How much is Death related to brain?

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Valued Senior Member
how much is death related to brain?

if death is everything related to brain then why not brainwash a person(if its possible) that he cant die?!!

It's not just about the "conditioning" or programming of a brain that causes death, there is a mixture of circumstances and the fact that Atoms while arranged in molecules can on occasion suffer from a form of decay and re-entanglement.

Why do I bring the latter up?

Well as it has been mentioned many times the neural processes of the brain are in constant change of alignments due to molecular composition and chemical reactions. The brain does control the chemical reactions, but as cells split and multiply, they pass on genetic traits from "aging".

I came to a conclusion that the older cells produce certain "defects" that tend to increase during the continued cell reproductions, so eventually cell reproduction can almost become neutralised (or sterile).

[Of course my original thought was on the lines of how mankinds Life expectancy can be manipulated, and I was looking at what effects Later pregnancies (40+) might causes.

This continued into the understanding of how Evolution occurs with species of lesser life expectancies, Where a virus might have an antibody passed on in a lesser life expetancy creature, one with a larger expentacy will have to wait many generations for evolution to take place]

Simply the body dies if the brain isn't functioning, because the brain controls a mixture of signals that control chemicals and our hearts pumping blood around (causing low static-electromagnetic charges). If those signals aren't present, then a cellular decomposition occurs (You wrot). Sometimes there are points where even with the brain working this decomposition can occur if the blood circulation to an area is poor. This of course could be noted as Gangrene and even Leprosy.
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