how personal attributes affect the way of knowing?


Registered Member
In this question, personal attributes that i mean is just the same like characteristic. Example: bad or kind, dilligent or lazy. So its like the normal characteristic of every people in the world.

The way of knowing that i mean is the way to accept a new knowledge of something. It can be normal lesson which we always get in school, or life experience.

So the question is about "How Characteristic of people affect the way of learning???"

After you answer this question. I would like to know, why do you said like that?

That's all my questions. I hope somebody can help me. Thank you for all of you.
you've asked this several times before. try running it by someone who speaks english.
Your "Character", your "Personality", is the sum total of all you have experienced, including your reactions to those experiences, all your memories, all the attendant emotion.. ALL of it.. And it is a Survival Tool built by your Mind.

Whatever threatens your idea of "yourself" will be rejected to some degree, and whatever is in harmony with your view of "yourself" will be accepted to a much greater degree, and used to re-inforce that surival tool, "Yourself".

To be free to learn more, one needs to begin to un-identify with the personality, and begin to identify with one's individuality... You are an individual expression of life, the universe, god, whatever you can accept... and it is in letting go of the limited version of one's self that you open the way to accepting new information, other possibilities, and a fresh view of reality.
When talking to a friend the other day about his failed marriage. He said that his son told him that his exwife told all the kids constantly about how unhappy she was from approx 20 years before separation.
He was adamant that he didn't know about it and couldn't understand why she showed no signs of her discontent.
I said to him that he had answered his own question: He didn't see how unhappy she was. He said "that's right he didn't see how unhappy she was" and I said " yes that's it you didn't see how unhappy she was"
And that's the answer to his question. He didn't know his wife was unhappy. Why he didn't know is the answer to why his marriage failed.
But of course he could not accept that he was blind and failed to see what he should have seen.
So in answer to your question : The characteristic for success in learning is to be brutally honest and never accept a lie to persist in your mind and always assume that you may be blinded from the truth.
The answer should never close your mind to the question.....

To remove obstacles to learning is 99% of the task and this takes great courage and personal self integrity.

just a few thoughts.....
ayla_z wrote...
Your "Character", your "Personality", is the sum total of all you have experienced, including your reactions to those experiences, all your memories, all the attendant emotion.. ALL of it..

Quite so. We are all the sum of our experiences.
Good and bad.

Learning is something that we all do, all of the time.
It is not necessarily a conscious activity. Especially in the young, learning is a way of life.
It allows us to understand the world around us, the people we interact with and ourselves.
But as we grow older, learning becomes more of a chore, more of a tiresome task.
Perhaps this happens because as we age the learning we experience becomes more of a deliberate action.
We pay attention to what we need to know or what we find interesting, and (mostly) disregard the rest, allow it to escape our memories through inattention.

Conscious learning is affected by our personalities in that those who are lazy, bored easily or closed minded can't be bothered, can't maintain their attention or can't accept that which they are being taught (respectively).

Reversely, those who have a thirst for knowledge, a need for betterment of themselves or simpley a very active mind act like sponges, soaking up all that is taught to, or realized by, them.

Learning is important and good. But as we grow older, our personalities develop. We either embrace learning, or back away from it.

This is human nature.

If you're learning, keep doing it. Keep trying.