How many of the 7 deadly sins does God do and is that ok with Christians?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
How many of the 7 deadly sins does God do and is that ok with Christians?

God seems to have broken many of the 10 commandments and Christians are quick to forgive him for then. They tend to say that God made those for mankind to keep and that since God owns us, he does not have to do as he tells us to do.

Do as I say and not as I do from their lawmaker seems to be ok for most Christians although to give some few credit, they say they would not tolerate that trait in anyone else. Rather a double standard but this is God after all and he needs some concessions.

I was wondering if that attitude and free pass was transferrable to the 7 deadly sins or if Christians could accurately judge God on them even if they would exonerate him for those as well. Just because he is God.

The sins are as follows. Wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.

Wrath. God definitely has a wrath problem and his temper and killing ability is quite well known. When Christians get to hell they will note the many children and babies who have felt God’s killing wrath.

Greed. I would say that God is quite greedy as he will destroy any soul who does not kowtow to him. He is not greedy for money but I think it is fair to substitute money for souls here.

Sloth. I would say that God has a lot of slough. I do not see him doing much of anything at all and this indicates laziness with is a synonym for sloth.

Pride. Scriptures do show God having pride. The bible has God saying he is well pleased with Jesus and as a part of the Trinity we cannot put anyone before him then we can see that that is a lot of pride.

Lust. I am not sure about. I would say that when a man covets another man’s woman for reproductive reasons that coveting and lust are quite close and we do know that God coveted another man’s woman so I will give God only half marks on lust.

Envy. To me envy is quite close to coveting so for this sin I give God full marks. I think he envied man’s ability to reproduce and shamed us with his bestiality with a human female. This bestiality I admit is more spiritual than physical although how we can remove all the physical is a mental headache.

Gluttony. For this, God gets a pass.

So the total sins that Christians would see is 0 sin factor and God would pass all criteria with flying colors.

I see God at a horrible 5 ½ sin factor out of 7 and a clear fail.

There is no arguing with Christians on this and I know this because of this phenomenon.

I would just like to ask any kind Christian out there to please give an argument refuting my obviously wrong arguments showing that God is a sinner just so others will see how wrong I am. Please correct me as God lovingly would.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

I think your speaking from a perspective of a human, which has limited scope of reality.

How and why can you speak for what god does or does not do?

All over the world there is differing ideas of what god does, or is. There is no knowing what he is in respect to these sins.

If you do not know everything on earth or every secret man has, how can you know what is above us all?
I think your speaking from a perspective of a human, which has limited scope of reality.

How and why can you speak for what god does or does not do?

All over the world there is differing ideas of what god does, or is. There is no knowing what he is in respect to these sins.

If you do not know everything on earth or every secret man has, how can you know what is above us all?


How do you know that there is anything above us all when "speaking from a perspective of a human, which has limited scope of reality" ?

How and why can you speak against my notios from your lowly position?

How many of the 7 deadly sins does God do and is that ok with Christians?

God seems to have broken many of the 10 commandments and Christians are quick to forgive him for then. They tend to say that God made those for mankind to keep and that since God owns us, he does not have to do as he tells us to do.

Do as I say and not as I do from their lawmaker seems to be ok for most Christians although to give some few credit, they say they would not tolerate that trait in anyone else. Rather a double standard but this is God after all and he needs some concessions.

I was wondering if that attitude and free pass was transferrable to the 7 deadly sins or if Christians could accurately judge God on them even if they would exonerate him for those as well. Just because he is God.

The sins are as follows. Wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.

Wrath. God definitely has a wrath problem and his temper and killing ability is quite well known. When Christians get to hell they will note the many children and babies who have felt God’s killing wrath.

Greed. I would say that God is quite greedy as he will destroy any soul who does not kowtow to him. He is not greedy for money but I think it is fair to substitute money for souls here.

Sloth. I would say that God has a lot of slough. I do not see him doing much of anything at all and this indicates laziness with is a synonym for sloth.

Pride. Scriptures do show God having pride. The bible has God saying he is well pleased with Jesus and as a part of the Trinity we cannot put anyone before him then we can see that that is a lot of pride.

Lust. I am not sure about. I would say that when a man covets another man’s woman for reproductive reasons that coveting and lust are quite close and we do know that God coveted another man’s woman so I will give God only half marks on lust.

Envy. To me envy is quite close to coveting so for this sin I give God full marks. I think he envied man’s ability to reproduce and shamed us with his bestiality with a human female. This bestiality I admit is more spiritual than physical although how we can remove all the physical is a mental headache.

Gluttony. For this, God gets a pass.

So the total sins that Christians would see is 0 sin factor and God would pass all criteria with flying colors.

I see God at a horrible 5 ½ sin factor out of 7 and a clear fail.

There is no arguing with Christians on this and I know this because of this phenomenon.

I would just like to ask any kind Christian out there to please give an argument refuting my obviously wrong arguments showing that God is a sinner just so others will see how wrong I am. Please correct me as God lovingly would.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.


Basically your essential problem is that you envy god.
Iow there is an eternal constitutional difference between god and the living entity regarding power capacity and function and you have difficulty dealing with your own innate limited nature.

Even though you create so many posts and spam them over several discussion forums you consistently fail to understand that it's not relevant to discuss god in accordance to rules and regulations devised for living entities struggling in material existence.
Iow a lot of the moral frameworks we work with are devised because we cannot create life or guide it to a new situation after death or access sufficient knowledge to act for the greater good of all living entities. Iow our lives involve negotiating one state of ignorance to another in a world that can undo us at literally any moment.
God is not like that and as such it's absurd to discuss such topics in this manner.
Then go away and let the more intelligent do so.

BTW, I cannot and do not envy a genocidal son murdering God/myth who is depicted as such a prick.

Then go away and let the more intelligent do so.

BTW, I cannot and do not envy a genocidal son murdering God/myth who is depicted as such a prick.

And that's the point : one only becoms a genocidal prick if one goes about killing people while bereft of the power to create them in their current position and transfer them to another one after death.
Iow what is a moral transgression for us is simply an act of relocation for god.
Because you can't come to terms with your own innate limited nature, you think to constantly and repeatedly discuss god in such a manner is a function of intelligence but it's simply envy.

The only way for god to become a genocidal prick is if someone like you attempts to act like him. If you do however you will end up in jail so I guess you have no alternative than to air your views over a dozen forums as some sort of cathartic release for your malignant nature.
Just like we can't discuss nature from the human perspective, we can't judge 'God' as the Christians understand or (since this topic is about the Christian God), "judge" it with our limited sense of reality, fairness, or anything the like. To begin with, it is beyond our understandment and the interpretations we have of fairness and justice, are made according to something we know/live that is the human experience, just loony religious people and fundamentalist spiritualistic people 'feel' God, and that hinders an skeptical analysis of "God" exactly.
How many of the 7 deadly sins does God do and is that ok with Christians?

God seems to have broken many of the 10 commandments and Christians are quick to forgive him for then. They tend to say that God made those for mankind to keep and that since God owns us, he does not have to do as he tells us to do.

Do as I say and not as I do from their lawmaker seems to be ok for most Christians although to give some few credit, they say they would not tolerate that trait in anyone else. Rather a double standard but this is God after all and he needs some concessions.

Mr. Greatest I am, again I ask, why must you constantly Post threads attacking a fictional Deity that you obviously fail to believe in or have any respect for?

I was wondering if that attitude and free pass was transferrable to the 7 deadly sins or if Christians could accurately judge God on them even if they would exonerate him for those as well. Just because he is God.

Again, evidently you still fail to think before you type, or read what you type before you Post.

The sins are as follows. Wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.

Wrath. God definitely has a wrath problem and his temper and killing ability is quite well known. When Christians get to hell they will note the many children and babies who have felt God’s killing wrath.

Mr. Greatest I Am, what possible evidence do you have to offer as proof that "When Christians get to hell they will note the many children and babies who have felt God’s killing wrath." ?

Greed. I would say that God is quite greedy as he will destroy any soul who does not kowtow to him. He is not greedy for money but I think it is fair to substitute money for souls here.

Sloth. I would say that God has a lot of slough. I do not see him doing much of anything at all and this indicates laziness with is a synonym for sloth.

Again, evidently you still fail to think before you type, or read what you type before you Post.
The words "sloth" and "slough" are two completely different words and are in no way interchangeable!

Pride. Scriptures do show God having pride. The bible has God saying he is well pleased with Jesus and as a part of the Trinity we cannot put anyone before him then we can see that that is a lot of pride.

Lust. I am not sure about. I would say that when a man covets another man’s woman for reproductive reasons that coveting and lust are quite close and we do know that God coveted another man’s woman so I will give God only half marks on lust.

Envy. To me envy is quite close to coveting so for this sin I give God full marks. I think he envied man’s ability to reproduce and shamed us with his bestiality with a human female. This bestiality I admit is more spiritual than physical although how we can remove all the physical is a mental headache.

Gluttony. For this, God gets a pass.

So the total sins that Christians would see is 0 sin factor and God would pass all criteria with flying colors.

I see God at a horrible 5 ½ sin factor out of 7 and a clear fail.

The only other person that I have ever heard to have claimed to have see(n) God, was another fictional character - and that was only after he supposedly "...played Black Sabbath at 78 speed..."!

There is no arguing with Christians on this and I know this because of this phenomenon.

Forget Christians - but "there is no arguing with" Mr. Greatest I Am - and there is ample concrete evidence and proof of that in the myriad of Threads on these Forums!

I would just like to ask any kind Christian out there to please give an argument refuting my obviously wrong arguments showing that God is a sinner just so others will see how wrong I am. Please correct me as God lovingly would.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

Why ask for something that you will probably fail to read, let alone seriously consider?

At any rate, anyone who has read or will read any of your Posts has already seen or will immediately see just how wrong you truly are!


Again, you constantly use the ^^above^^ sign-off, when clearly you have no regards for anyone else's views but your own!

Mr. Greatest I Am, does the "DL" possibly allude to "Doesn't Listen" or "Don't listen"?

How do you know that there is anything above us all when "speaking from a perspective of a human, which has limited scope of reality" ?

How and why can you speak against my notios from your lowly position?


Mr. Greatest I Am, thank you for immediately offering proof of my above Post!

And what may I ask are "notios"?

BTW, are any and all other Posters only "...speak(ers) from lowly position(s)"?
And that's the point : one only becoms a genocidal prick if one goes about killing people while bereft of the power to create them in their current position and transfer them to another one after death.
Iow what is a moral transgression for us is simply an act of relocation for god.
Because you can't come to terms with your own innate limited nature, you think to constantly and repeatedly discuss god in such a manner is a function of intelligence but it's simply envy.

The only way for god to become a genocidal prick is if someone like you attempts to act like him. If you do however you will end up in jail so I guess you have no alternative than to air your views over a dozen forums as some sort of cathartic release for your malignant nature.

Thanks for the psychobabble. Are you done or do you wish to continue making a fool of yourself?

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

Then go away and let the more intelligent do so.

Mr. Greatest I Am(Doesn't Listen), no matter how low you would deign to set the cutoff between the "go away(s)" and the "more intelligent(sic)", it would seem that you would obviously fail to be able to discuss said topics or even participate in any discussions on these Forums.

BTW, I cannot and do not envy a genocidal son murdering God/myth who is depicted as such a prick.

If the ^^above^^ statement is true, then why are you constantly Posting Threads trying to extol your elevation above the, as you claim, "genocidal son murdering God/myth who is depicted as such a prick"?
Thanks for the psychobabble. Are you done or do you wish to continue making a fool of yourself?

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

Mr. Greatest I Am(Doesn't Listen), how fitting that you would use that quote. Since all of your Posts on these Forums only pertain to the discussion of one single person (Deity).

Although you sometimes discuss the myriad ways in which one person, (Mr. Greatest I Am), is so much more ascended than all other people!

Also, you are quick to point out how much disdain you have for any and all people who do not immediately accept and adopt your aberrant beliefs!

So...yes, Mr. Greatest I Am, Eleanor Roosevelt was most likely describing those of your ilk when she mentioned the "small minds" in the statement of hers that you quoted!

Anyone who uses the word God in a literal nom-mythical sense, has judge that there is one.

Yes but of course that there is a Concept of God, that is not mythical, the concept exists, but the God itself we have not received any kind of evidence --just don't come with that "Oh! The fact you exist is enough proof" bullshit-- to further assume it is factual. And that's what i mean whenever i say "God" unless i specifically point to a Deity or another (as i have done here).

Point made, the Christian God speaks thru the Bible and just with that, He is not commiting any kind of sin and, is the exact opposite of that. Don't get me wrong here, i'm atheist, but as i have studied the Bible a bit, i can say a thing or two, you may take this things i say as my humble opinion.

And the fact that the Bible is misunderstood, at best, it just can't be discussed on such terms, as it will always lead to personal assumption and that cripples any kind of argumentation on the subject. Being straight and cruel, the people who have judged God factual, read the Bible, do not understand it, and then, take simplistic assumptions and, judge their own deity according to the human experience, maybe even forgeting the very concept of "God". Leading to even more misunderstandment and confusion.

I do not have the need for belief or deity or religion or anything, but there are people who have that, and they misconcept their own religion every now and again.

No argument. This guy initially come up with a better view of God and explains why we should not idol worship, --- but then ends with himself being an idol worshipper of his Godinabook.

Not bad poetry though.

You correctly say you have no need for a deity, and neither do I, but in a sense, we all have a God, --- but should think of that God as the ideal man. Not a flying man in the sky.

I will never worship, or take as my idol, a man. Or even the idea of the ideal man, as it would be, in my view, flaw and too open to narcisism and subjectivity.
I am not saying here that you are wrong here if you do so. But i couldn't function with such an idea.
The only thing i can do is admire nature, and only. As it is the only thing that gets close to perfection, you may say it is silly, humanistic, stupid, you may say whatever, but nothing goes far from the standards of nature. Sounding silly right? Yea, that's me. I'm silly.
I will never worship, or take as my idol, a man. Or even the idea of the ideal man, as it would be, in my view, flaw and too open to narcisism and subjectivity.
I am not saying here that you are wrong here if you do so. But i couldn't function with such an idea.
The only thing i can do is admire nature, and only. As it is the only thing that gets close to perfection, you may say it is silly, humanistic, stupid, you may say whatever, but nothing goes far from the standards of nature. Sounding silly right? Yea, that's me. I'm silly.

Dazz, I cannot disagree with any of your Posts in this Thread. You sound like a rational and logical person who actually thinks prior to typing and Posting! Key word being "Prior"!
More than glad to "meet" your acquaintance!

I can't/won't speak for anyone else, but your ideas/views/beliefs are not, in any way, the least bit silly to me (make sure you read my moniker!).
