How my family's Google searching got us a visit from counterterrorism police


Valued Senior Member
Pressure Cookers, Backpacks and Quinoa, Oh My!
How my family's Google searching got us a visit from counterterrorism police
by Michele Catalano [Former music contributor at Forbes, freelance writer published in The Magazine, Maura Magazine and at Boing Boing]

It was a confluence of magnificent proportions that led six agents from the joint terrorism task force to knock on my door Wednesday morning. Little did we know our seemingly innocent, if curious to a fault, Googling of certain things was creating a perfect storm of terrorism profiling. Because somewhere out there, someone was watching. Someone whose job it is to piece together the things people do on the internet raised the red flag when they saw our search history.

[see Michele's blog for the remainder of her account as well as an additional update]

Ever wonder what it'd be like to live in a Police State where every single one of your keystrokes are being stored by the State - for your own protection of course! You know, because your an *insert citizenship* and we do this for the good of the *insert abstract concept*. Welcome to XKeyscore, another State-run Income Tax paid-for spying on YOU program that you had absolutely no idea was going on. Yes, look Right while the Left steals your wallet and look Left while the Right steals your watch. Oh, and regarding how your civil "servants" are protecting your civil liberties by spending 'your' gun in the face income 'tax' to help 'you', well well, it looks like the four of the biggest servers are located in Australia. How nice of the Aussies to lend a helping hand.

Yes indeed, go on down and pull the lever for O-blah-blah or Mittens. Giltard, Kevinator, The Mad Abbott (no, these aren't WWF stars, they're actual politicians). Yes, you do have a say. Yes, 'your' politicians are there to serve 'you'. Oh, but do make sure you pay your income tax. Because, if you don't pay, you'll be tossed into a rape-cage like this Political Prisoner was jailed for attempting to stand up for his constitutional rights in the land of "FREE" United States. Someone's got to pay for all those free roads. May as well be you.
Yes indeed, go on down and pull the lever for O-blah-blah or Mittens. Giltard, Kevinator, The Mad Abbott (no, these aren't WWF stars, they're actual politicians). Yes, you do have a say.

True. You could vote for a "libertard."
True. You could vote for a "libertard."
And it'd do you just as much good. The State is not going to stop spying on it's Citizens regardless if you vote for a Libertard, Rethuglican, Democrip, the Pope, no one, whatever. The State is going to strengthen it's hand, not weaken. And as society get's poorer, the State will become stronger. Soon it'll have access to, and legally know, pretty much everything and anything every single Citizen is doing on-line. This information will be used to manipulate the markets, to intimidate dissent, to tailor State propaganda and used to control and manipulate the public even more effectively.

And, that's pretty much the way things are going to be for the rest of our lives under the 'Free Republic'.
There is nothing your vote is going to do to change that. There will come a day, when people finally admit to themselves, this isn't working - but that say is a long long ways off. Plenty of juice left in the system to keep the charade going. So, in the meantime, we'll live with a few more Wars (the Gods only know the State like to make up Wars). Perhaps Citizens will outright start colonizing various countries - got to do something with the poor and disheveled. I'm we're really only in the beginning stages of Nationalizing assets, like the TBTF banks we now 'own'. It's really hard to say. But, what we can say is the State will grow more intrusive, our civil liberties will continue to be reduced, our standard of living will similarly be reduced and we'll become a poorer less prosperous society.

So, again, yes; you could vote for a libertard, and, it'll do you as much good.
Pressure Cookers, Backpacks and Quinoa, Oh My!
How my family's Google searching got us a visit from counterterrorism police
by Michele Catalano [Former music contributor at Forbes, freelance writer published in The Magazine, Maura Magazine and at Boing Boing]

It was a confluence of magnificent proportions that led six agents from the joint terrorism task force to knock on my door Wednesday morning. Little did we know our seemingly innocent, if curious to a fault, Googling of certain things was creating a perfect storm of terrorism profiling. Because somewhere out there, someone was watching. Someone whose job it is to piece together the things people do on the internet raised the red flag when they saw our search history.

[see Michele's blog for the remainder of her account as well as an additional update]
I liked the end of her story:


We found out through the Suffolk Police Department that the searches involved also things my husband looked up at his old job. We were not made aware of this at the time of questioning and were led to believe it was solely from searches from within our house.

I did not lie or make it up. I wrote the piece with the information that was given. What was withheld from us obviously could not be a part of a story I wrote based on what happened yesterday.

The piece I wrote was the story as we knew it with the information we were told. None of it was fabricated. If you know me, you know I would never do that.

If it was misleading, just know that my intention was the truth. And that was what I knew as the truth until about ten minutes ago. That there were other circumstances involved was something we all were unaware of.

It's always good when a journalist clarifies and updates a story by declaring they weren't making it up and then explaining where they went wrong..

ver wonder what it'd be like to live in a Police State where every single one of your keystrokes are being stored by the State - for your own protection of course! You know, because your an *insert citizenship* and we do this for the good of the *insert abstract concept*. Welcome to XKeyscore, another State-run Income Tax paid-for spying on YOU program that you had absolutely no idea was going on. Yes, look Right while the Left steals your wallet and look Left while the Right steals your watch. Oh, and regarding how your civil "servants" are protecting your civil liberties by spending 'your' gun in the face income 'tax' to help 'you', well well, it looks like the four of the biggest servers are located in Australia. How nice of the Aussies to lend a helping hand.
Again, how can people not know about this stuff already?

Yes indeed, go on down and pull the lever for O-blah-blah or Mittens. Giltard, Kevinator, The Mad Abbott (no, these aren't WWF stars, they're actual politicians). Yes, you do have a say. Yes, 'your' politicians are there to serve 'you'. Oh, but do make sure you pay your income tax. Because, if you don't pay, you'll be tossed into a rape-cage like this Political Prisoner was jailed for attempting to stand up for his constitutional rights in the land of "FREE" United States. Someone's got to pay for all those free roads. May as well be you.

You don't use the roads? What? Are you a mole and dig holes under the ground?

And he was jailed for tax evasion. So lets just be clear about that.

In this last case Schiff's attorneys again asked that the court consider the claim that Schiff has a mental disorder relating to his beliefs about taxes.[42] According to the prosecutor's office the evidence at trial showed that Schiff had attempted to evade the payment of over $2 million in taxes from 1979 through 1985, and that he had used offshore bank accounts using multiple tax identification numbers and had attempted to hide assets in connection with his tax protester related activity.​
I've always been a cynic.

Once a genie is out of his bottle, there's no way to put him back. And even if there is, the people who let him out won't put him back.

Anything the government CAN do, they WILL do.

My auto mechanic was just convicted of illegally selling guns and sent to prison. Can you figure that out? The U.S. government, which is a subsidiary of the NRA, wants every citizen to own the biggest gun he is physically capable of lifting, and preferably more than one in case one is stolen. And all we have to do is promise to shoot only black people.

So why do they prosecute people who are merely making sure that everybody has a gun?
I liked the end of her story:


We found out through the Suffolk Police Department that the searches involved also things my husband looked up at his old job. We were not made aware of this at the time of questioning and were led to believe it was solely from searches from within our house.

I did not lie or make it up. I wrote the piece with the information that was given. What was withheld from us obviously could not be a part of a story I wrote based on what happened yesterday.

The piece I wrote was the story as we knew it with the information we were told. None of it was fabricated. If you know me, you know I would never do that.

If it was misleading, just know that my intention was the truth. And that was what I knew as the truth until about ten minutes ago. That there were other circumstances involved was something we all were unaware of.

It's always good when a journalist clarifies and updates a story by declaring they weren't making it up and then explaining where they went wrong..

Again, how can people not know about this stuff already?

You don't use the roads? What? Are you a mole and dig holes under the ground?

And he was jailed for tax evasion. So lets just be clear about that.

In this last case Schiff's attorneys again asked that the court consider the claim that Schiff has a mental disorder relating to his beliefs about taxes.[42] According to the prosecutor's office the evidence at trial showed that Schiff had attempted to evade the payment of over $2 million in taxes from 1979 through 1985, and that he had used offshore bank accounts using multiple tax identification numbers and had attempted to hide assets in connection with his tax protester related activity.​
1) Some of the searchers were from her husbands work and others were from her searches made in their home.

2) I pay for a tax in the gasoline I buy, that tax pays for the roads.

3) Peter Schiff's father is probably correct that Income Tax is illegal. As a matter of fact, some people have been to court and found innocent of not paying any income tax. Others, like him, are made examples of.

Anything the government CAN do, they WILL do.
And now we live in a society cheerleading the Government every step of the way. I saw a clip from MSNBC on Youtube where the talking head stated: "If you're not doing anything wrong, then you have nothing to fear from the NSA". I then heard this parroted back to me by TWO Americans; both highly educated doctors a week later.