How should we dispose of the dead?


considerfreelyfeelingscle arly
Registered Senior Member
Personally, “i would like to be ground up and put in a landfil. or just put me whole into a hole in the ground. I don't think i could be very picky at that point.” (religion thread: “THE DEBATE OF RELIGION”)
Cemeteries take up a lot of room, and you just turn into dirt again, so instead of hiding nutrients from mother nature, give them back!
Give back your nutrients, you stinky corpse! You were old and baggy and people wanted you gone. Now you’re gone and you’re still hoggin all that lovely nitrogen and carbon and steak and potatoes that you had for lunch.
Now let’s get serious: it’s time to analyze the psychological effects of grinding up your loved ones:
My friend’s dad died recently and she explained the significance to me of having around the urn of her father’s ashes. Now, she’s an incredibly intelligent person, but the way she explained it, I couldn’t really understand. Something tells me opinions on this matter will be paramount to our goal of deciding, as a blogging community, HOW SHOULD WE DISPOSE OF THE DEAD?
hey, that's good! the nutrients are imediately turned back into bird crap!
why should our kids these days be afraid of dead people? i think we could all truck out our corpses and dump em in the desert. no disease there (right?) and plenty of nutrients needed there. well if we just had a pit i guess that would work ok too, just cover up the skeletons and dig another! would save tons of revenue on coffins. 300mil americans to die in the next 50-70 years times 5000 per funeral = 1.5 trillion! my friend whos dad died recently says that she thinks it would be nice to look at the urn and think of all the good times. personally i think it would be more sensible to look at pictures, but what do i know.
Burn 'em up until there's nothing left but ashes.

Burying them in the ground, then never being able to use that land for any other purpose is going to something that'll come back and haunt us one day.

Baron Max
Toss them off into the woods or the water and let Gaia take care of them the way she should.
I'm being cremated simply because it is aginst the law to let my body rot and be eaten in the woods.
I checked.
Bury them and have a place of solitude that everyone who cared can go to and remember the times and have that sense of "closeness" that a plot can bring.
Bury them and have a place of solitude that everyone who cared can go to and remember the times and have that sense of "closeness" that a plot can bring.

I can do that anywhere.

In a park where we used to spend time, perhaps?
A bar?
Grandma's house?
Our favorite restaraunt?
Places where we were alive together.

The place doesn't matter.
The memories matter, those who survived matter, the moments matter, life matters.
They should be shot in the head and burned so that they don't come back as zombies.

I can do that anywhere.

In a park where we used to spend time, perhaps?
A bar?
Grandma's house?
Our favorite restaraunt?
Places where we were alive together.

The place doesn't matter.
The memories matter, those who survived matter, the moments matter, life matters.

Youre going to spend some quiet pesonal time with a dead loved one in a bar, restaurant or park? Come on , if that's what you're idea of peacefull time together is then good, go have another brew!
Youre going to spend some quiet pesonal time with a dead loved one in a bar, restaurant or park?

With the memories of times we had when the person was alive.
Celebrate their lives, not bemoan their deaths.
You don't have to "bemoan" their deaths, just a place to have a quiet time to spend with them. But , again, it is different for a parent than for a friend. For the friend do go to a bar and have a beer, but for the parent something a little more respectfull maybe.