How many people have been killed by US interventionism ?

Anyone familiar with "Global research"?
They claim that the US has killed over 20,000,000 people since ww2. Accurate?

GlobalResearch does okay, or not, depending on who you ask. As to the number, it seems low, but my idea of "people killed by U.S. interventionism" includes abstractions; I can't prove how many of those people would or wouldn't have died from lack of food, potable water, or basic medicine, for instance, but within that framework twenty million seems low.
I'm confused... Is this finding from two or ten years ago? And it doesn't appear to be a matter of GlobalResearch's accuracy but rather that of James A. Lucas. has a dateline of 24 April, 2007 and is the exact same article.

Anyway you slice and dice it is still a very big number...
Actually, Russ

That was not
the original question!
The article puts it in quotes near the top, to emphasize that it is the key question, with a long paragraph discussing 9/11 as the backdrop.

If we take that context away, then as Tiassa says, it gets very vague and therefore not very meaningful.

So I'll ask you: what is your point? What does this mean?