How science can help to eradicate fast food?


Registered Senior Member
I experienced instictive eating; like a deaf Beethoven i obsessively created new recipes in my notebook. Have a permacultural orchard.
I felt great, my energy increased and my body expelled a parfum.

Mathematically-trophologically are the potentian new recipes inconmensurabe?

Can people improve health using domestic resources: food, sun, kneippean hidrotheraphy? Or facultative resignation is the only we have?

I experienced instictive eating; like a deaf Beethoven i obsessively created new recipes in my notebook. Have a permacultural orchard.
I felt great, my energy increased and my body expelled a parfum.

Mathematically-trophologically are the potentian new recipes inconmensurabe?

Can people improve health using domestic resources: food, sun, kneippean hidrotheraphy? Or facultative resignation is the only we have?


What is wrong with fast food . If you don't like them, abstain from them , usa self control , I am sure many people like them because their convenience.
correction: are the potential new recipes immensurable?

two recipes:
-mangoe (non red)+cherimoia (the anone)+sweet pineaple. Liquidized. Strain.= yogurt-like taste.
-yogurt+banana+strawberry+small piece of spinach+crushed ice. Liquidized. Add carob syrup+bee pollen+amaranth pop+almonds
What is wrong with fast food . If you don't like them, abstain from them , usa self control , I am sure many people like them because their convenience.
Avoid psychologize my thread.
If you think your body deserve fast food, ok.

Since this is a science forum, and i hope of open minded; my proposal is clear: what we can do to improve diet?
Avoid psychologize my thread.
If you think your body deserve fast food, ok.

Since this is a science forum, and i hope of open minded; my proposal is clear: what we can do to improve diet?

Well, I don't think you need to complicate food so much. You don't have to liquify everything. The more work your digestive system has to do (within reason, don't go eating stones) in order to break something down, the more calories your body will burn in the process. Eating whole foods is a good start. Meaning, imagine you were as wild as any other animal. They don't put their foods in processors or add special ingredients or even cook their food. Now I'm not suggesting you eat raw meat, it simply isn't practical or safe. But raw vegetables and raw fruits (eating the peel anytime it is possible), eating what is in season. Whole grain breads and other baked goods. Drink a lot of water. You don't see many animals ambushing a cow to drink her milk do ya. Make sure you don't forget proteins. Eat whatever meat you would be able to acquire if you were not able to go to the market. If we were wild animals we would likely be in better shape than we are so we would be able to run a tad faster and be stronger. There are also nuts and legumes full of protein. And for the calcium you would miss from milk, you can eat raw cauliflower. I am sure there are other vegetables that have calcium but I can't think of any right now.

I went on this diet before, I called it my "If I can't kill it with my bare hands don't eat it" diet. I had rules that I would only eat what I felt my species would eat if it weren't "intelligent". I lost a lot of fat, gained a lot of muscle and my emotions even stabilized a bit (only a bit - i was 17) I felt better than I ever have since then. I am not a nutritionist or anything like that. Just speaking from my own personal experience. You can take it or leave it, I won't be offended either way.
From a strict logical point of view, this thread is maybe the most important scientific topic. Nothing can be more important than health.
The Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) is already SAD.

Why nobody discussed it?
From a strict logical point of view, this thread is maybe the most important scientific topic. Nothing can be more important than health.
The Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) is already SAD.

Why nobody discussed it?

It requires introspection, and in regards to diet and health, most Americans are probably embarrassed on some level to have to admit to themselves that they know how to eat healthy but choose not to. Then we complain about the aches and pains of living and our bad health. I admire scheherazade. The lifestyle she claims to live is amazing in my opinion. In chronological years she is much older than me but in health years I probably have aged passed her by a couple of decades. She has a very natural lifestyle that does not include laying around the house eating bon bons and watching Oprah or playing video games. She actually LIVES. She is one to get advice on health and lifestyle from without getting all technical about it.
eating what is in season.
I never understood why this is important, since in my country transportation is fast and microclimates abundant.

That's easy to understand - it will be cheaper to buy. Out of season food will require more transportation and the more transportation, the higher the cost of getting the food to you.

There will also be genetic engineering so the fruit will be bigger and prettier. They also tend to wax vegetables that you buy in grocery stores but when you go to farmers markets and get only what is in season, it is often straight from farm to market. The food isn't as pretty but usually tastes better.
There will also be genetic engineering so the fruit will be bigger and prettier. They also tend to wax vegetables that you buy in grocery stores but when you go to farmers markets and get only what is in season, it is often straight from farm to market. The food isn't as pretty but usually tastes better.

True. Also, fruits and vegetables that are out of season locally may also have been grown in greenhouses - again adding to the price.
True. Also, fruits and vegetables that are out of season locally may also have been grown in greenhouses - again adding to the price.

Personally, I think that part of hte reason that people who grow their own food are healthier is because the act of producing food is hard physical labor. Those of us who buy food at stores just get food too easily. Even healthy food will make you fat if you aren't doing any work. Growing food can also be very demanding of your time so you don't have time to sit around playing video games, between a job and weeding the garden, planting, keeping bugs out, etc, who has time to sit around and expand their waistline or eat out of boredom?
Personally, I think that part of hte reason that people who grow their own food are healthier is because the act of producing food is hard physical labor. Those of us who buy food at stores just get food too easily. Even healthy food will make you fat if you aren't doing any work. Growing food can also be very demanding of your time so you don't have time to sit around playing video games, between a job and weeding the garden, planting, keeping bugs out, etc, who has time to sit around and expand their waistline or eat out of boredom?

Yes, everything you mentioned is part of the overall equation. And there's nothing inherently evil about fast food - it's the abuse, like anything else, that matters. If a person is sufficiently active physically and frequently short of time to prepare a home-cooked meal, eating fast food once or twice a week will NOT cause a problem.
The basic elements to compete with fast food are:
1°.Taste 2°.Cost 3°.Fast preparation.

Vegenaise recipe

- 125 grams of fresh tofu (which is sold as fresh cheese for salad).
- 200 ml of sunflower oil.
- Pepper to taste.
- Garlic optional.

With the help of a mixer, combine the tofu, oil, pepper and garlic if desired, once obtained the desired texture, retire.
Let cool in refrigerator during 2 hours.
Sorry but I don't think a tofu garlic shake is going to be able to compete with a burger and fries.
Perhaps we need to re-examine the reasons that so many people look to fast food as a solution? I am so blessed to live in a remote region in the Northwest of Canada where the total population of the whole territory is less than 40,000 people. We still have relatively unspoiled wilderness, fresh air and plenty of fresh water. Twenty years ago, you didn't even have to consider boiling most of it except in the spring when run-off water carried the threat of giardia.

The pace of life in the Yukon is generally more laid back than in more populated parts of the nation/continent/globe and those who life here have plenty of outdoor activities available, year round, and not all of them require deep pockets. As comparison, one of my brothers moved to Edmonton for several years and immediately began to suffer the effects of long working hours, a fast-food diet and no easy access to the outdoor recreations he was accustomed to. To have to drive for one or more hours to reach a location where one could 'play' rather defeats the purpose, he found, as well as the expense, time and energy expended just getting there and back.

Our reliance on 'fast food' has arisen because of the demands on our time in a competitive environment. There still are plenty of solutions but we need to educate people in the means to attaining them. Perhaps the first step is to remind people that nature designed plenty of 'fast food' which is readily available to us but we have been seduced by the marketplace into following in the footsteps of others.

Why buy take out coffee when you can brew it fresh in minutes? Make a pot, enjoy a travel mug full and take the rest in a thermos. Plenty of special blends to try and you can make it fancy at home if that's your pleasure. Fruit is the ultimate easy fast food: berries, cherries, apples, plums, pears, kiwis, buy a fresh pineapple and slice it. You can freeze so many of these fruits when they are in season, in snack size bags. Just grab one and go. Same with veggies. There are so many that are inexpensive and tasty. Yogurt is another easy grab. Don't buy a parfait at a convenience store. Get the kind of yogurt your prefer and make your own. Smoothies? The sky is the limit. So many things you can combine in a blender and make a liquid meal in minutes. Cook in larger batches so that you have left-overs to work with. Hubby just cooked up a dozen 'chicken torenados' or some such thing, pieces of chicken wrapped in a strip of bacon. When I come home from work tomorrow, I can make us a fast meal by adding a couple of veggies to this, possibly making a filling for a dinner pie topped with sweet potatoes which I have cooked ahead and frozen. Defrost some of those and make a mashed topping instead of a double crust pie. It's winter in these parts (-20C this morning) and a few extra calories doesn't hurt when one is active. :)

I have to grab a few hours sleep now prior to hitting graveyard shift. Thank you very much, Seagypsy, for the vote of confidence. It is encouraging when I hear from yourself and others that my posts resonate on various levels. The knowledge of humanity has ever been passed through oral teachings and living history and the beauty of the internet is that we can now interact with people around the globe in the blink of an eye. This is a wonderful technology to enable such exchange and my thanks, also, to the providers of forums such as these, to be the platform for learning and sharing.
I experienced instictive eating; like a deaf Beethoven i obsessively created new recipes in my notebook. Have a permacultural orchard.
I felt great, my energy increased and my body expelled a parfum.

Mathematically-trophologically are the potentian new recipes inconmensurabe?

Can people improve health using domestic resources: food, sun, kneippean hidrotheraphy? Or facultative resignation is the only we have?


The issue has gone beyond science. Now it is economics.

From economics there is no salvation.



The issue has gone beyond science. Now it is economics.

From economics there is no salvation.



nuclear war could possibly eradicate fast food
so could mass destruction of eco systems that undermine resources necessary for large human communities

both of these could easily occur through the avenue of science
There are studies that demonstrate a link between eating fast food and depression according to this article in Science Daily. If science can demonstrate the mechanisms of depression by this route convincingly, it is hoped that through education and addressing some of the underlying economic considerations that people will make better dietary choices.

Link Between Fast Food and Depression Confirmed

ScienceDaily (Mar. 30, 2012) — A new study along the same lines as its predecessors shows how eating fast food is linked to a greater risk of suffering from depression. This study has been published in the Public Health Nutrition journal

According to a recent study headed by scientists from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the University of Granada, eating commercial baked goods (fairy cakes, croissants, doughnuts, etc.) and fast food (hamburgers, hotdogs and pizza) is linked to depression.

Published in the Public Health Nutrition journal, the results reveal that consumers of fast food, compared to those who eat little or none, are 51% more likely to develop depression.

Furthermore, a dose-response relationship was observed. In other words this means that "the more fast food you consume, the greater the risk of depression," explains Almudena Sánchez-Villegas, lead author of the study.

The study demonstrates that those participants who eat the most fast food and commercial baked goods are more likely to be single, less active and have poor dietary habits, which include eating less fruit, nuts, fish, vegetables and olive oil. Smoking and working more than 45 hours per week are other prevalent characteristics of this group.