game? The jealousy test, the "does he love me test", the "is my man a chump"'s downright pathetic, women love to do these things too.

The game to win here is to improve yourself to a real man if you aren't one yet. There are VERY VERY few recherché women that don't play games and are direct - I have a ton of respect for them and they are the only ones worthy of a real man's love. Women change also, once they realize you are the one, the man they always wanted, their games end and love takes over. They no longer test you.

The reason they play games (or "test you") is to see if you are a potential mate THEY REALLY WANT, they want to know what and who you are, what you are made of. I know, it's conniving but that is how nature WORKS. This is why most women go wrong and start TAKING ADVANTAGE of guys.

Look at how lions mate, the females only mate with the alpha/dominant males that win the fights, that are able to PROTECT THEM. Would you honestly THINK that a NICE GUY would be able to protect the female if he constantly seeks approval from HER for everything? It's like...

Nice guy: Will you like/love me if I did this for you? Will you like/love me if I buy you extremely expensive gifts? Will you like/love me if I ditch my buddies for you? and blah-blah, the chump can't even take care of HIMSELF so why would any WOMEN expect a nice guy to PROTECT THEM?

Point taken. Nice guys ALWAYS finish last. Jerks, men, DJ's, playas, Romeos, Casanovas, etc. beat them to it.

Excerpt by Sir_ChancealotWhat is a REAL man?

Women read these tactics, and think that they are disrespectful, rude, and certainly no INTELLIGENT WOMAN who had her act together would "fall for" those kinds of things. But they do. In droves. Repeatedly. This is because they cannot help but be attracted to REAL MEN. And somewhere along the line of acting like real men, the young DJs BECOME real men. A woman is instinctually attracted to a man like that. Much as a man is instinctually attracted to a women who possesses his idea of feminine beauty.

One of the things that we teach budding DJs is to never listen to what a woman SAYS and to always look at her ACTIONS. This is probably the hardest thing to instill in these young DJ's heads (both of them). I will give several examples of how women do this. Before I do, please refrain from explaining how "I am different", because my last example will be the nail in the coffin of that statement. First, there is the case of how she responds when being asked out. We teach these guys how to recognize a "no" when the mouth is saying "maybe" or "I'll think about it" (which, by the way, are always "NO"), or in a myriad of other ways giving the guy false hope.

OH IN HOW LITTLE REGARD YOU WOMEN HOLD MEN!!!! You think that a little rejection would hurt them too bad, so you give them a little hope. Here's the truth. I've seen guys frustrated because they have been rejected a lot. But every guy I've seen is MUCH WORSE OFF when women are always giving him a little hope to let him down easy. But I digress. Now, to those of you women who say "I always say what I mean", I ask you this simple question. Have you ever ended an argument with "Fine", "Thats fine", or "I don't care, you do what you want"? The prosecution rests, your honor.

I view it as a game, because indeed there are rules, principles. Attraction follows rules, but do not let my view influence yours, you can look at it as a game or not.

The basic rules for attraction are:
  • Confidence
  • No desperation
  • Ambitious
  • Creative
  • Exciting
  • Mysterious
  • Challenging
  • Respectful
  • Not putting the women at the center of your world, like worshipping her, seeking her approval...etc.

Some may disagree but I have been getting lots of women that way.

At first people use the advice, they are *just* tips for beginners, then it becomes YOUR state of mind, then it becomes your manly TRAITS.

Then you have successfully achieved the "new and improved" you, now the advice *just be yourself* works perfectly.

Some say:
  • Joeman: It's luck!
  • Adam: Men are at the mercy of women, we get what they choose to give us.

Sure, this kind of advice DOES work, but the chances are...errr....:D

Luck: Chumps think, men decide. Men make things happen, they don't rely on some imaginary "luck" crap.

Mercy: I'm at your mercy woman!!! I'm under your power!! Woman says, "How are you going to protect me you chump?"
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I agree with a lot of what you say,

I also think the whole thing sounds clinical, and I disagree with the idea that there are 'Techniques' of any sort.

If I followed your bullet pointed traits I'd feel and be acting like a shmuck. For the majority of men, it would be a pretense, and thus by learning these traits, you are negating any worth placed in this immedia-persona to begin with. Once the ladyperson gets to know the REAL you, your traits are the very reason that loving may well turn to loathing.

I also dont agree that you CAN fundamentally change your outlook, and I have enough faith in female perception to believe that they'd see through it anyway, the majority in any case.

The idea of a 'game' on any level still cheapens love, if I playact to get women I cheat them as well as myself.

Originally posted by Sublime Trigger
I agree with a lot of what you say,

I also think the whole thing sounds clinical, and I disagree with the idea that there are 'Techniques' of any sort.

Yes, I understand what you mean.

If I followed your bullet pointed traits I'd feel and be acting like a shmuck. For the majority of men, it would be a pretense, and thus by learning these traits, you are negating any worth placed in this immedia-persona to begin with. Once the ladyperson gets to know the REAL you, your traits are the very reason that loving may well turn to loathing.

You believe yourself to be a "shmuck" because of your perspective. If you change it and look at it as in "improving" yourself, then there are no conflicts.

If you do not follow the bulleted list, you want to lack confidence? Be desperate? No challenge? Be boring and uncreative? etc? I know it sounds demeaning, I first looked at it that way...refusing to accept there are actually traits to attraction. Truth is, there is.

I wanted to believe on what the world and media fed to me, "be yourself," confess your undying love to her, write to her 50 poems in one month (don't get me wrong, poems are really romantic but an excessive amount of them at the wrong place, wrong time looks weak and desperate). Look at all the movies, do you notice how the male characters act? Most of the movies are for AFC's.

Yes, the lady person knows the REAL you, a real man. Don't get me wrong but these traits don't change your personality to something fake and demeaning, they improve who you are. Personalities are a different issue, it's the traits.

I also dont agree that you CAN fundamentally change your outlook, and I have enough faith in female perception to believe that they'd see through it anyway, the majority in any case.

Well, from my experience, the whole reason I searched for self-improvement is because my chump-ass heart got simply stomped on and walked over by several women who took advantage of my "weakness," inability to remain powerful and confident in their presence. Basically I was used and abused, it led me to become a player for a while, seduction was applied extremely manipulatively - I was a jerk trying to get even, now I'm an improved person, changed once again, in a long term and I have to agree, it's much better to devote and love one women, than have several women lacking that love.

Female perception...don't put your trust so easily in'll be disappointed if your heart gets stomped over. You see, nice guys TRY to get the WOMAN to understand THEM, and when they do, they become weak and desperate, "Why don't you listen to me *with tears in his eye*?" The good-hearted woman will embrace you back, but they are so damn rare. Something similar happened to me, I tried to get the girl to understand me and she gave me the famous line:

"Let's just be friends, I don't want to hurt you, I don't think we are meant for each other."

Or she could've simply stated, "You are unattractive to me." But I didn't listen to her, I said "Why? Don't you know I really care for you?"

What this does is the reverse of what I really wanted, to keep her. Instead it made her feel tremendously uncomfortable, you are putting her in a position and situation she does not WANT or LIKE, so she will state, "I'm so sorry...I can't do this anymore."

I lost...

I just gave up, lost my confidence completely. I'm sure any guy that understands, if it happened to you, what that desperation feels like, the thought of it "eating out your soul." It fuckin sucks alright. I can guarantee that. So I lamented, "She won't love/like me for me...blah blah" And *click* here is where most women are like that. Then it led to my mentality of "improve yourself." - and this is the best damn advice anyone can give. Just be yourself, if given to me at that time would KILL ME. You can't *just be yourself* try the same things and frickin expect different outcomes, that's PURE INSANITY!!

The idea of a 'game' on any level still cheapens love, if I playact to get women I cheat them as well as myself.

I think differently, not at all. I played it, conquer, win a great women, pass through her games until she eventually sees me as the man she always wanted, intelligent, humurous, etc. and the romantic part falls in perfectly. We fall in love and look back at how we attracted each other, the funny games we put each other up's really fun to talk about *trust me* Now, she becomes the woman that will LIKE YOU FOR YOU. Her defensive "weeding out potential mates" mentality has died, she found a real man, now you will also like her for her and this is why I'm in a 1 1/2 year relationship with a rules girl, the things we did were fun, we fought often, building stronger ties and connection, constantly challenging each other in the relationship (even in the bedroom, the most fun part ;)), arguing then romantically making it all up with one loving and memorable kiss. It's a great feeling indeed...

The end of a great love story, correct? :D (I know just j/k!!)

It's not real love, but it's getting there ;)
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