how soon does morning sickness come

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The field its covered in blood
Valued Senior Member
If I banged a chick on Thursday night, could she be getting morning sickness by today (Saturday)
I doubt it. Morning sickness usually follows the hormonal changes which occur after implantation specifically the changes in estrogen level and usually occur in the second month of pregnancy approximately six weeks after conception.
By the way, any sort of treatment where estrogen is prescribed can have similar effects. I know that women on HRT also experience nausea
If you had sex on Thursday, there's a chance fertilization wouldn't have even occurred yet. According to my Developmental Biology text, it can take up to 6 days for spermatozoa to reach the egg (iirc, I'm currently over 10,000 km away from the book, but it is Gilbert et al. 5th edition).
I don't think that is necessarily true. Fertilisation can occur in two hours after sex [and even as little as half and hour with Olympic swimmers]. It depends on how active the spermatozoa are and whether a fertile egg is available and in the correct stage for penetration by sperm to occur. Implantation however takes about ten days after conception [with ~10% on day 9 to 85% on day 12].

So for example, if you have sex on Thursday and the woman ovulates on Monday, fertilisation will occur within 24 hours after ovulation. But if she ovulates on Monday and you have sex on Thursday, she will not get pregnant. The ovum has a shorter window for fertilisation while the sperm can hang out for days.
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Right, which isn't really contradictory to what I said, is it? Your description is definitely more complete, outlining the requisite conditions for a delay in fertilization, but all I said was that there was a set of conditions (a chance) that fertilization may not have occurred if he had sex on Thursday.

Either way, you already answered his main question. And fleshed out my comment, which I appreciate.
Right, which isn't really contradictory to what I said, is it? Your description is definitely more complete, outlining the requisite conditions for a delay in fertilization, but all I said was that there was a set of conditions (a chance) that fertilization may not have occurred if he had sex on Thursday.

You said:

it can take up to 6 days for spermatozoa to reach the egg

This is incorrect. When couples need help getting pregnant, one of the methods advised is to take body temperature readings preceding ovulation in order to predict with some accuracy the time of ovulation. The period most conducive to conception is the 3-5 days before ovulation, which is when couples attempt to have sex for the purpose of pregnancy [in the rhythm method of contraception this is when couples avoid having sex, but its not foolproof]. If it took six days for the sperm to reach the ovum, it would be too late for conception because although the fertile period of the ovum is variable and can differ from individual to individual it usually ends between 24-48 hours after ovulation. It takes the sperm from a half hour to a couple of hours to reach the ovum. If the ovum is not ready, it hangs around for several days [7-8 days max in optimal environment although 5 days is average] a long as there is sufficient source of energy in its vicinity to twitch its tail and whatnot.

Either way, you already answered his main question. And fleshed out my comment, which I appreciate.

No problem. This kind of stuff should be taught in school imo, so everyone knows exactly what risks they take.
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If I banged a chick on Thursday night, could she be getting morning sickness by today (Saturday)

I got morning sickness about 1.5-2 months into my pregnancy. If the girl is saying she knows she's pregnant already and having morning sickness, she needs to look at the previous guy who oh so romantically 'banged' her
Birth control pills...the first ones I tried? the third day I was having full-body cramps and homicidal thoughts...and I'm usually not that much of a joiner as to contemplate homicide...;)

So I quit those, next month tried another pill...I went throught the whole month hoping the symptoms would subside-nope...on the edge of barfing all morning, thinking about ways to kill myself all afternoon.

Morning sickness can take a few weeks to kick in-when was her last period?

But just go have her pee on a pregnancy test stick. If you're freaked they are 3-5$ well-spent.

No kidding
If I banged a chick on Thursday night, could she be getting morning sickness by today (Saturday)

You know what? Anyone who needs to ask a question like this shouldn't be in a position to bang anyone ESPECIALLY without a condom. :idea:

I mean really from the way it sounds, all she had to do was tell you she was pregnant by Friday and you would have been down the aisle by Sunday:facepalm:

Meanwhile STD's are passed immediately.
If the girl is saying she knows she's pregnant already and having morning sickness, she needs to look at the previous guy who oh so romantically 'banged' her

Did I say she claimed to be? I asked her friend how she was and her friend said she was sick. I asked if she was on the pill, she said yes. I'm a bit paranoid though, and wanted to ask this question anyway.

You know what? Anyone who needs to ask a question like this shouldn't be in a position to bang anyone ESPECIALLY without a condom. :idea:
How does the lack of this knowledge mean that I'm not in a position to "bang" someone? I'm a man, I don't know this kind of stuff.

Also, I'm allergic to latex. Condoms aren't an option for me.

Meanwhile STD's are passed immediately.

I'm not worried about STDs. I know I'm clean, all others are curable except AIDS and herpes. I didn't see any sores on her, and it's extremely difficult for men to get AIDS from women.

Maybe you should both know the whole story before you comment. Also, I didn't ask for your judgments. I only asked how long morning sickness takes to kick in. Thats all.
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As a biological scientist I have to say a few things here. I’m not judging, merely addressing some misconceptions. (No pun intended.)

How does the lack of this knowledge mean that I'm not in a position to "bang" someone?

There’s nothing physically stopping you, but you have a responsibility to yourself, to her and to society not to spread STDs.

I'm not worried about STDs. I know I'm clean,

Okay, that’s half the story. What about the other half?

all others are curable except AIDS and herpes.

That’s a horrendously naïve attitude. STDs can cause all sorts of terrible health complications. Here are just some of the complications associated with “curable STDs”:

-- Can affect reproductive organs
-- Can cause sterility
-- Can be passed to infant’s eyes and lungs during delivery

Genital Warts/HPV-Human Papilloma Virus
-- Difficult to cure
-- Abnormal PAP tests, develops into cancer if not treated
-- Cancer of anus and penis
-- Can be passed to infant at delivery

-- Can affect reproductive organs
-- Can cause sterility
-- Cardiac problems
-- Skin problems
-- Arthritis problems
-- Blindess
-- Can be passed to infant at delivery

-- Can infect fetus during pregnancy and at delivery
-- Heart disease
-- Brain damage
-- Blindness
-- Paralysis
-- Insanity

-- Liver damage/cirrhosis
-- Liver Cancer

PID-Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
-- Ectopic pregnancies
-- Sterility
-- Cancer
-- Can be life-threatening

I didn't see any sores on her, and it's extremely difficult for men to get AIDS from women.

Many STDs are contagious prior to the onset of symptoms. Also, STDs can be asymptomatic yet contagious.
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