How many Gods are there in the Bible?

Ivan Seeking

Registered Senior Member
Is there more than one?

A jealous God. A loving God. A vengeful God. A forgiving God. A happy God. An angry God. A just God. A wrathful God.

How can a deity be so emotional?
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Is there more than one?

A jealous God. A loving God. A vengeful God. A forgiving God. A happy God. An angry God. A just God. A wrathful God.

How can a deity be so emotional?

There is also a repentant god and a deceiving god. Oddly enough, the god of the bible bears a strong resemblance to man. How did that happen? :rolleyes:
Re: Re: How many Gods are there in the Bible?

Originally posted by Nehushta
There is also a repentant god and a deceiving god. Oddly enough, the god of the bible bears a strong resemblance to man. How did that happen?
M*W: My, my, aren't we perceptive?
Gen 1:27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

I guess it would make sense from that if god did sound a bit like man or vice versa.

As far as the different aspects go; If god is the begining and end of all things, all powerful and all knowing, it woud only make sense for that god to be capable of emotion.
Originally posted by Mephura
Gen 1:27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

I guess it would make sense from that if god did sound a bit like man or vice versa.

It would also make sense if man created God in his image, don't you think?
Either way works.
Personally, I think the whole thing is silly. Just giving you a reason why it could be. I mean if you are going to use the bible for the question, it makes sense to look there for the answer, especially if its a question on the god it proposes.
Originally posted by Mephura
Gen 1:27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
M*W: Most people think this verse refers to the start of the creation of the human race, but it doesn't. It refers to the finally perfected human being in the last days of creation which we are now in.
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
How could God be jealous? This contradicts the notion of omnipotence.

it does and it doesn't. It depends on how you define god. The idea of him not being able to be jealous would also contradict the notion.

I wasn't going to ask.
Originally posted by Mephura
it does and it doesn't. It depends on how you define god. The idea of him not being able to be jealous would also contradict the notion.

I wasn't going to ask.

LOL! I did fall into that one didn't I?

These emotions are seen as faults and frailties in humans - antithetical to our hopeless but continuing effort to be like Christ. The words connote a God that is vulnerable. This is inconsistent with both omnipotence and omniscience.
Like I said, it all depends on the definition. It's possible for it to work, but most people wouldn't like it that way.
A jealous God. A loving God. A vengeful God. A forgiving God. A happy God. An angry God. A just God. A wrathful God.

How can a deity be so emotional?
He's also the the confusing little god that swears to......God....he's not a god of confusion.

Its eaiser if you think of God in high heels with a pink "Baby Phat" t-shirt on.....damn women.

As far as the different aspects go; If god is the begining and end of all things, all powerful and all knowing, it woud only make sense for that god to be capable of emotion.

One only wonders how it is that something powerful enough to tame a chotic universe could in any way be jealous of gilded goats and oxen. Unless of course the scribe that wrote about it was insane enough to think it up and dupe the world with it.

Right Medicine Woman? Tell us about those silly willy Xians.
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Originally posted by gendanken

One only wonders how it is that something powerful enough to tame a chotic universe could in any way be jealous of gilded goats and oxen. Unless of course the scribe that wrote about it was insane enough to think it up and dupe the world with it.

It can make sense, believe it or not. Expecially if you take into account the way the jewish (or should I say hebrew) mind works. Interesting stuff that. Perhaps I should start a new thread on it.
Perhaps I should start a new thread on it.
Don't bother.

The point is that only a tighatassed little Hebrew mind could come up with this shit. Finito.
if you say so. I think I will though. You won't recognize it when i do though.
<i><b>How can a deity be so emotional?</b></i>
If we were to try to explain God, we would have to explain him using human language. Because of this we use words such as Jealous that connotate that God is the only one we should worship. Often times the words such as anger mean something different when applied to God where there is no inquity. Thus the anger of God is always righteous and always loving all at the same time.
Wait, correct me if I am wrong but arent those emotions all from the same God? Just talking about the different emotions he goes through?
Originally posted by gendanken

He's also the the confusing little god that swears to......God....he's not a god of confusion.

Its eaiser if you think of God in high heels with a pink "Baby Phat" t-shirt on.....damn women.


One only wonders how it is that something powerful enough to tame a chotic universe could in any way be jealous of gilded goats and oxen. Unless of course the scribe that wrote about it was insane enough to think it up and dupe the world with it.

Right Medicine Woman? Tell us about those silly willy Xians.
M*W: I like your idea of "God in high heels with a pink "Baby Phat" t-shirt on....". I'd like to add that I also see Her dried-out teased bleached blonde split-ended hair with black roots, in day-old make-up on Her old smoke-wrinkled face, heavy on the black eye-shadow and extra-long mascara, wearing blue jeans so tight they look spray-painted on, talking in that deep raspy smoker's voice with a cigarette hanging out of Her mouth, and in Her hand a longneck bottle of Lone Star beer, twisting Her double-wide ass down the street flirting with every pair of balls She sees. She is the Goddess of Confusion.