how original or unoriginal are your dreams?


Sometimes, i have dreams which are a regurgitation of the mundane. But other times i have amazing dreams of another world which is hard to convey the 'ambiance' of the world. For instance, in one dream or world, there is only one grocery store per town. It makes sense in a way, there are no monopolies or chains. It was this huge warehouse size building with an automatic open skylight and ceiling during the day. The groceries are packaged differently. My apartment was different, the society itself operated on a totally different level and interacted differently and the detail is astounding. I passed by what looked like a amusment park and i have never seen rides such as these, one had a slide that was part roller coaster. The sky even had a different hue.

I also must have a subconscious phobia regarding public restrooms because i occasionally have some freaky nightmares. In one episode, i was in a larger than hangar sized building with nothing but rows and rows of stalls, concrete floor and drains with a massive 3-4 story fan built into the wall. As i looked up, it turned on and the sound was deafening. A second episode, the bathroom is always at least the size of a bedroom, with strange walkin showers with windows and bathtubs at an angle you can strap yourself into.

The possibilities in your dreams are also representative of the limitless creativity and intimate look at your soul not bound by current reality shaped by others. It's your world and you are the creator.
Why is it that a lot of times when I dream nothing seems to work in my favour, well I do not remember very many dreams as of the last few years but I remember a lot of dreams I had years ago, one where I was in a fight I could not hit the person, another I was running ,I moved in slow motion and so on! why would my dreams be like this?
The problem is I don't remember my dreams. Or maybe I remember when I first wake up, but for example now I don't remember what I saw last night in my dreams.
Sometimes I remember, and I see that dreams over and over. There's a dream with escaping some place with a rubber boat and getting on a space rocket.
My latest dream: I'm in a bathroom and my pet is walking around on the floor, I can't remember whether it was a dog or a lizard, anyway, next thing I know the 'pet' has transformed into a fish-like thing similar to a tiny shark, so I scooped it up and threw it into the toilet bowl. It swam around for a bit and then it looked like it died so I took it out and put it on the marble top next to the washbasin. As I stared at it it began to move and then suddenly it went through this really fast transformation right before my eyes, it seemed to go through a myriad of shapes but it was so fast it was a blur and then suddenly it became a rabbit and jumped off the marble top.
The last dream i can remember went like this, my friend through the biggest party I had ever seen,, there were one hundred rooms with one hundred people in each, he was having a baby, the girls were wild,free and happy, I got drunk with the local youth, walked the streets and cracked a tree, I got tired and sat down and heard a voice wisper I'll love you if you'll love me, we kissed and I fell asleep. I woke up in a cold sweat alone.... now I wonder where that came from....
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The Perfect City

I have a recurring dream ( I have many actually) but there are too many to put in this post - so more on that later.

Anyway, I have a recurring dream about a "perfect city". In this city, the buildings are tall grayish white or white marble, rectangular, with dark blue glass windows, there is a water way around most of the city with dark blue water. The grass is perfectly manicured and vivid green. There are no cars, no street lights, no telephone poles, no electrical wire of any kind anywhere. The people all seem to be happy and get around ok but I am not sure how. In the summer it rains a lot, but the temperature stays consistent year round. There are no telephones in my house and I think that most people communicate with others through telepathy or something like it. There are no signs of any kind - I just seem to "know" where everything is. There is no trash, no bums, no pollution, no paper on the streets, no gum, nothing. It is literally perfect.
I have this reoccurring image for as long as I can remember of a white building and it always felt like it was a past life or a something I had seen when I was to young to remember, up until a few months I had never seen a building much like it but then I seen the exact image on the Acadia university website, strange. Its a white building with huge pillars. Weird stuff like that happens to me a bit, there was one time when I was on one side of Canada and I got da-Jae-voo and the idea car antenna stuck in my head that instant and it stayed for years, then one day I was at the other side of Canada doing something with my car and I got da-jae-voo standing next to the antenna of the car and I got the feeling that I always knew that would happen, like I was watching my life from start to finish from a distance and a feeling of peace came over me. well mayby I added that feeling of peace because it just fit,lol.
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Last night I had this weird dream. I'll tell as much as I can remember.

I was walking on the sidewalk of some side street with three men, going downhill-ish. The side of the street we were walking on had hedges, I think. On the other side was a parking lot to a fast food restaurant or some similar sort of eatery, which was back uphill at the last intersection. There weren't any cars parked there. The three men were apparently my friends, and there was a genial feeling about things.

I noticed that my cell phone had disappeared out of my pocket, and then one of the men pulled it out. I got the impression that he pick-pocketed me and got the cell phone that way or something, but in a jesting manner. I walked up to get it, and he was handing it back to me, but all of a sudden he punched me in the face. A realization washed over me that they lead me to this place to beat me up or something. I thought to myself "What the fuck?", and then felt a blend of betrayal and fear of something dangerous happening, like "Oh no. I thought they were my friends."

I started running across the street and then uphill to the eatery. They were chasing me saying "Let's kill him!". It felt like I was having difficulty running, like something was pulling me back, but somehow I was staying ahead of them. My plan was to run into the eatery, but I knew it would take me time to open the door, and they would surely catch me. Wishing for help, I stopped and looked to my left, towards the hedges. I saw some humanoid entity running in my direction. He was a giant, I think, but I'm not sure if he was human. I'm only sure that he was humanoid. I knew he was coming to defend me.

And that's all I remember.
It felt like I was having difficulty running, like something was pulling me back, but somehow I was staying ahead of them.
Funny, whenever I dream myself running I always feel like something is slowing me down, like its some kind of struggle.
Since i was young I've had dream about Armageddon.

I was always the one left behind by the fleeing masses. i.e. missed the shuttle off of earth to escape the oncoming meteor.

I've had:

Rabid animals.

I'm always the one getting left behind or forgotten...

some insight would be nice
one had a slide that was part roller coaster.

Interesting, iam. I had the same thing show up in my dreams when I was really young, like about 6 or 7. It looked like a strange piece of playground equipment when you walked up to it, but once you were on it, it was incredibly huge and could take you anywhere.