How to avoid cancer ?

The single best thing you can do to avoid cancer is not smoke. Smoking is the direct cause of ~70% of all lung cancers. I don’t have a reference for that offhand, but you will find many with a quick search of government cancer agencies online info. Of course, smoking also causes lots of other horrible lung conditions. Furthermore, by introducing carcinogens into the bloodstream, smoking is directly or indirectly related to a whole host of other cancers.

Only an idiot would smoke cigarettes.
There isn't any 100% effective methods that you can undertake to avoid all known cancers. Like the others suggested and also exercise and eat right....even then you are under danger albeit low danger.
Urban myth it seems.

I remember reading about a study on the occurance of cancer in whatever family sharks belong to. They found that sharks are no less prone to cancer than any other member of the family, or indeed, than any other vertebrate. In fact, their results suggested that sharks may actually get more cartilage-related cancers than other animals! (chondrocarcinomas?) :eek:

But never let the facts get in the way of a good story. A fool and their money will soon be parted.
Saint: possibly. you are placing a source of EM radiation near your brain. there have been some preliminary studies suggesting it does increase your chances of getting brain cnacer.

Also, while sharks are just as likely to get cancer, I believe that they are much less likely to die from it. the chemicals they produce with inhibits tumor growth is still being tested, but some of the blood-flow reducing drugs come from shark studies, IIRC.

The best way to lower your chances of getting cancer? moderation. Alittle of everything, not to much of anything. A little alcohol, a little sugar, a little meat, a little grain, a little fruit. a little more fruit and grain.

Don't cover your food with salt. don't fry all your starches. don't eat out alot. do grow alot of your own food, and avoide pesticides. do cook your own food. do eat alot of raw, clean veggies and fruits. do spend time doing relaxing activities (not watching TV or spacing. activly doing something relaxing). use your brain to help avoid alztimers

basically, be boring, and enjoy every minute of it.

You have a certain propesity to get cancewr. this is genetic. however, your lifestyle can increase or decrease the chances that the genetic probability becomes more relevent. Also, there are some cancers which come nearly 100% from the environement. EM radiation, high levels of chemicals, etc. Check your family medical history for which types of cancer you are more likely to get, and do what you can to reduce the chances of gettign one of those cancers.
Originally posted by river-wind
Also, while sharks are just as likely to get cancer, I believe that they are much less likely to die from it. the chemicals they produce with inhibits tumor growth is still being tested, but some of the blood-flow reducing drugs come from shark studies, IIRC.

Really? This is the first I have heard of this? Can you be more specific? Do you have any references?

If you look at the simple study on cancer patients taking shark cartillage was a total disaster. Further, most health food stores sell cow cartillage labelled as shark. It doesn't work anyway, but it shows how deceptive they are. Further, smoking one tobacco cigarette carries the same risk of cancer as eating a lifetime of "conventional" foods with pesticides (non-integrated pest mngmt.) This is because foods naturally are loaded with pesticides the plants create, and eating foods without any pesticides sprayed on them still have over 99.995% of the pesticides you would eat anyway. The real way to avoid cancer is to be aware of family history, eat a veggie/fruit based diet, get out more, get regular cancer check ups, and do not smoke anything. Remember, there has not been one cancer case linked to pesticides- and over 2 billion people exposed over several hundred years. Safe? I think so. Also, every time "organic" foods are tested, they always come up positive for synthetic pesticides, such as in Consumer Reports, and the USDA rules allow for unlimited use of pesticides in organic certified foods(Ivermectin, USDA web site.) You should also avoid "complementary and alternative" practitioners as they cannot diagnose or treat cancer.
The best way to avoid becoming a cancer statistic is to maintain a healthy immune system. Avoid things like smoking, too much sugar, and alcohol that inhibit immune function and do things that are good for the immune system like regular exercise (walking is very good exercise) and eating lots of fruit and veggies. Taking vitamins and minerals may help but you would need a good herbalist to advise you on herbal supplements if you chose to use them because they do act the same as pharmaceuticals. I would recommend finding a good alternative physician they tend to be open to newer ideas.