You people are so dooms day. I read this stuff and have to laugh. Yet again, it reminds me of the “Asian Tiger”. Japan is going to take over the world! Over and over millions pile money into Japan. Zillions of books on the
Tiger Economy. Just in Time Delivery. This and That. One day, poof Japan’s economy burns out. A few investors take nose dives off their office buildings. Now it bla bla bla China is going to take over the world. Mars is going to take over Earth – hurry . . . run for cover!! Anal probing Martians are invading!!
And thus it starts all over again.
When Roma “fell” and the German Empire (also called the Holy Roman Empire) arose. Did things dramatically change for most Romans. No. Life was actually a bit better for them. Did the sky darken and the apocalypse ensue? When did the English Empire fall? Let’s see, if you count America as and independent yet successful colony I guess it hasn’t. The house of power shifted. Reminds me of Roma and Constantine.
The real answer is anything is possible.
An example: One serious and deadly epidemic in China and their huge population is no longer an asset and is now a
liability and thus their economy is toast. History says China produces most (not all) most coronavirus and influenza virus. Serious epidemics occur every 150 yrs or so. Ergo, China most likely will suffer from a serious epidemic devastating its economy in the next hundred years. Australians made an excellent virus that targets the reproductions system of mice. It doesn’t kill the host - just destroys any possibility of it ever reproducing. The biological leap from mice to humans is a very small one indeed. All we need is one nut-ball to develop a similar virus for humans and there goes XX% of the population.
Recently Japanese, Korean and German company’s together patented blue laser DVDs. I wonder why China didn’t? What was the last great Chinese technological advancement? Paper I think. Singapore has an excellent economy – where are their huge advancements over the USA? There aren’t any. We’re losing our technology? How do you lose technology? It’s evolving and we’re not losing it – America is on the cutting edge.
So what can we predict. Keeping in mind that in 1987 Tiger Economy is the
IN thing 1992 Tiger Economy is the
OUT thing. These are people who spent their lives dedicated to predicting economies and could they predict 5 little years into the future? Nope. Expecting people to predict 25 even 100 years into the future with any accuracy? I think as you read the response posts its all either peoples wishful thinking or peoples fears.
But if you think you can predict the future. Just tell me the currency ratio of the US dollar Yen, Euro, and Sterling in December this year (a mere 6 months).
Come on. I see this GDP that GDP this prediction based on that economy. Well lay it down. Give me the predicted ratios. How about up down up down?
Thought so.
There’s a possibility the world have a single government in 100 years and people live like kings (or people live like slaves). There’s a possibility the world will have no government and corporations rule with people living like kings (or people live like slaves). There’s any number of possibilities. 15 years ago this forum would have went rambling on about Japan without a hint of China. Now it’s China without a hit of Africa. A friend of mine was telling me in 50 years the Middle East will have booted Israel, united and control the new Islamic world. Bwaahhaahha
Anything is possible.
I personally like this view of America in the near future:
Snow Crash