How Much Does a Kid Need?


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
I missed this a few weeks ago but: Billionaire's Ex-Wife Wants More Money

Now, I have no children so I might be out of line but sheee-it!! Kirk Kerkorian's ex-wife wants her child support payments increased from $75k per month to $320k. She listed their three-year-old daughter's monthly expenses. Some of them are as follows:

$144,000 per month for travel??? Where the heck does a three year old need to go?

$14,000 for parties??? Just how many parties/play dates does the kid have?

$7,000 for charity??? Far be it from me to discourage anyone from giving charity, but is this really a child-raising expense?

$10,000 for food??? Does this three year old weigh 300 lbs?

$2,500 for movies??? Per month? Just how many movies does this kid see? Even at the adult price that's more than 160 movies a month! Five movies a day!!

According to my handy-dandy little calculator, the $75K/mo figure comes to $900,000 per year for the little darlin'. If mama, who is surely only interested in baby's well-being, gets the $320K/mo, why Kira will have $3,840,000 per year spent on her and only her. That's right, folks, $3.84 million annually. I understand that the guy is obscenely rich and can afford to pay this amount, but will the courts really believe this is necessary?


Later in that same article:
Lisa Kerkorian said she pressed him to marry her, but he refused;
Guess that proves you don't become a billionaire by being stupid!

You know its sad to say but some people use their children to get what they want. And yes, the court will probably grant her the money. I feel sorry for the child and partially for the mother to think she needs all that money to be happy.