how mosquitoes are attracted to humans


Why does the mosquito change its track and fly towards skin? How does it detect our skin? What are the odors from skin that it detects? And can we block the mosquito skin odor sensors and reduce attractiveness?

Recent research done by scientists at the University of California, Riverside can now help address these questions. They report on Dec. 5 in the journal Cell that the very receptors in the mosquito's maxillary palp that detect carbon dioxide are ones that detect skin odors as well, thus explaining why mosquitoes are attracted to skin odor – smelly socks, worn clothes, bedding – even in the absence of CO2.

"It was a real surprise when we found that the mosquito's CO2 receptor neuron, designated cpA, is an extremely sensitive detector of several skin odorants as well, and is, in fact, far more sensitive to some of these odor molecules as compared to CO2," said Anandasankar Ray, an associate professor in the Department of Entomology and the project's principal investigator. "For many years we had primarily focused on the complex antennae of mosquitoes for our search for human-skin odor receptors, and ignored the simpler maxillary palp organs."

Until now, which mosquito olfactory neurons were required for attraction to skin odor remained a mystery. The new finding – that the CO2-sensitive olfactory neuron is also a sensitive detector of human skin – is critical not only for understanding the basis of the mosquito's host attraction and host preference, but also because it identifies this dual receptor of CO2 and skin-odorants as a key target that could be useful to disrupt host-seeking behavior and thus aid in the control of disease transmission.

To test whether cpA activation by human odor is important for attraction, the researchers devised a novel chemical-based strategy to shut down the activity of cpA in Aedes aegypti, the dengue-spreading mosquito. They then tested the mosquito's behavior on human foot odor – specifically, on a dish of foot odor-laden beads placed in an experimental wind tunnel – and found the mosquito's attraction to the odor was greatly reduced.

Next, using a chemical computational method they developed, the researchers screened nearly half a million compounds and identified thousands of predicted ligands. They then short-listed 138 compounds based on desirable characteristics such as smell, safety, cost and whether these occurred naturally. Several compounds either inhibited or activated cpA neurons of which nearly 85 percent were already approved for use as flavor, fragrance or cosmetic agents. Better still, several were pleasant-smelling, such as minty, raspberry, chocolate, etc., increasing their value for practical use in mosquito control.

Confident that they were on the right track, the researchers then zeroed in on two compounds: ethyl pyruvate, a fruity-scented cpA inhibitor approved as a flavor agent in food; and cyclopentanone, a minty-smelling cpA activator approved as a flavor and fragrance agent. By inhibiting the cpA neuron, ethyl pyruvate was found in their experiments to substantially reduce the mosquito's attraction towards a human arm. By activating the cpA neuron, cyclopentanone served as a powerful lure, like CO2, attracting mosquitoes to a trap.
I know the mosquito magnets use motion to fool the mosquitoes as well.

I suppose the point I am trying to add here is it might not just be instinctive smells driving the process. The insects use some instinctive and learned behavior to target skin.
I know the mosquito magnets use motion to fool the mosquitoes as well.

I suppose the point I am trying to add here is it might not just be instinctive smells driving the process. The insects use some instinctive and learned behavior to target skin.

I don't know about motion but I noticed that IR wasn't mentioned. They are certainly attracted to heat, I've seen them by the dozens bouncing on the hood of a car.
The hear so that using the correct frequency and amplitude you could destroy them with that .
@ Buddha,

The[y] hear so that using the correct frequency and amplitude you could destroy them with that .

How? I've heard of sound weapons.

They have poor eyesight, but I always wanted to know if we could use the lack of eyelids on various insects to blind them in their areas of sleep.

My Parents owned 2 mosquito magnets, and they are well worth the $500/each (especially since they bought them). When they sold their Summer Home I got one. It is amazing to empty out all the mosquitoes. They run on Propane and scented pads, but I think it is the propane that does the best work, as the cheaper scent only models are garbage imho.

@ OP,

I do recommend Mosquito Magnets if you are suffering. Do not get the cheaper ones though (around $200) as they work poorly. Insects are not mothered or educated and instincts we tend to overlook because of our own education, but a lot of animals and insects have a giant grasp of how to do lots of things.

How does a cat know how to use a litter box and bury their treasures?


@ Read Only,

I think about the propane as fuel for CO2, but it is true it would give off some heat and is yet another reason why the cheaper ones don't work.